1. Introduction :
The program of integrative health science was established in 2012 to prepare students to become leaders who can meet diverse health needs of individuals and communities. Students are prepared by outstanding faculties from eight majors including medicine, nursing, sports, urban planning, culture studies, business, psychology, and literature.
The program provides two tracts including healthy city and psychology・ leisure therapy. The courses in the healthy city tract focus on health promotion programs, health policy, infrastructure and urban planning aspects relevant to disease prevention and health promotion. In the psychology・ leisure therapy tract, the courses concentrate on psychosocial and cultural phenomena such as stress, depression, suicide, addiction and lack of communication and methodology to intervene them to improve quality of life and happiness.
After finishing the program, students are expected to expand their knowledge and experience in national and international health organizations, research and academic institutions or the private sectors.
2. Major :
1) Master of Integrative Health Science
2) Ph.D
3. Faculty Members
1) Kang, Dae Seok (강대석)
* Office : 6-203
* Tel : +82-32-860-7751
* E-mail :
* Educational Background
- 1993.02 INHA Unv. (BA) Business Administration
- 1998.08 SungKyunKwan Univ. (MS) Human Resource Management
- 2004.06 Univ. of Minnesota (PhD) Human Resource Development
* Academic And Professional Experience
- 2004.10~2005.02 Korean Council for University Education
* Teaching Interests
- Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Performance Improvement
* Research Interests
- Leadership & Human Resource Development
* Selected Publication
- Responses to job insecurity: The impact on discretionary extra-role and impression management behaviours and the moderating role of employability, Career Development International, 17(4), 314-332, 2012
- Unravelling the impact of psychological empowerment on customer service behaviours as a consequence of ‘Leader-Member Exchange’, Serviceindustries Journal, 32(1), 1791-1809, 2012
- The effects of perceived external prestige, ethical organizational climate, and leader-member exchange (LMX) quality on employees’ commitments and their subsequent attitudes, Personnel Review, 40(6), 761-784, 2011
- Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership and HRD: Development of units of theory and laws of interaction, Leadership & Organization Delopment Journal, 28(6), pp 531~551, 2007
- Perceived organisational justice as a predictor of employees' motivation to participate in training, Research And Practice In Human Resource Management, 15(1), pp 89~107, 2007
- Training and organizational commitment among nurses following industry and organizational change in New Zealand and the United States of America, Human Resource Development International, 7(4), pp 423~440, 2004
2) Kwak, Hyo Bum (곽효범)
* Office : HighTech Center 1506
* Tel : +82-32-860-8183
* E-mail :
* Homepage :
* Educational Background :
- Ph.D.: Exercise Physiology / Texas A&M University / USA
- M.S.(2) : Exercise Physiology / Texas A&M University / USA
- M.S.(1) : Exercise Physiology / Seoul National University / Korea
* Research Area : Exercise Physiology, Exercise Biochemistry
* Academic Works :
- Simvastatin impairs ADP-stimulated respiration and increases mitochondrial oxidative stress in primary human skeletal myotubes. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 52, 198~207, 2012.
- Biphasic stress response in the soleus during reloading following hindlimb unloading. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44, 600~609. 2012.
3) Kim, Ui-chol (김의철)
* Office: 9-209
* Tel: +82-32-860-7815
* E-mail:
* Educational Background: MA, Ph. D: Psychology, Queen’s University, Canada+
* Research Area: Creativity, stress, health, happiness, quality of life
* Academic Works:
- Factors influencing happiness among middle-aged women and men: Comparative analysis of housewives, working women and their spouse. The Korean Journal of the Human Development, 2011: 18, 65-108.
- The influence of parental social support and resiliency of efficacy on stress, depression, and stress management behavior: Comparative analysis of elementary school, middle school and university students. Korean Journal of Psychological and Social Issues, 2010:16, 95∼117.
- Relationships between stage of change for stress management behavior and perceived stress and coping. Japanese Psychological Research, 2010: 52, 291–297.
- Cognitive, relational and social basis of academic achievement in Confucian cultures: Psychological, indigenous and cultural perspectives. In R. Sorrentino and S. Yamaguchi (Eds.), Handbook of Motivation and Cognition across Cultures (pp. 491-515). 2008: New York: Elviser.
-Indigenous and cultural psychology: Understanding people in context. 2006: New York: Springer.
- Factors influencing health and quality of life among allergy and asthma patients: With specific focus on self-efficacy, social support and health management. Korean Journal of Psychological and Social Issues, 2005: 11(2), 143-181.
4) Kim, Young-Soon (김영순)
* Office : west - 217
* Tel : 032) 860 - 7867
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://socialedu.com/semiotics/
* Educational Background
- Ph. D : Culture Studies / Freie Universitaet Berlin / Germany
- M.A. : Cultural Semiotics / Technische Universitaet Berlin / Germany
* Research Area : Culture Change, Cultural Education & Culture Policy
* Academic Works
- (Book) Media and Cultural Education: Reading Media, Hankuk Pub. 2006.
- (Book) Humanities and Culture Contents, Dahal Media, 2007.
- (Book) Understanding Alternative Education, Hakjisa, 2008.
5) Kim, Hwan-Chul (김환철)
* Office : Jungsuk BD C-8F
* Tel : +82-32-890-3216
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D : Environmental epidemiology / Inha Univ / Korea
- M.S. : Preventive medicine / Chonbuk National Univ / Korea
* Research Area : Environmental epidemiology, Environmental disease, Occupational disease
* Academic Works :
- Land Use Regression Model for Assessing Exposure and Impacts of Air Pollutants in School Children. J KOSAE 2012;28(5):571-580.
- Association between Long Working Hours and Suicidal Ideation. Korean J Occup Environ Med 2012;24(4):339-346.
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Korean J Occup Environ Med 2012;24(4):328-338.
- The Relationship between Job Stress and the Will to Cease Tobacco Smoking for Small and Medium Scale Industry Male workers. Korean J Occup Environ Med 2012;24(1):33-39.
- Association of ozone exposure with asthma, allergic rhinitis, and allergic sensitization. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011;107(3):214-219.
- Depressive symptoms as a risk factor for the common cold among employees: A 4-month follow-up study. J Psychosom Res. 2011;71(3):194-196.
- Interaction Between Bronchiolitis Diagnosed Before 2 Years of Age and Socio-Economic Status for Bronchial Hyperreactivity. Environ Health Toxicol. 2011;26:1-6.
- Estimated Occupational Injury Rate and work Related Factors Based on Data From the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Korean J Occup Environ Med 2011;23(2):149-163.
- A prospective study of work stressors and the common cold. Occup Med (Lond). 2011;61(1):53-56.
- Association between Job Stress and Insomnia in Korean Workers. J Occup Health. 2011;53(3):164-174.
6) Park, Soo-Jung (박수정)
* Office : 5W-553
* Tel : +82-32-860-8181
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://cafe.naver.com/inhaludens/
* Educational Background :
- Ph.D : Leisure Studies/ Ewha Women’s University/ Korea
- M.S. : Leisure Studies/ Ewha Women’s University/ Korea
* Research Area : Leisure Studies, Leisure education, Leisure programming
* Academic Works :
- Leisure and Culture(2007). publisher yuk Lack .
- An Analysis on barrier factors of walking as a leisure activity(2007), Journal of Leisure Recreation Studies. 31(4). pp. 85-96
- An Analysis of Casual model among Serious leisure, Mania, Flow and Addiction in Sports leisure participants(2006), Journal of Korean Physical Education Association for Girls and Women. 21(5). 41-52.
7) Park, Hye-Young (박혜영)
* Office : 5S121
* Tel : +82-32-860-8027
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://english.inha.ac.kr
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D. : Dept. of English Language and Literature / University of Glasgow / U.K.
- M.A. : Dept. of English Language and Literature / Seoul National University / Korea
* Research Area : Romantic Poetry / Feminism / Ecology
* Academic Works :
- Understanding of the Cultural Theory
- The Politics of Keatsian Utopianism
- The Public meaning of Teaching English Poetry in the Threatening of the Humanities
- Sexuality, the Hard Fact of Peter Pan
- Feminism in the Age of Ecocide
- The Continuity of Colonial Rule and the Postcolonial Imagination of Arundhati Roy
8) Byun, Byung-Seol (변병설)
* Office : 9-615
* Tel : +82-32-860-7952
* E-mail :
* Homepage :
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D :Urban Planning/University of Pennsylvania/USA
- M.S. :Urban Planning/Seoul National University/Korea
* Research Area : Urban Planning, Urban Environmental Policy
* Academic Works :
- Understanding Environmental Policy, Pakyoungsa, 2003
- The pattern of landscape patches and invasion of naturalized plants in developed areas of urban Seoul, LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING,2005
9) Sohn Min(손민)
* Office : Seohogwan 221
* Tel : +82-32-860-8212
* E-mail :
* Educational Background :
- Ph.D :University of California San Francisco, USA
- M.S.:Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
- MPH (Master of Public Health): Harvard University, USA
- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: University of California SanFrancisco, USA
* Research Area :Nursing care in children and adolescents, simulation in nursing education, type 1 diabetes, interdisciplinary health science
* Academic Works :
- Growth patterns and the implications of preterm infants from a culture of rapid modernization, Journal of Child Health Care, 2013.
- The problem-based learning integrated with simulation to improve nursing students’ self-efficacy, Open Journal of Nursing, 2013
- Prevention of hypoglycemia-induced neuronal death by minocycline, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9(225), 2012.
- Simulation-based smoking cessation intervention education for undergraduate nursing students, Nurse Education Today, 8, 868~872, 2012.
- Adiposity of Korean School-Age Children Classified by Body Mass Index Based on the Korean Growth Standard and World Health Organization and International Obesity Task Force Growth References, Research in Nursing & Health, 2012
- Recurrent/moderate hypoglycemia induces hippocampal dendritic injury, microglial activation, and cognitive impairment in diabetic rats, Journal of Neuroinflammation, 9, 2012.
- Prevention of acute/severe hypoglycemia-induced neuron death by lactate administration, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 32, 1086~1096, 2012.
- Stress proof the heart: behavioral interventions for cardiac patients, Springer, 2012
10) Ahm, Young Mee (안영미)
* Office : 5S363
* Tel : +82-32-860-8207
* E-mail :
* Homepage :
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D : Nursing / University of Pittsburgh / USA
- M.S. : Biomedical anthropology / Binghamton University, State University of New York
- M.S. : Nursing / Hanyang University / Korea
* Research Area : Nursing care in high-risk infants and children. Human growth
variation, Evolutionary medicine.
* Academic Works :
- Assessment of Primitive Reflexes in High-risk Newborns, Journal of Clinical Medicine
Research, 3 (6), 285-290, 2011.
- Growth Patterns of Premature Infants Up to 40th Term Week of Corrected Age,
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 41(5), 613-622, 2011.
- Formula and Scale for Body Surface Area Estimation in High-Risk Infants. Collegium
Antropologicum, 34(4), 1273-1280, 2010.
- Comparison in Weight, Height, Degree of Obesity and Body Mass Index Among Different
Methods for Body Shape Classification in School-Age Children. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 40 (6), 775-784,2010.
- Implementation of a Clinical Pathway in Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax Patients
Treated by Wedge Resection Surgery, Clinical Nurse Specialist, 24 (6), 295-303,
- Evaluation of Mental Status in High-Risk Neonates using Infants Coma Scale, Journal of
Korean Academy of Nursing, 40 (4), 561-570,2010.
- Breast Functions Perceived by Korean Mothers: Infant Nutrition and Female Sexuality,
Western Journal of Nursing Research, 32 (3), 363-378, 2010
11) Lee, Ji Eun (이지은)
* Office : 7th Floor, Jung-Suk Building C
* Tel : +82-32-890-3617
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D : Pediatric Endocrinology/ Inha University / Korea
- M.S. : Pediatrics /Inha University / Korea
* Research Area : Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus in children and adolescent
precocious puberty, adrenal gland.
* Academic Works :
- Marked Suppression of Ghrelin Concentration by Insulin in Prader-Willi Syndrome
Journal of Korean Medical Science 2007;22:177.
- Subclinical rickets in breastfed infants. Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2007;50:1188.
- Corrected 17-Alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone Values Adjusted by a Scoring System for
Screening Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Premature Infants. Annals of Clinical &
Laboratory Science 2008;38:235.
12) Lee , Hun Jae (이훈재)
* Office : Jungsuk BD C-3F
* Tel : +82-32-890-0971
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D : Epidemiology / Hallym Univ / Korea
- M.S. : Public Health / Seoul National Univ / Korea
* Research Area : Infectious disease epidemiology, public health surveillance
* Academic Works :
- Nationwide survey on the human right of person living with HIV/AIDS. National Human
Rights Commission of Korea. 2006
- Fundamentals of clinical research. Korean Endocrine Society. 2007
- Effects of comorbidity and smoking on the survival of lung cancer patients. Journal of
Clinical Oncology. 24:5468-5469, 2006
13) Chang, Kyung-Ja (장경자)
* Office: 1-525
* Tel: +82-32-860-8126
* E-mail:
* Homepage: http://iws.inha.ac.kr/~kjchang
* Educational Background:
- Ph. D: Nutrition / University of Minnesota / U.S.A.
- M.S.: Food and Nutrition/ Seoul National University / Republic of Korea
* Research Area: Human Nutrition & Biochemistry / Fitness & Nutritional Counseling
* Academic Works:
-Development of Customized Functional Foods for Health Promotion and Well-being
-Customized Obesity Prevention and Treatment Programming
-Biological Activities of Taurine/Garlic/Soy/Lotus/Seaweed against Life Stress, Obesity and Their Related Diseases
14) Choi, Wonik (최원익)
* Office : H-511
* Tel : +82-32-860-8375
* E-mail :
* Homepage : http://uclab.inha.ac.kr
* Educational Background :
- Ph. D : Electrical & Computer Engineering/ Seoul National University/ KOREA
- M.S. : Electrical & Computer Engineering / Seoul National University/ KOREA
* Research Area : Big Data Analytics, Spatio-Temporal Database, GIS/LBS. Telematics, Ubiquitous Computing. Wireless Sensor Network,
* Academic Works :
- “Online Approach for Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data Reduction for Portable Devices”, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013.
- “Accelerating Range Query Processing on R-Tree using Graphics Processing Units Date of Evaluation”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON Information and Systems, 2013