Grade 1 Religion Content
Topic: Creed and Doctrine
- God created the world.
- The world is God’s gift to us.
- God created all people.
- They are God’s greatest creation.
- We are all important to God.
- God gives us special gifts e.g. talents.
- List some gifts God has given us.
- God promised to love us always.
- Animals are part of God’s creation.
- The Trinity
- There are Three Persons on One God.
- The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the three persons of the Blessed Trinity.
- God sent us his own Son, Jesus.
- John the Baptist helped people get ready for Jesus.
- Jesus’ name means “God will save.”
- Jesus is both human and divine.
- Jesus’ is God’s greatest gift.
- God chose Mary to be the mother of his Son.
- Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
- Jesus lived in Nazareth with Mary and Joseph.
- Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are members of the Holy Family.
- The Holy Family obeyed God and prayed to Him.
- Joseph is the earthly father of Jesus and protector of Mary.
- Jesus shared God’s love with all people.
- Jesus teaches that God watches over us and cares for us.
- Jesus helped all those in need.
- Jesus’ followers believed that he was the Son of God.
- Jesus died and rose.
- The Church celebrates Jesus’ death and resurrection.
- The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity.
- The Holy Spirit gives us gifts of peace, strength, and joy.
- Recognize that the Holy Spirit is God’s presence among us.
- Mary is the Mother of God.
- The Church honors Mary.
Topic: Prayer
- The Sign of the Cross is a prayer to the Blessed Trinity.
- Jesus showed his followers how to pray.
- Jesus taught us to pray to the Father as he prayed.
- We pray the Lord’s Prayer.
- Express spontaneous prayers, including prayers of praise, thanksgiving, asking (petition) and sorrow.
- State that “Amen” means “Yes, I believe.”
- The Holy Spirit helps us to pray.
- When we sing holy songs with our hearts, we are praying.
- Write informal prayers.
- Recite the Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace Before Meals, Glory Be, Guardian Angel Prayer, Morning Offering.
- Recognize that prayers celebrate God’s goodness.
- Experience prayer using Gospel stories.
- Demonstrate how we can show reverence and pray with our bodies.
Topic: Moral Formation
- Ways to say “Yes” to God as Mary did
- Ways the Holy Spirit helps us
- Using God’s laws to help us choose what is right
- Distinguishingbetween right and wrong choices
- Choices that have positive or negative consequences
- Difference between doing an action on purpose (sin) and by accident (mistake)
- Examples of healing words
- Ways to forgive one another
Topic: Peace and Justice
- Jesus taught the Great Commandment (moral formation).
- Jesus taught us to love God, ourselves, and others.
- Our parish helps many people.
- Jesus asks us to share His peace.
- We can make choices as children of God.
- The saints are close to God.
- We honor all the saints of the Church (All Saints Day).
- Describe characteristics of God’s kingdom.
- We care for and respect God’s kingdom.
- Participate in community service.
- Respect others and their property.
Topic: Scripture
- Gospels are the stories of Jesus.
- Gospel means “good news.”
- Some stories tell about Jesus’ life.
- Annunication is the story of the Angel asking Mary to be the Mother of God.
- At Christmas, the Church celebrates the birth of Jesus.
- Jesus taught in the Temple in Jerusalem.
- Jesus invited people to be His followers.
- Jesus told his followers that he loved and cared for them.
- Jesus used stories to teach them about God, His Father.
- Jesus taught us that all people are our neighbors (Good Samaritan).
- Jesus told us about God’s forgiveness.
- Many people gathered to welcome and praise Jesus.
- The risen Jesus visited His followers.
- The first members of the Church did many things together.
- On Pentecost the Holy Spirit came to help Jesus’ followers.
Topic: Church
- The Church praises Jesus all year long (ordinary time).
- Jesus Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would come to his followers.
- The Church began on Pentecost.
- Pentecost is the birthday of the Church.
- The Holy Spirit was sent to Jesus’ followers.
- The Holy Spirit helped the Church to grow.
- The Holy Spirit helps the Church today.
- The Apostles led and cared for the Church.
- The bishops lead and care for the Church.
- The pope leads and cares for the whole Church.
- The Church serves others.
- The Church has a special time of waiting (Advent).
- Our parish is like a family.
- We gather together to worship.
- We work together as a parish.
- The Last Supper was the first Mass.
- We celebrate what Jesus did and said at the Last Supper at Mass.
- We use both words and actions at Mass.
- We join with our parish for the celebration of Mass.
- The Mass is a celebration.
- We gather to worship God.
- We listen to God’s word.
- Readings at Mass come from the Bible.
- Recite some of the prayer responses at Mass.
- The tabernacle contains the Blessed Sacrament.
- Why we have statues and stained glass windows, in church.
- Explain use of holy water and candles.
- Be respectful and show reverence before, during, and after Mass.
- Catholic Church includes people from around the world.
Topic: Sacraments
- Jesus celebrated God’s love.
- We celebrate God’s love.
- Jesus gave us the sacraments.
- The Church celebrates seven sacraments.
- Sacraments are special signs that God is with us.
- Baptism
- The Church celebrates new members at Baptism.
- Baptism welcomes us as children of God and members of the Church.
- At Baptism we receive God’s life.
- We say and do special things to celebrate Baptism (explained).
- Name symbols of Baptism (water, lighted candle, oil, white cloth).
- In Baptism, we are joined to Jesus and one another.
- Describe the Baptism ceremony.
- The Holy Spirit comes to us in Baptism and is always with us.
- Holy water is a reminder of our Baptism.
- Jesus is the Light of the World.
- We receive the light of Christ.
- Eucharist
- Jesus shared a special meal with his followers.
- We celebrate the sacrament of the Eucharist.
- Our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
- In Eucharist, we become closer to Jesus and one another.
- Explain why and when they will receive the Eucharist.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation
- God, like the Good Shepherd, is loving and forgiving.
- God is always ready to forgive us.
- We celebrate God’s forgiveness.
- Jesus asks us to forgive others.
Grade 1 Religion Methodology
- Teacher presentations (on Promethean board)
- PowerPoint presentations
- Student participation (on whiteboard)
- Class discussions
- Liturgies/prayer services
- Stories
- Activity-oriented worksheets
- Jesse Tree
Grade 1 Religion Assessments
- Teacher observation
- Teacher created Chapter tests
- Demonstration of Christian values
Teaching Materials
- Teacher-made worksheets
- Clip Art for Celebrations
- Textbook worksheets
- Worksheets from websites
- CD’s
- Sadlier We Believe Grade One
- SongTime Kids-Bible Songs
- SongTime Kids-Sunday School Songs
- Shine Like a Lighthouse, Tim Janis
- Books
- We Believe God Loves Us (textbook)’ Sadlier, 2011
- Who Made God? Larry Libby, Zonderkidz, 2002
- This Little Prayer of Mine, Anthony DeStefano, Waterbrook Press, 2010
- God Gave Us You, Lisa Tawn Bergren, Colorado Springs, 2000
- God Gave Us Two, Lisa Tawn Bergren, Colorado Springs, 2001
- If Jesus Walked Beside Me, Jill Roman Lord, Ideals Publishing, 2006
- The Magpie’s Story, Nick Butterworth, Zondervan Publishing, 1988
- On the Night You Were Born, Nancy Tillman, Macmillan, 2005
- Love Me Tender, Tom Browning, Scholastic, 2003
- The Lord’s Prayer, Rick Warren, Zonerkidz, 2010
- The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein, Harper Collins, 1964
- A Good Day, Kevin Henkes, Greenwillow Books, 2007
- God Shows Us the Way, Dandi MacKall, Standard Publishing, 2006
- God Gave Us Heaven, Lisa Tawn Bergren, Colorado Springs, 2008
- Little Rose of Sharon, Nan Gurley, Charlot Victor Publishing. 1998
- Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You, Nancy Tillman, MacMillan, 2010
- There Was No Snow On Christmas Eve, Pam Munoz-Ryan, Hyperion Books, 2005
- A Friend Like You, Tanja Askani, Scholastic, 2009
- God Gave Us Christmas, Lisa Tawn Bergren, Waterbrook Press, 2006
- Silent Night, Thomas Kinkade, Harper Collins Publishing, 2006
- The Friendly Beasts, Tomie dePaola, Scholastic
- Who Is Coming to Our House?, Joseph Slate, G.P. Putnam, 1988
- An Angel Came to Nazareth, Anthony Knott, Chronicle Books, 2004
- The Angel and the Lamb, Sophie Piper, Lion Hudson, 2008
- On This Special Night, Claire Freedman, Scholastic, 2008
- The Stable Jesus Was Born, Scholastic, 2000
- Away in a Manger, Thomas Kinkade, Scholastic, 2005
- The Gift of a Snowflake, Timothy McMullen, Prospect Hill, 1998
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf, B.G. Hennessy, Simon & Schuster, 2006
- The Coat of Many Colors, Dolly Parton, Scholastic, 1996
- The Way of the Cross, Sr. Karen Cavanaugh, The Regina Press, 1990
- Can God See Me in the Dark? Neal Lozano, Attic Studio, 2007
- Ruby the Copycat, Peggy Rathmann, Scholastic, 1991
- The Life of Mary for Children, Sr. Karen Cavanaugh, Regina Press, 1996
- The Hail Mary, Victor Hoagland, The Regina Press, 1997
- Joseph Had an Overcoat, Sims Taback, Scholastic, 1999
- All God’s Critters, Bill Staines, Simon & Schuster, 2007
- It’s Time to Sleep My Love, Eric Metaxas, MacMillan, 2008
- Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Tomie dePaola, Holiday House, 1995
- The Rosary for Children, Sr. Karen Cavanaugh, Regina Press, 1996
- Videos
- Websites
- Sadlier Oxford
Grade 1 Language Arts Content
Topic: Concepts About Print
- Identifing parts of a book
- Naming and matching uppercase and lowercase letters
- Order of the alphabet
- One-to-one correspondence between oral words and printed words
- Tracking print (left to right, top to bottom)
Topic: Word Learning
- Phonemic Awareness
- Rhyming words
- Counting syllables in words
- Identifing initial, final, and medial sounds in spoken words
- Blending sounds orally or making words
- Segmenting a word into sounds
- Decoding and Word Recognition
- Reading simple one-syllable and high-frequency words
- Recognizing that spoken words are represented by sounds
- Knowing sound-letter relationships
- Decoding consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs
- Decoding short and long vowels
- Decoding r-controlled vowels, vowel digraphs, diphthongs, common vowel patterns
- Words with final –e
- Two-syllable words
- Irregularly spelled words
- Word families
- Word Structure
- Decoding base words and inflected ends
- Decoding plurals
- Contractions and compound words
- Decoding words with prefixes and suffixes
- Recognizing common abbreviations
- Applying knowledge of sound-letter relationships to decode unfamiliar words
- Using word structure to decode unfamiliar words
- Using context to decode unfamiliar words
- Reading aloud grade level text with fluency
- Practicing fluency with choral reading, paired reading, etc.
- Working toward appropriate fluency goals by end of grade
- Reading regularly and with conprehension
- Reading silently for increased periods of time
- Vocabulary/Concept Development
- Recognizing and understanding selection vocabulary
- Understanding content-area vocabulary
- Developing vocabulary through instruction, experiences, reading, listening to text read aloud
- Using word structure to figure out meanings of words
- Using context clues to meanings of unfamiliar words
- Using reference sources to learn word meanings
- Using picture clues to determine word meanings
- Using new words in variety of contexts
- Classifying and categorizing
- Using abbreviations
- Using antonyms and synonyms
- Recognizing prefixes and suffixes
- Using multiple-meaning words
- Recognizing compound words
- Using figurative language and idioms
- Using descriptive words (adjectives)
- Using time and order words
Topic: Comprehension
- Predict and set purpose for reading.
- Use background knowledge.
- Use fix-up strategies to resolve difficulties in reading.
- Use inference.
- Answer questions before, during, and after reading.
- Recall and retell stories.
- Use clues to determine author’s meaning.
- Use cause/effect, sequence, compare/contrast, description.
- Identify plot, problem/solution.
- Use graphic organizers.
- Determine author’s purpose.
- Identify facts and details.
- Draw conclusions, make inferences.
- Follow directions.
- Note graphic sources (illustrations, photos, maps, charts, etc.).
- Identify main idea.
- Distinguish between realism/fantasy.
- Recognize sequence of events.
- Describe essential ideas, arguments, and perspectives of a text.
- Evaluate and critique ideas and text.
- Draw conclusions and support them with evidence.
- Make judgments about ideas and text.
- Make connections (text of self, text to text, text to world).
- Organize and synthesize ideas and information.
Topic: Literary Response and Analysis
- Identify types of print materials (books, poems, signs, labels).
- Recognize characteristics of a variety of genre.
- Distinguish common forms of literature.
- Identify characteristics of literary texts (drama, fantasy traditional tales).
- Identify characteristics of nonfictions texts (biography, interviews, etc.).
- Identify characteristics of poetry and song.
- Recognize and describe traits of characters.
- Analyze characters’ relationships, points of view.
- Identify plot (beginning, middle, end).
- Identify goal and solution to problem.
- Identify setting.
- Compare and contrast characters, events, and settings.
- Identify speaker or narrator in a selection.
- Identify imagery and sensory words.
- Recognize poetic elements.
- Distinguish roles of author and illustrator.
- Recognize author’s and illustrator’s craft or style.
- Recollect and write about books.
- Ask and answer questions about text.
- Write about what is read.
- Use evidence to support opinions.
- Offer observations in response to text.
- Show interest in books and reading.
- Choose text by drawing on personal interests.
- Read variety of narrative and expository texts.
- Read from wide variety of genres (fairy tales, folk tales, etc.).
- Read independently.
- Establish familiarity with a topic.
- Comprehend basic plots of classic tales from around the world.
- Compare/contrast tales from different cultures.
- Develop attitudes to interact with diverse groups/cultures.
- Connect experiences with those of other cultures.
- Compare language and oral traditions.
- Recognize themes that cross cultures.
Topic: Writing
- Write uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Print name and other important words.
- Write using pictures and some phonetically spelled words.
- Write consonant-vowel-consonant words.
- Dictate stories for others to write.
- Create own written text.
- Write left to right; top to bottom.
- Participate in shared and interactive writing (research, opinion, etc.).
- State clear purpose and maintain focus.
- Use sensory details and examples.
- Delete extraneous information.
- Use graphic organizers to group ideas.
- Write coherent paragraphs that develop a central idea.
- Use transitions to connect sentences.
- Organize ideas in chronological order.
- Develop individual tone/style.
- Use clear, precise language.
- Use vivid words.
- Use sensory details, imagery, characterization.
- Use word walls, dictionary, or thesaurus.
- Combine, elaborate, and vary sentences.
- Write topic sentence and support with facts and details, concluding sentence.
- Use correct word order.
- Use correct spelling and grammar; capitalize and punctuate correctly.
- Connect sentence fragments.
- Prewrite using various strategies.
- Develop first drafts; revise drafts, edit and proofread, publish own work.
- Write narratives and expository texts.
- Write descriptive and persuasive texts.
- Write notes and letters.
- Write poems and opinion pieces.
- Write on daily basis, write independently.
- Use writing as tool for learning.
- Gain increasing control of penmanship.
- Write legibly (letter size, form, sentence spacing).
- Write numerals.
Topic: Written/Oral English Language
- Correct word order in sentences.
- Recognize declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, imperative sentences.
- Recognize complete and incomplete, simple and complex sentences.
- Recognizes dates and commas.
- Identify parts of sentences.
- Identify fragments and run-on sentences.
- Combine and rearrange sentences.
- Transition and conjunctions to connect ideas.
- Recognizes nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions.
- Use subject-verb agreement.
- Use pronoun agreement/referents.
- Spell independently consonants, vowels, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, silent letters.
- Spell base words with inflections, prefixes, suffixes.
- Spell possessives, contractions, and compound words.
- Spell high-frequency irregular words.
- Spell frequency misspelled words.
Topic: Listening and Speaking
- Listen to a variety of presentations attentively and politely.
- Listen for enjoyment, to expand vocabulary, to obtain information, and follow oral directions.
- Listen to answer questions and solve problems.
- Listen to identify and analyze musical elements of literary language.
- Connect prior experiences to those of speaker.
- Speak clearly, accurately, and fluently.
- Speak with command of standard English conventions.
- Speak to ask and answer questions; give directions.
- Communicate needs, share ideas.
- Participate in discussions; express an opinion.
- Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal elements.
Topic: Research Skills
- Recognize and use charts/tables, diagrams, graphs, illustrations, maps, signs.
- Identify parts of book to locate information.
- Use alphabetical order.
- Use reference sources (picture dictionary, encyclopedia, magazine, newspaper, technology).
- Choose and evaluate appropriate reference sources.
Grade 1 Language Arts Methodology