Worker Recruitment & Selection Policy
23rd February 2016
Version 2
Date for Renewal: February 2017
Worker Recruitment &Selection Policy
Posts will be recruited through open public advertisement according to the policy and procedure described here, unless otherwise authorised by the Board of Trustees.
Salford CVS champions technical, practical and vocational education, which we believe should be valued equally with academic forms of learning. People learn in different ways at different times of their lives and careers. Learning by doing has a huge part to play in people's lives.
1.Job description and person specification
(a) Job descriptions and person specifications are necessary for all posts and must be approved by the Chief Executive. There is a standard format for each (see enclosed models).
(b) Where recruitment is to fill an existing post, the role and purposes of the post will first be reviewed. This is the opportunity to update the job description and person specification.
(a) Content
Usuallyadvertisements will include:
- Salford CVS logo (and funder’s logo, if applicable)
- job title
- contractual arrangements e.g. permanent / fixed term
- salary range and pension information
- main job role
- application deadline
- interview date
- email contact details to obtain application packs
- access & equality statement
- CVS charity and company numbers.
(b) Media
Text of advertisements must be agreed by the Chief Executive.
- Advertisements must be placed in media with sufficient breadth of audience to ensure that our vacancies are advertised to a diverse labour market and that particular groups are not excluded.
- Where appropriate, the Chief Executive may approve the use of lawful exemptions to recruit someone with a particular Protected Characteristic, for example, where the job can only be done by a woman. The advertisement should specify the exemption that applies. ensure
- The costs of advertisements and availability of funding will be factors in decisions for individual posts.
Usually the standard placements for advertisements will be:
- Online at The Guardian(not Administrative Worker posts)
- Via online networks (GMCVO, Chief Executives Group)
- Universal Job Match
- CVS E-Bulletins
Other placements may include:
- The Manchester Evening News
- The Big Issue
- Specialist media, online and in print, for minority communities
- Other specialist publications relevant to the particular post.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, and will be subject to review (see below).
(c) Monitoring
Data from the equal opportunities monitoring form from the application pack, will be collected and analysed after each recruitment campaign: (i) the number of enquirers from different advertising sources, (ii) the number of applicantsfrom different advertising sources and the breakdown of applicants by gender, ethnicity etc. will be recorded.
The same data will be recorded forshort listed candidates and thedata will be used for the purpose of reviewing the mix of candidates and making any necessary changes to future advertising strategy.
3.Job application packs
(a) Prospective applicants will be emailed application packswhich will include the following items:
Cover letter
Job description
Person specification
Application form, including personal information and references sheet
Equal opportunities monitoring sheet
Summary of terms and conditions of employment
Other specific job information (if applicable)
Backgroundinformation about Salford CVS
(b)Application packs will be made available on request in alternative formats, where reasonable and practical. To ensure consistency in responses to requests, the Chief Executive should give approval in all individual cases.
4.Forming a panel
(a)Panel members from Salford CVS – trustees or staff – will in all cases receive initial briefing and trainingin Salford CVS recruitment and selection policy and practice and any relevant legal requirements.
(b)Recruitment and selection panels will usually consist of three people, including a Salford CVS Chief Executive / Deputy Chief Executive or (or other specifically delegated and trained member of staff). For Senior Management positions a member of the Board of Trustees should be on the panel.
Panels will usually include the supervising member of staff for the post (where not the Chief Executive). This may require extending the panel membership to four people. Where possible the third (or fourth) member of panels will be selected to contribute additional relevant experience of the job area, and may be external to the CVS. We aim to include representation from both genders on the panel.
Panel members will be expected to shortlist and interview candidates, where this is not possible, e.g. due to sickness, the Chief Executive will agree alternative arrangements.
5.Submission of applications
Closing time for job applications will usually be 12 Noon on the closing day of the application period. No applications will be accepted after the closing time and date. Applications will be accepted by email. In some circumstances job applications may be made in alternative formats. This must be agreed in advance in order to allow the CVS time to adapt the short listing process as necessary.
6.Short listing
(a)Members of the panel should declare an interest at any point if they identify candidates personally known to them. If panel members have any doubt about a possible conflict of interest they should consult the chair of the panel (or the CVS Chair, or Chief Executiveif necessary).
(b)Panels will usually meet to short list candidates. The chair of the panel should be chosen at this stage. External members will not chair panels. In exceptional circumstances panel members may short list independently outside a meeting. In any such case the process for reconciling individual panel members’ judgements on candidates’ applications must be agreed in advance.
(c)Using the agreed scoring criteria, short listing will be conducted against the person specification for the post, and suitable, agreed candidates will be short listed. Usually candidates will be interviewed on the same day, and this may be a factor in the number of candidates short listed.
(d)The panel will then have access to copies of any candidates’ personal information sheet (previously separated from applications) describing disability or health issues which may affect their performance in the selection process. Where this describes a factor relevant to the written application, the individual’s application will be re-considered. If by this process either (i) a candidate is identified who met the person specification but was not short listed or (ii) a candidate did not meet the person specification for reasons which can be attributed to a specific factor relating to health or disability, the panel will consider adding the individual to the short list.
(e)If no candidate meets the person specification, none will be short listed.
(f)Written records of panel members’ judgements of individual applications against the person specification, and the panel’s agreed reasons for short listing decisions, including agreed feedback, will be collected and retained by the Chief Executive (see below under Interview and Selection).
(g)The panel will decide on any additional assessment to accompany the selection interview (e.g. prepared presentation, tests relating to PC use, etc). The panel willneed to agreethe interview questions. This may be at the short listing meeting, or later. In all cases questions will be designed solely to identify skills, knowledge and experience relevant to the post. All candidates will be asked the same questions, with the option to pre-agree specific additional questions to individual candidates consistent with identifying how the individual meets the person specification.
(h)There is the option to invite candidates to arrive early to view the CVS offices, see the relevant working space for the post, and to meet prospective colleagues. This is a matter for the panel to decide.
(j)Short listed candidates will be notified in writing. If time is short candidates may also be contacted by phone. Usually candidates should be told how many panel members there will be. Any additional assessment activity forming part of the selection process must be described. Candidates will be told that travel claims at the public transport rate will be met. Any identified requirements of candidates on disability or health grounds, relating to attendance at interview, should be addressed at this stage.
7.Interview and selection
(a)Practical arrangements for interview and selection days will be the responsibility of the Deputy Chief Executive (Finance & Resources).
(b)Usuallypanel interviews will last up to 60 minutes. The chair will introduce panel members, and explain the interview process.
(c) Recording sheets for each candidate will be provided to panel members. Main points from candidates’ answers(and from any presentation to the panel) should be recorded. Recording numerical scoresforcandidates’ answers is not a requirement, but individual panel members do need to(i) adopt a consistent approach for all candidates and (ii) make a written record sufficient to highlight significant strengths or weaknesses in individual candidate responses to questions.
(d)When all candidates have been interviewed, the panel will make a decision on the same day. Where there is a consensus that individual candidates are weaker than others and will not be considered further, the reasons for the decision should be recorded. Discussion of stronger candidates will usually lead to identifying one candidate to be offered the post. The stronger candidates should be placed in an agreed order, and a decision taken as to whether a second (or further) candidate is also judged as ‘appointable’. Reasons for the decisions should be recorded. If the top candidate subsequently declines the offer (see also below under References) the job offer may be made to the next ranked appointable candidate.
Job applicants should not be asked questions which might suggest an intention to discriminate on grounds of a Protected Characteristic. For example, applicants should not be asked whether they are pregnant or planning to have children.
(e)Job applicants should not be asked about health or disability before a job offer is made. There are limited exceptions which should only be used with the approval of The Chief Executive. For example:
(a) Questions necessary to establish if an applicant can perform an intrinsic part of the job (subject to any reasonable adjustments).
(b) Questions to establish if an applicant is fit to attend an assessment or any reasonable adjustments that may be needed at interview or assessment.
(c) Positive action to recruit disabled persons.
(d) Equal opportunities monitoring (which will not form part of the selection or decision-making process).
(f)Where necessary, job offers can be made conditional on a satisfactory medical check.
(g)We are required by law to ensure that all employees are entitled to work in the UK. Assumptions about immigration status should not be made based on appearance or apparent nationality. All prospective employees, regardless of nationality, must be able to produce original documents (such as a passport) before employment starts, to satisfy current immigration legislation. The list of acceptable documents is available from UK Visas and Immigration
(h)The recording sheets, and any other summary of judgements on individual candidates, will be collected by the Deputy Chief Executive (Finance & Resources) for retention.
8.Making a job offer
(a)The Chair willusually phonethe candidateto be offered the job on the same day as the interview. This should be explained at the interview, and the chair should check the phone number at which candidates can be contacted later on the interview day.
(b)The oral offer of the appointment will be subject to receipt of satisfactory references. The candidate will be asked to confirm that they are prepared in principle to accept the offer. The job offer will then be put in writing. It will include the proposed salary point within the advertised grade and starting date for employment and that the offer is subject to a pre agreed probationary period, or will identify the issues for further discussion.
The written offer must repeat that the offer of appointment is subject to receipt of satisfactory references. The candidate will be asked to confirm acceptance of the post in writing.
(a)References will be taken up only after offer of appointment. Two written references are required, one from the current or most recent employer.
(b)Usually satisfactory references must be received and approved by the Chief Executivebefore the individual starts work. Where, exceptionally, it is not practical to receive references before employment starts the CVS Chair must be consulted, and the appointment will remain subject to receipt of satisfactory written references which should be made clear in writing to the employee.
10.Pre-employment action for new appointees
a)Contact between the new employee and the Chief Executive (or other supervising member of staff) may be useful before the start date, for the purposes of background briefing, or other issues around starting employment. This depends on individual circumstances. Other CVS staff should be informed of the individual’s appointment as soon as possible. The work space of the new employee should be cleared of any irrelevant papers, files, equipment etc. ready for their arrival.
11.Follow-up action for other candidates
(a)Applicants who have been unsuccessful will receive written confirmation of that outcome. In the case of applicants who were not short listed, this should be a simple and brief letter of acknowledgement.
(b)The panel to decide to telephone the unsuccessful interviewees on the day of interviews, once the job offer has been made and orally accepted by another candidate. This has the advantage of giving all candidates a quick decision, and of enabling the chair of the panel to give any feedback.
Unsuccessful candidates who were short listed and interviewed and have not received a telephone call should receive individual letters, giving a brief statement about the outcome, and thanking them for their application. They should be invited to contact the Chief Executiveor the chair of the panel for any further feedback.
12.Archive of recruitment and selection process
Copies of advertisement texts, a full set of the job application pack, all application forms, all personal information forms, and written records of the short listing and interview day decisions from the panel, will be retained by the Deputy Chief Executive (Finance & Resources). They will be held in the archives for 6 months. This is to preserve evidence which would be relevant in the case of any claim in the Employment Tribunal or County Court, and to comply with Data Protection requirements not to hold personal data for any longer than necessary.
January 2016
[Standard forms & letters]
P:\Shared Documents\All Other Policies and Procedures\Recruitment and Selection Policy February 2016.doc