Croft Parish CouncilPage 1
Minutes of the Council Meetingheld in the Pavilion on14 September 2017 at 7.00 pm
Councillors C Mawby(Chair), S Amey, C Holmes, C King, M Ratcliffe, P Smith (later)and A Spence (later).
In attendance:
Mr S C Blackburn (Clerk), two police officers and fourmembers of the public.
17-181 / Apologies for absence: Cllr R Howard (work commitments), County Cllr White.
RESOLVED: that the apologies be accepted.
17-182 / Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations: None.
17-183 / To sign as an accurate record the minutes of the previous meeting
It was confirmed that Enderby CC would use the ground for their third XI which may contain junior players.
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 August2017 be signed as a correct record.
17-184 / Public Participation
A resident of Windermere Avenue complained of anti-social behaviour in the car park. CCTV footage is available and has been passed to the police who are responding with s.59 orders. Other concerns were raised about customers of the new gun club. PCSO Mike Walker promised to respond by further visits. When ownership of the car park passes to Croft Parish Council consideration will be given to erecting gates, subject to finding local volunteers to open and close them. It was noted that the former ACWF factory was being used for leisure purposes even though this was not likely to have been an acceptable site for a village hall. Once ownership had changed a meeting would be arranged between residents, businesses, the police and the Blaby DC ASB team.
Cllr Smith arrived at the meeting.
PSCO Mike Walker 6500 introduced himself to the meeting. His priorities are being updated but will include Speeding, ASB and parking on pavements, where a fixed penalty of £30 can be imposed if pedestrians could not pass with ease. It was noted that other police officers had seemed unaware of this power.
17-185 / Reports:
County Councillor: No report.
District Councillor: No report.
Police: See above.
Clerk: Report noted.
17-186 / Planning Applications
There are no current applications; Cllr Mawby attended a meeting of Blaby DC Planning Committee today at which permission was granted for three houses adjacent to 7 Winston Avenue. It was reported that a district councillor had suggested resident-only parking restrictions as a solution to the parking problem.
17-187 / Cemetery Matters - Review of rules regarding memorials
RESOLVED: that the revisions attached to these minutes be accepted as the rules for management of the Cemetery.
17-188 / War Memorial – To consider a request for additional seating
Cllr Ratcliffe has approached the Royal British Legion branch to support the suggestion of commemorative seats. They were keen on the suggestion but had no power to use funds for the purchase. It was agreed that the RBL be asked to raise some funds and then approach the Parish Council for partial assistance.
Cllr Spence arrived at the meeting.
17-189 / Allotments – to consider complaints received
Two complaints about behaviour of tenants had been received, one subsequently withdrawn. It was agreed to deal with the remaining issue in private session at the end of the meeting.
17-190 / Croft Quarry – to consider proposals for environmental survey
A letter from Aggregate Industries had been circulated to Councillors describing a hydogeological survey requiring four boreholes, to start on 1 September. The company has stated “There should be limited noise impact from the drilling. Each holes should take approximately 4-5 days, all drilling shall be completed within six weeks2.
17-191 / Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday – 12 November
Cllr Mawby has been invited to the ceremonies. RBL are currently experiencing difficulties with getting authority to close the roads on the parade route.
17-192 / Review of the Council’s risk assessment portfolio
A review risk associated with the Sports Ground, Fun Park and Pavilion was outstanding and it was agreed to defer final consideration to the October meeting.
17-193 / To agree preliminary arrangements for the 2017 Christmas Lights Switch-on
Cllrs Spence and Howard would arrange for a trench to be dug to protect the electricitysupply to the tree lights.
17-194 / To agree preliminary arrangements for the 2018 Fun Day
A meeting had been held on11 September to discuss issues arising from the 2017 Fun Day and to consider the scope and size of the 2018 event including whether live music could be played, how the bar tent was organised, if it should be more widely advertised and if so how free burgers should be managed. Fairground operators generally felt that the event was too small to attend.
RESOLOVED: that the event should be held on Saturday 9 June 2018 and a budget of £2,000 be set.
17-195 / New Sports Pavilion and Hall – to note the present position
The Clerk reported that the application for planning permission has been delayed on two grounds: (a) Blaby DC’s belief that there is a risk of noise reaching Windermere Drive, (b) an apparent requirement of the Leicestershire Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) for further study of flood attenuation and (c)from Sport England on the grounds that we had refused use of the cricket square in 2017.
For (a) we believe that the ‘promise’ of heavy curtains may solve any potential problem, although we have made it clear that the hall is needed primarily for daytime events and that it will not be offered as a party venue. For (b) some additional work has already been authorised and the architect is in consultation with Severn Trent Water in the hope that they will be able to sign off the work that has already been done. The objection from sport England has been resisted on the grounds that no suitable club to encourage local cricket came forward other than the unsuccessful plan to host a 20/20 team but that a local team had been found for 2018.
In order to try and speed up the process, I have appealed to the Director of Economic Development to continue the application and to ‘condition;’ the flood work, in other words, consent will be granted subject to this work being done before building starts. This will at least allow a credible funding application to be started. At a meeting on 5 September, it emerged that the LLFA recommendation can be ignored ‘if Blaby DC is minded to do so’ although it later appeared that this may require the consent of the Secretary of State, leading to further delays.
17-196 / Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan – progress report
A meeting is to be held on 3 October to progress the draft plan.
17-197 / Traffic speeds, inc maintenance of VAS equipment and Police update
A request has been made to Leics CC for a review of traffic calming measures; traffic data is out of date and is being revised but the current criteria is based on deaths and accidents and there have been insufficient to justify any measures. Cllr Amey offered to look at measure taken in other villages and how they were funded.
A request has been made to the Police to include Croft in a future Fatal Four programme but without response. PSCO Walker would be asked to follow this up.
The Vehicle activated sign uses old software and requires a non-standard cable to be downloaded. Purchase was authorised at a cost of approx. £20.
17-198 / Parking in Brookes Avenue - update
Cllr Freer had been asked for an update on his offer to assist residents but, in the absence of any action, the Clerk would approach Blaby DC direct, for assistance.
17-199 / To consider the use of social media by the Council
Discussion took place on the value to the Council and the community. Cllrs King and Amey agreed to look into the use of Facebook and Cllr Smith into the use of Twitter as means of keeping the community advised of developments related to the council.
17-200 / Repairs and Maintenance:
(a) Grass cutting
Sharpes have declined our invitation to tender due to lack of capacity. Other sources recommended by Cllr Spence and other parishes are still being explored.
(b) Allotment hedges
GroundControl have finished their work in Arbor Road; two quotes have been requested for flailing but are still awaited.
(c) To consider recruitment of a handyman
A possible source of help has arisen after discussions with a nearby parish and will be further explored.
(d) Outstanding work
Mr Thurlow had been in touch; he was awaiting further hedge laying orders but had promised to complete the sports ground hedge by Christmas. He had been asked to provide a schedule of hedge trimming work in time for the October meeting and had also promised to complete repairs to the dry stone wall ‘soon’.
He has quoted £350 for tree inspection work, the same price as two years ago and this was agreed to.
17-201 / Use of a central repository for Council documents
Work to provide an accessible file repository and back-up system was being progressed by the Clerk and Cllr Smith.
17-202 / Finance and Accounts:
(a) To note the financial situation as at 31 August2017
RESOLVED: that the situation be noted.
(b) To approve accounts for payment
RESOLVED: that the schedule of accounts appended to these minutes be authorised.
(c) To note the renewal of the Council’s insurance policy)
The Aviva policy is renewable on 1 October at a cost of £2,327.37, with the long term agreement expiring in 2018.
(d) To note the outcome of the Council’s External Audit
No issues have been raised although the external auditor had commented that the internal auditor had referred to the correct treatment of petty cash when the answer should have been ‘not applicable’.
17-203 / To exclude the public from the meeting
RESOLVED: That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
17-204 / Confidential Item
17-205 / Other reports and items for discussion at the next meeting
- Allotment fence posts have been reported as unstable and would be attended to by Cllr Spence.
- The hedge at Riverside Court and the village signs in Arbor Road were overgrown and would be reported to Blaby DC for trimming.
- The metal catch on the pedestrian access to the sports ground was damaged but it was felt that it would be damaged again if repaired.
- A new vacuum cleaner had been authorised by the Clerk at £49 as the cleaner had reported the current model overheating.
- Cllr Mawby proposed approaching Jon Wells to have the car park re-lined before transfer
17-206 / Date of next meeting: Thursday 12th October2017at 7.00 pm.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.
Appendix 1 – Payments Authorised
Date / ChqNo / To / For / Net / VAT / Gross17-08-17 / Blaby DC / 4 Litter Bins various locations / 310.00 / 310.00
17-08-17 / Blaby DC / One litter bin pavilion / 280.00 / 280.00
17-08-17 / Blaby DC / Litter and dog waste April-June / 65.80 / 13.16 / 78.96
17-08-17 / Blaby DC / Litter and dog waste April-June / 798.98 / 159.79 / 958.77
17-08-17 / ESPO / Door mat for pavilion / 72.00 / 14.40 / 86.40
14-09-17 / S C Blackburn / Expenses - August / 32.31 / 32.31
14-09-17 / S C Blackburn / Salary - September / 649.36 / 649.36
14-09-17 / HMRC / Tax and NI July - Sept 2017 / 530.71 / 530.71
14-09-17 / Davina Meade / Pavilion Cleaning - August / 65.00 / 65.00
14-09-17 / Grant Thornton / External Audit 2016/17 / 300.00 / 60.00 / 360.00
14-09-17 / Eon / Street Lighting MtceJuly - Sept 2017 / 45.98 / 9.20 / 55.18
14-09-17 / Andrew Deptford / Defibrillator replacement pads / 90.00 / 18.00 / 108.00
14-09-17 / Sylvester Cheung Architects Ltd / Pre-app consultation / 900.00 / 900.00
14-09-17 / Fosse Contracts Ltd / Tennis Court marking / 240.00 / 48.00 / 288.00
14-09-17 / Cartridgesave Ltd / Ink cartridges / 34.38 / 6.06 / 40.44
Appendix 2 – Revised Cemetery Rules relating to memorials
Current / ProposedThe Council offers the following guidance for those who would like to install any item on or adjacent to any grave or cremation plot to commemorate the interred or distinguish the grave.
At least one month before the erection or installation of, including markers intended to be temporary, a drawing thereof, specifying the dimensions, materials, finish and any proposed inscription shall be sent to the office of the Clerk for the approval of the Council. The Council reserves the right in its absolute discretion to forbid designs or materials it deems unsuitable or wording it deems untrue or potentially offensive to other parties. Wood, glass, metal, concrete, plastic or fibreglass materials are deemed unsuitable for permanent memorials but a simple wooden plaque or cross bearing no more than the name of the person interred and date of death may be permitted as a temporary grave marker for up to one year after which the Council reserves the right to remove it. The preferred material for permanent markers or headstones is natural quarried stone, with or without polished surfaces, inscriptions or carvings.
When erecting any tablet, monument, gravestone or other form of grave marker, all works undertaken on site shall be in accordance with the National Association of Memorial Masons Code of Working Practice (Revised September 2003) and to use an accredited fixing method.
All memorials must carry the grave number engraved in a clearly visible position. This will be the bottom right hand corner of the plinth in the case of headstones and front right corner for slabs. / No change
At least one month before the erection or installation of, including markers intended to be temporary, a drawing thereof, specifying the dimensions, materials, finish and any proposed inscription shall be sent to the office of the Clerk for the approval of the Council. The Council reserves the right in its absolute discretion to forbid designs or materials it deems unsuitable or wording it deems untrue or potentially offensive to other parties. Wood, glass, metal, concrete, plastic or fibreglass materials are deemed unsuitable for permanent memorials.
A simple wooden plaque or cross bearing no more than the name of the person interred and date of death may be permitted as a temporary grave marker for up to one year after which the Council reserves the right to remove it.
The preferred material for permanent markers or headstones is natural quarried stone, with or without polished surfaces, inscriptions or carvings.
When erecting any tablet, monument, gravestone or other form of grave marker, all works undertaken on site shall be in accordance with the National Association of Memorial Masons Code of Working Practice (Revised September 2003) and touse an accredited fixing method.
No change.
Coffin burial areas with the Cemetery are laid out as lawns for neatness and maintenance. Consequently, headstone, grave markers, vases and commemorative or decorative items may only be placed or erected at the head of graves, within the footprint of the headstone plinth or slab alternative. The footprint dimensions of the headstone plinth or slab alternative (if applicable) must not exceed 90cm by 45cm. It is requested that the top of the headstone plinth or slab alternative be installed level with the ground. For the same reason, the Council will not permit the installation of kerbs, fences or any kind of grave surrounds nor the planting of bulbs, flowers, shrubs or trees or the creation of any kind of hard or gravelled surfacing on or beside any grave or cremation plot. All new graves will be turfed after settlement of the grave surface and when the weather permits. Any items or planting placed on or by graves or elsewhere in the Cemetery precincts not in accordance with the Council’s Specifications or written permission will be removed without notice. For safety reasons, glass vases and ornaments are not permitted anywhere in this cemetery. / Coffin burial areas with the Cemetery are laid out as lawns for neatness and maintenance. Consequently, headstone, grave markers, vases and commemorative or decorative items may only be placed or erected at the head of graves, within the footprint of the headstone plinth or slab alternative.
The footprint dimensions of the headstone plinth or slab alternative (if applicable) must not exceed 90cm (36”) by 45cm (18”) and the height of the memorial must not exceed 90cm (36”) It is requested that the top of the headstone plinth or slab alternative be installed level with the ground. For the same reason,
The Council will not permit the installation of kerbs, fences or any kind of grave surrounds nor the planting of bulbs, flowers, shrubs or trees or the creation of any kind of hard or gravelled surfacing on or beside any grave or cremation plot. All new graveswill must be turfed after settlement of the grave surface and when the weather permits. Any items or planting placed on or by graves or elsewhere in the Cemetery precincts not in accordance with the Council’s Specifications or written permission will be removed without notice.
For safety reasons, glass vases and ornaments are not permitted anywhere in this cemetery.
A ‘Garden of Remembrance’ area has been set aside for plots for the burial of urns/small caskets containing the cremated ashes of the deceased. In this area, only horizontal stone tablets or tablets incorporating flower vases or small ornaments or statuary to a maximum height of 30cm (1ft) may be set in the centre of the purchased plot. Vases and commemorative or decorative items must be placed or erected within the footprint of the stone tablet or alternative slab. The horizontal stone tablet or plain stone slab alternative must not exceed 60cm by 60cm. / A ‘Garden of Remembrance’ area has been set aside for plots for the burial of urns/small caskets containing the cremated ashes of the deceased.
In this area, only horizontal stone tablets, or tablets incorporating flower vases or small ornaments or statuary are permitted.
The tablet (or plain stone slab alternative) must not exceed 60cm (24”) by 60cm (24”) and be of a maximum height of 30cm (12”). The tablet or slab must be set in the centre of the plot; vases and commemorative or decorative items must be placed or erected within the footprint of the tablet or slab.
These dimensions were reviewed in September 2017. Subsequent requests for headstones or tablets will be required to observe the above dimensions.