Victory over Sin: Lessons from the Life of Jesus

Applying the Word to our Lives

Psalm 1:1-6

How important is the Bible to us in living victorious Christian lives? As believers, we probably underestimate this one area more than any other. We see the need for obedience (though we might not like it). We understand why we must be filled with God’s Spirit. The Bible, though, is just a collection of sayings by some ancient men. It’s nice to study to learn about God and about history, but it really doesn’t have anything to say to me today. Or does it? One of the resources Jesus used to overcome temptation was God’s Word. For us to find victory in our lives demands that we understand and utilize the power of God’s Word. Here’s how.

I. God’s Word Teaches Us Discernment.

1How happy is the man who does not follow

II. God’s Word Satisfies Us.

2Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction

III. God’s Word Proves to Us the Blessing of Obedience.

3He is like a tree planted beside streams of water

Πoιηταί Λόγου

(Doers of the Word)

Monday Who and what influences you? That’s an important question because the influences in our lives then determine our direction. We don’t like getting down to this detail because our flesh (pride) says that we can do what we please. We also claim freedom in Christ as a scapegoat for all kinds of bad behavior and choices. But let’s be honest – the books we read, the music we listen to, the friends we have, and the TV programs we watch all influence us. And when our minds are shaped by these things, we then act upon them. Jesus let the Word fill His mind and heart so that He could make the right decisions. Read over Psalm 1 again and notice the positive and negative influences in our lives.

Tuesday Some decisions are easy to make, but other decisions require real discernment. This fact is especially true when it comes to deception. Satan is the master deceiver. He is called the father of lies (John 8:44) and the deceiver (Eph 6:11; Rev 12:9). It’s how he caused Eve to fall and ultimately all of humanity. God’s Word protects us from deception, because the fact is, we all are easily deceived. Read Psalm 119:9-16 to see how God’s Word protects us.

Wednesday Have you seen the Arby’s commercials advertising their gyro sandwiches (the guy’s voice drives me nuts)? The underlying point of the commercial is that the sandwiches only temporarily satisfy, then they are gone. That’s the world. When you go after the things of the world, it satisfies for a while but then it’s gone. God’s Word satisfies us completely. The word delight is an interesting word. It means to bend toward something. The idea is that we are drawn toward God’s word because is truly satisfies. That’s delight. Read Psalm 37:1-9 for a better understanding of the blessing of delight. It’s better than a sandwich!

Thursday One of the keys to living a victorious Christian life is obedience. But obedience is much more than just obeying because of the fear of consequences or out of sheer constraint. We obey because we know its benefits. Read Psalm 1:3 for today. Mediate on the idea that a tree planted means that its roots go deep – that’s obedience. But the result is incredible blessing. Then ask yourself, “Am I being blessed like verse 3?” Choose to be obedient to God’s Word.

Friday One of the things that disturbs us as believers is that it seems that the unrighteous prosper and the righteous suffer. That’s one of the reasons that we are so easily swayed by the world. Look, however, at their end – read Psalm 1:4-5 and compare these verses with 1:6. We get caught up in the temporal issues of life – money, success, and recognition. These things, though, do not bring genuine satisfaction. And the end result needs to be considered. What’s your end going to be?

Saturday As we meditate on God’s Word, we realize that it leads us to satisfaction and to worship. Don’t let worship become an activity for you. Make it a priority that flows out of your love for God and what you see worship doing. Read Psalm 61:1 and remind yourself of the blessing and priority of worship in your life.