Sub-project: Dak Song 110 kV substation and branch line










Da Nang, 14 April 2012



Add: 4 floor - 78A Duy Tan, Da Nang city
Tel: 0511.2211330; Fax: 0511.3633886







Made by: Nguyen Thanh Phong

Review by: Nguyen Dinh Cong

Da Nang, 14 April2012


Le Nam Hai




2.1. Vietnamese Legislations:


3.1 Subproject Objectives:

3.2. Subproject Location:

3.3. Subproject Management Organizations:

3.4. Subproject Components:

3.4.1. Dak Song 110kV Branch Line:

3.4.2. Dak Song 110kV Substation:

3.4.3. Scope of the Subproject:

3.4.4. Volume of the Main Work

3.5. Main Works Before and During Construction Phase, and Transportation

3.5.1. Main Works Before and During Construction Phase

3.5.2. Means for Transportation of Construction Materials and Equipment

3.6. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment Capital

3.6.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule

3.6.2. Total Investment Capital of the subproject


4.1. Geographical Area

4.2. Climate, Topography and Pedology

4.4. Traffic system



6.1. Mitigation Measures

6.2. Environmental monitoring


7.1. Responsibility for implementing the Environmental Management Plan

7.2. Capacity building for EMP implementation:

7.3. Reporting procedures

7.4. Total estimated costs for EMP implementation


ANNEXE 1: TOR for Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC)

Annex 2: Sample for supervision report on EMP implementation

Annex 3: Sample for supervison report on EMP implementation

Annex 4: Summary of environmental consultation


Report on Environmental Management Plan Page1

Sub-project: Dak Song 110 kV substation and branch line



Abbreviation / Full descriptions
CPC / Central Power Corporation
CSC / Construction Supervision Consultant
DEP / Distribution EfficiencyProject
DPs / Displaced Persons
ECOP / Environmental Codes of Practice
EIA / Environmental Impact Assessment
EMF / Environmental ManagementFramework
EMP / Environmental Management Plan
EVN / Vietnam Electricity
HHS / Households
Km / Kilometre
kVA / Kilovolt Ampere
MVA / Megavolt Ampere
NPMU / Central Power Network Project Management Unit
PAHs / Project Affected Households
PPC / Provincial People’s Committee
PPs / Project Affected Persons
ROW / Right of Way
SEMP / Site Environmental Management Plan
SSs/s / Substation
TL / Transmission Line (branch line)
TOR / Terms of Reference
WB / World Bank


Dak Song 110KV substation and branch line are located in Duc An townlet, Dak Song district, Dak Nong province. The 110kV substation is located near the T-junction of Highway No14 to Dak N'Drung commune, far away from Highway No14 to the east about 100 meters (on the right side of Highway No14 in the direction away from Dak Lak to Ho Chi Minh City). This location is consistent with the local general plan that has been approved by Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee.Analysis of the existing power sources and power grid shows that that they would not meet the load demand in the coming years.Therefore, it is necessary to invest inbuildingsome 110 kV substations, including Dak Song 110kV substation and branch line to provide load for the area of Dak Song district in particular, and Dak Nong province in general. Reorganizing the need to implement the subproject, Dak Nong province has requested the World Bank (WB) to finance the sub-project of “Dak Song 110kV Substation and Branch Line”. This is one of sub-projects to be carried out in phase 1 of the Distribution Effective Project (DEP) of the Energy of Vietnam (EVN) funded by the WB. The subproject will be implemented in the area of Dak Song district, Dak Nong province.

Thesubprojectactivitiesinclude:i) Construction of an 110/22KV substation; ii) construction of thecontrolhouse, distribution system, and theshifting house of the substation; andiii) new construction of a double-circuit 110KV branch line of 900m long. These activitiescan causenegativeimpactson the environment andlocal communities during pre-construction, construction, andoperation.

In order to ensure thatpotentialnegative impactscan be identifiedand during the preparation and mitigatedduring the subprojectimplementation process andthat the subproject complies with the Environmental AssessmentPolicy OP/ BP4:01) ofthe World Bank. An Environmental ManagementPlan(EMP)of the sub-project that follows the guidance provided in the Environmental ManagementFramework(EMF) of the DEP project has been prepared. This EMP includes: the sub-project description, policy framework, applied environmental technological standards and regulation, potential negative impacts, proposed mitigation measures implemented during pre-construction, construction andoperation,implementation arrangement ofEMPand budget. The EMP willbe incorporatedintotenderdocumentsand contracts, alongwithenvironmental monitoring and supervision.

Under the government environmental impact assessment regulation the subproject needs to prepare an environmental impactassessment(EIA) report. The EIA of the subproject of “Dak Song 110kV Substation and Branch Line” was approved by Dak Nong Provincial People Committee under Decision………..


2.1. Vietnamese Legislations:

The following Vietnamese Legislations are applicable to the subproject:

- Environment Protection Law 52/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly dated on November 29th, 2005 regulating responsibilities of individuals and organizations regarding environment protection.

- Law onForest Development and Protection No.29/2004/QH11.

-Lawon Cultural Heritage No.28/2001/QH10.

-LawonWater ResourcesNo.08/1998/QH10datedMay 20th 1998.

- Government Decree No.80/2006/ND-CP datedAugust 9th, 2006Vietnamese Governmentondetail regulationsand guidance on the implementation of someArticles of the Environment Law.

- Decree No. 29/2011/ND-CP dated April 18th, 2011 regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment, and environmental protection commitments.

- Circular No. 26/2011/TT-BTNMT dated July 18th, 2011 of the Ministry of Natural -Resources and Environment: regarding regulations on strategic environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment, environmental protection commitments.

- Decree 106/2005/ND-CP dated on August 17th, 2005 guiding the implementation of a number of articles under the Electricity Law regarding safety protection of high-voltage power grid.

- Decree No. 81/2009/ND-CP dated on October 12th, 2009 of the Government, amending or supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No.106/2005/ND-CP of August 17th, 2005 which details and guide a number of articles of the Electricity Law regarding the safety protection of high-voltage power grid works.

- CircularNo.12/2011/TT-BTNMTdated April 14th, 2011regarding the management of hazardous wastes.

- National Technical Regulations: QCVN01:2009/BYT-National technicalregulationson quality of drinking water; QCVN02:2009/BYT-Nationaltechnical regulationson quality of domestic water ; QCVN08:2008/BTNMT-Nationaltechnical regulationsonquality of surface water ; QCVN09:2008/BTNMT-Nationaltechnical regulationson quality of ground-water ;QCVN05:2009/ BTNMT-Air quality-Standards forambient airquality; QCVN06:2009/BTNMT-Air quality-Maximum allowableconcentration ofhazardous substancesin the ambientair.

- EVN GuidanceNo.2623/CV-EVN-KHCN dated May 28th, 2007regarding the managementand pollution prevention andexposure to PCBs.

2.2. World Bank Safeguard Policies

Environmental screeningin accordance with the criteriadescribed in the Environmental ManagementFramework of DEP sub-project was conductedand the results showedthat the sub-projectmust apply the WB policies on Environmental Assessment (OP4:01), InvoluntaryResettlement Policy (OP4.12)andinformation disclosurepoliciesof theWB.The implementation ofSocial Safeguard Policies (OP4.12)willbediscussed ina separate report.


3.1 Subproject Objectives:

The objectives of the subproject is to: i) strengthen capacity resource to ensure the growing power demand for load area of Dak Song district, Dak Nong province, reduce the radius of power supply for distribution network, improve power quality and contribute to the development local economy; ii) enhance safety in power supply due to reduction of fault; and iii) reduce electric energy loss.

3.2. Subproject Location:

- Substation location: In population unit No. 6, Duc An townlet, Dak Song district, Dak Nong province.

- The line crosses Duc An townlet, Dak Song district, Dak Nong province.

3.3. Subproject Management Organizations:

- Subproject owner: Central Power Corporation.

- Design and consultant Unit: Central Power Engineering Consultant Company – (CPECC) - CPC

- Project management Unit: Central Power Network Project Management Unit – CPC

3.4. Subproject Components:

3.4.1. Dak Song 110kV BranchLine:

- The new 110KV branch line of 900m long will start from the connectiontower of Dak Mil - Dak Nong 110kV line, which is located 15m far from the tower No. 81. The line will end at the 110kV busbar of the new Dak Song 110kV substation.

The length of theline routeand the townlet territory that theline routewould pass through is describedas follows:

No / Localities have the line passing through / Length (m) / Description ofline route
I / Dak Song district / 900
1 / Duc An townlet / 900 / -The route sectionwould have04rudder angles with a starting point (GO) in transit connection. The connection position would be located 15m far from the tower No. 81 towards tower No. 82 of Dak Mil - Dak Nong 110kV line. It would go about 248m to angling pole G1 (locatedontop of the hill),turn left18035'00" at G1, and continuously go about198mtoangling poleG2. At G2 the line would turn left about326mupthe hillsideto make G3(located on thehillside). At G3itwould turn left approximately 98mtoangling poleG4 (located on the hillside) which isthe connection point toDakSong 110kVsubstation(30mfar from the substation gantry).The line route will pass throughthe territoryof Duc An townlet, DakSongdistrict. The terraininthis sectionis mainly mountainous, geographical location aremainly of coffee plants. The whole branch line with 900m long would go on the territory of population unit No. 6 and No. 10 of Duc An townlet).
Total / 900 / The line route does not run through preserved areas and other sensitive areas

3.4.2. Dak Song 110kV Substation:

- The new 110/22kV substation with a capacity of 2x25MVA is expected to be constructed on milpa land belonging to Population Unit No. 6, Duc An townlet, Dak Song district, Dak Nong province. The 110kV substation would be located near the T-junction of Highway No. 14 to Dak N'Drung, far away from Highway No. 14 to the east about 100 meters (located on the right side of Highway No. 14 in the direction away from Dak Lak to Ho Chi Minh City). This location of the substation, whichis consistent with the local general plan, was approved by the Provincial People's Committee of Dak Nong province.

- TheNorth: is bounded by the coffee milpa

- The South: is about 40m far from the row of private houses along the existing Dak N'Drung road

- The West: is bounded by the milpa plot

- The East: is bounded by the coffee milpa

3.4.3. Scope of the Subproject:

a)Dak Song 110kV Substation:

- Voltage level: 110/22kV.

- Total expected capacity: 2x25MVA.

- Foundation: Job-placed reinforced concrete foundation, including: transformer foundation, cable trenches, control house, shift dorm, substation gate, substation fence, road to substation.

- Earthing system: Complex ray rod of zinc-plated steel

- Controlling and protective system: Using the digital control system.Protective relays.

- Information transmission system: Using optical information transmission system (SCADA).

- Planned area of the substation: 6,100m2 including outdoor distributionsystem,shift dorm, control house, yard, substation gate and substation fence, road to substation.

(Map of substation’s simple layout attached- Annex 1)

b)110 kV Branch Line:

- Length of the 110KV branch line: 900m

- Starting point: Connecting at the connection pole of Dak Mil - Dak Nong 110kV line, which is located 15m far from the tower No. 81.

- Ending point: the 110kV busbar of Dak Song 110kV substation.

- Voltage level: 110 kV.

- Number of circuits: 02 circuits.

- Conductor: ACSR-240/29

- Lightning wire: Hangingone steel lightning wire of GSW-50 and 01 lightning wire combined with optical cable of OPGW-50,type of 24optical fiber.

- Earthing system: Earthing in rays and rays combined with galvanized steel rods. The rod is about 01 meter depth.

- Foundation: Job-placed reinforced concrete.

-Tower: Steel shaped 110KV tower.

3.4.4.Volume of the Main Work

Table 2: Volume of the project main work

No / Items of work / Unit / Volume / Construction methodologies
I / 110kV branch line
01 / Excavation at tower foundations and earthing / m3 / 467.23 / Manually and mechanically
02 / Leveling and filling soil at foundation holes / m3 / 380.83 / Manually and mechanically
03 / Concrete M100 / m3 / 86.4 / Manually and mechanically
04 / Steel for building foundation, earthing and bolts / ton / 3.955 / Manually and mechanically
05 / Erecting steel towers / pcs / 05 / Manually and mechanically
06 / Stretching conductors ACSR-240 / m / 3,000 / Manually and mechanically
07 / Stretching lightning wire and optical cable of OPGW-50, type of 24 optical fiber. / m / 1,000 / Manually and mechanically
08 / Electrical insulations / string / 72 / Manually and mechanically
II / 110kV substation
01 / Level the surface of the substation foundation / m3 / 12,402 / Manually and mechanically
02 / Inner-substation road of 4m wide / m2 / 1,036 / Manually and mechanically
03 / Access road to substation of 6 m wide / m2 / 413 / Manually and mechanically
04 / Substation gate and substation fence / m / 275 / Manually and mechanically
05 / Gate and fence of shift dorm / m / 52.5 / Manually and mechanically
06 / Control house (336m2) / house / 01
07 / Shift dorm (235.4m2) / house / 01 / Manually and mechanically
08 / Concrete rock ballast yard / m2 / 27.05 / Manually and mechanically
09 / Power transformer foundation / Foundation / 01 / Manually and mechanically
10 / Foundation and supported pole for auxiliary transformer / Set / 01 / Manually and mechanically
11 / Foundation and supported pole for 110kV disconnector / Set / 21 / Manually and mechanically
12 / Foundation and supported pole for 110kVcircuit breaker / Set / 03 / Manually and mechanically
13 / Foundation and supported pole for 110kV shunt transformer / Set / 09 / Manually and mechanically
14 / Foundation and supported pole for 110kV current transformer / Set / 09 / Manually and mechanically
15 / Foundation and supported pole for 110kV surge arrester / Set / 03 / Manually and mechanically
16 / Cabinet for 22kV complete switchgear / pcs / 04 / Manually and mechanically
17 / Control, protection and measurement panels / pcs / 03 / Manually and mechanically
18 / Battery and charge devices / set / 01 / Manually and mechanically
19 / Earthing / Sys / 01 / Manually and mechanically
20 / Information transmission system SCADA / Sys / 01 / Manually and mechanically
III / Fire fighting equipment and tools
01 / 5Kg CO2 extinguisher / pcs / 10
02 / 30Kg CO2 extinguisher with holder / pcs / 02
03 / 5Kg fire extinguisher / pcs / 05
04 / Shovel / pcs / 05
05 / Fireladder / pcs / 03
06 / Buckets of 10 to 15 liters / pcs / 04
07 / Firefighting orders and regulations / set / 02
08 / Concrete pipe with Φ 1,1m containing sand / pipe / 06 / Manually
09 / 3m3 firefighting tank / tank / 04 / Manually
10 / 10m3 running water tank as well as firefighting tank / tank / 01 / Manually
11 / Long-handled sickle / unit / 04
12 / Sand / m3 / 05

3.5. Main Works Before and During Construction Phase, and Transportation

3.5.1. Main Works Before and During Construction Phase

- Carry out compensation, site clearance;

- Take over the construction site, set up temporary camps

- Transport materials, equipment and human resources to the site

- Level the surface, Building the connection road from the existing asphalted road to the substation with 50 m length (the road crosses the coffee plot)

- Build substation and control house, excavatetower foundations, set up towers, install transformer and power line.

- Build substation gate and fence walls, etc.

3.5.2. Means for Transportation of Construction Materials and Equipment

- Materials and equipment will be transported from freight yards and storehouses of the subproject owner to temporary storehouses of the subproject by trucks suitable with packaged format. After that, they will be transported to the subproject site by trucks with load capacity of 5 – 7.5 tons. Roads that are used to transport materials to substation site and some tower locations are Highway No1A, provincial road and other inter hamlet, inter-village roads. The load capacity of the trucks has to be suitable with traffic load in the area. After temporarily loaded near the roads, materials and equipment will be manually carried to construction site. The substation construction site is near the roads, the manually carried distance is short. For the line construction site, there are many positions faraway from the roadsor located on hill slopessothemanual transportationis relativelyexpensive. The weighted average of manual transportation distance is ofabout350-400m.Roads for transporting construction material are Highway No.14, asphalted road to Dak N'Drung and pathway crossing coffee milpas. These roads do not cross residential areas, schools, hospitals and medical stations.

- Building materials such as: sand, grit, cement will be supplied by suppliers who have got business license in locality within the radius of 10 – 30 km.

3.6. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment Capital

3.6.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule

The subproject implementation schedule is expected to be as follows:

- Making investment subproject: September 2011.

- Making the subproject technical design document: November 2011.

- Choosing construction contractors and suppliers of materials and equipment: June 2012

- Launch the project construction: August, 2012.

- Pre-commissioning and Completion: August, 2013.

3.6.2. Total Investment Capital of the subproject

The total investment cost for the subproject is as follows:

/ Capital structure / Investment capital (VND)
1 / Cost for construction / 19,654,000,000
2 / Cost for equipment / 25,492,000,000
3 / Cost for compensation and site clearance / 1,237,000,000
4 / Cost for the project management / 1,027,000,000
5 / Cost for consultants of investment and construction / 3,443,000,000
6 / Other costs / 4,250,000,000
7 / Contingency / 5,554,000,000
Total / 60,657,000,000


4.1. Geographical Area

DakNongProvince is located in the Southwest Central Highlands. Geographical location of the province is as follows:

- The North and Northeastern are bounded by Dak Lak provinces.

- The East and Southeast are bounded by LamDongProvince.

- The South is bounded by Binh Phuoc province.

- The West is bounded by Cambodia with a border line of 130 km.

The total natural area of ​​the province is 6,514.38 km ². The average population of the province in 2010 was 513,000 people, including 31 ethnic groups. The administrative organization includes 01 town and 07 districts (Cu Jut, Dak GLong, Dak Mil, Dak R'Lap, Dak Song, Krong No, Tuy Duc) with 51 communes, 04 wards, and 05 townships. Particularly, Gia Nghia town is also the provincial capital and as well as a center of economy, politics, culture and commerce of the province.