October 20, 2015

The Moody County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 in the County Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse at 9:00 AM, with the following members present: Chairman Rick Veldkamp, Jerry Doyle, Tom Ehrichs, Dan Miles, and Chuck Jones, with Krisitna Krull Auditor as Clerk of the Board, and Kay Peterson, Commission Assistant.

Chairman Veldkamp called the meeting to order. Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to approve the agenda. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to approve the consent agenda as follows with all voting aye:


October 6, 2015


Amanda Stade 4-H Advisor National 4-H Livestock Judging Louisville, KY November 13-19, 2015

Marc Blum Hwy Super Safety & Loss Control Training Oacoma, SD November 12-13, 2015

Troy Wellman Sheriff SOSA Fall Meeting Pierre, SD October 29-30, 2015

DeAnna Berke Deputy DOE Pictometry Training Sioux Falls, SD October 30, 2015

Kay Peterson Comission Asst. Pictometry Training Sioux Falls, SD October 30, 2015

Discussion was held on County staffing.

Kathy Lunday, Deputy Auditor met with the Board. Paul Lewis, States Attorney joined the meeting. Discussion was held on Ambulance payroll policy. Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to revert back to paying the part-EMT Basics and part-time EMT Paramedics $3.00/ hr for on call hours worked carrying the pager plus $25.00 per call out, and revert back to paying the full-time EMTs their salary amount only, retroactive October 19, 2015. All voted “aye”.

Mandy Stade, 4-H Advisor met with the Board with a quarterly report.

Kay Peterson, Commission Assistant met with the Board. Motion by Jones, seconded by Doyle to approve the proposed Enhance Crime Coverage with SDPAA.

Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to adjourn and to conduct business as Joint Board of Moody County Commission and Planning Commission at 11:00 AM. All voted “aye”. Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to approve the minutes of October 6, 2015. All voted “aye”. Two plats were reviewed. Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following resolution for platting purposes only with all voting “aye”:

County Commission

“BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commission of Moody County, South Dakota, that the plat of LOT A IN TRACT 1 OF SUTTON’S ADDITION IN THE S1/2 OF SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 107 NORTH, RANGE 48 WESTOF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MOODY COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, be and the same is hereby approved.

I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the County Commission, at a meeting held on the dated adopted.

Adopted the 20th Day of October, 2015

Kristina Krull

County Auditor

Moody County Auditor, South Dakota

Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to approve the following resolution with all voting “aye”:

County Commission

“BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commission of Moody County, South Dakota, that the plat of TRACT 1 OF SWENSON’S ADDITION IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23 TOWNSHIP 106 NORTH, RANGE 48 WEST OF THE 5TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MOODY COUNTY SOUTH DAKOTA, be and the same is hereby approved.

I hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the resolution duly passed by the County Commission, at a meeting held on the dated adopted.

Adopted this 20th Day of October, 2015

Kristina Krull

County Auditor

Moody County, South Dakota

Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the agreement with Flandreau City to have Flandreau City assume responsibility over zoning of all Flandreau City owned property within the Flandreau City Park. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Jones to resume regular session at 11:23 AM. All voted “aye”.

Troy Wellman, Sheriff met with the Board. Motion by Miles, seconded by Doyle to approve the 2015/2016 Minnehaha County Jail Bed Per Diem Contract. All voted “aye”. Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to hire Tim Boomsama as PRN/Part-Time Deputy Sheriff at Grade 16/Step G 17.12/hr and Grant Lanning as a PRN/Part-Time Deputy Sheriff at Grade 16/Step G at 17.12/hr effective October 20, 2015. All voted “aye”.

Jerry Doyle, Commissioner discussed with the Board Ambulance Districting.

Discussion was held on Surplus Tax Property The Auditors office has not yet received all of the appraisals of the property. The Board will discuss at the next meeting after receiving the appraisals what will be done with the property.

Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to enter into executive session at 12:00 PM pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2. Reason: legal matters. All voted “aye”. Motion by Ehrichs, seconded by Miles to resume regular session at 12:10 PM. All voted “aye”. Paul Lewis left the meeting.

Discussion was held on winterizing County properties. The Board agreed to have Ekern’s winterize the fair grounds again this year.

Kristina Krull, Auditor met with the Board. Motion by Jones, seconded by Miles to approve the following resolution with all voting “aye”:


WHEREAS, Commissioner Contingency Funds are included in the annual budget, and

WHEREAS, insufficient funds were provided to the following budgets: 24/7;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to SDCL 7-21-6.1 it was moved and seconded to approve the following Contingency Transfer:

248-4-212-4110 24/7 Salaries 2500.00 CR

248-4-212-4260 24/7 Supplies 2000.00 CR

207-4-713-4110 911 Salaries 7000.00 CR

207-4-713-4260 911 Supplies 2000.00 CR

101-4-112-4297 Total Contingency Transfer 13500.00 DB

Members voting “aye”: 5.

Dated this 20th day of October 2015.

Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kristina Krull

Chairman, Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor

Motion by Doyle, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following resolutions with all voting “aye”:


WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners designated operating transfers out of the General Fund to the 911 Fund for 2015.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Operating Transfer out of the General Fund to the 911 Fund in the amount of $20,000 be approved as outlined in the 2015 Annual Budget.

Dated at Flandreau, SD this 20th day of October 2015.

Rick Veldkamp ATTEST: Kristina Krull

Chairman, Moody County Commissioners Moody County Auditor

Motion by Motion by Miles, seconded by Jones to approve the application for abatement of taxes for in the amount of $ 5,182.28, reason: the property is exempt from tax. All voted “aye”.

Motion by Miles, seconded by Ehrichs to approve the following claims and issue warrants, all voted “aye”: General: 34 Stop, supplies 171.49, A&B, supplies 227.91, Amy Toro, travel 645.12, AT&T, telemetry 22.92, Avera/Flandreau Medical, jail-blood alcohols, supplies 1109.96, Barnes & Noble, publications 309.96, Best Western, travel 399.00, Booster, supplies 42.00, Bound Tree, supplies 294.04, Bruning & Lewis, office expense 2307.69, Center Point, publications 41.94, CenturyLink, telephone 381.47, Culligan, supplies 10.00, Dept. of Revenue, blood alcohols 320.00, Jerry Doyle, reimbursement 255.54, Ekern, supplies 114.76, Gale, publications 16.99, Galls, supplies 235.46, Hughes County, jail housing 400.00, Jean Larson, mileage 15.12, Justice Fire, supplies 535.50, Kris Torson, reimbursement 750, Lake County Sheriff, jail housing 13325.00, Lewis Drug, supplies/jail medical 106.57, Lutheran Social Services, interpreter 225.56, Matheson, supplies 40.66, Matt Feistner, travel 64.00, Physio-Control, supplies 200.33, Powers-Dakota, gas/jail meals 598.05, Ramkota, travel 425.00, River’s Edge, diesel/gas 2380.49, Santel, data processing 1178.00, Sturdevants, supplies 73.38, Vast, utilities 209.73, Yankton County Sheriff, service 25.00. Highway: Adams Bucket Service, tree trimming 1100.00, Allied Oil, tires 1272.11, B&H Contractors, gravel 1537.16, Barron Famrs, supplies 400.00, Dells Farm, repairs 35.00, Don’s Tire, repairs 56.00, Greg’s Welding, repairs 168.00, Krull’s Garage, repairs 59.95, Powers Oil, gasoline 685.80, River’s Edge, fuel 14467.50, Safety Benefits, registration 65.00. 911: CenturyLink, trunking fees 469.42, Vast, utilites 19.06. Emergency Management: Vast, utilities 19.07. 24/7: PharmChem, supplies 50.00. Flexible Spending Acct: Jerry Doyle, reimbursement 95.00. Water Conservation Fund: EDWD, monthly remittance 384.68. 24/7 State Fund: Attorney General’s Office, monthly remittance 938.00.

Motion by Doyle, seconded by Jones to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 PM. All voted “aye”.

ATTEST: Kristina Krull Rick Veldkamp, Chairman

Moody County Auditor Moody County Board of Commissioners