Chemistry 12 Student Name

What do you want your child to accomplish or understand? (Related to learning outcomes) / Student Name’s main goal is to explore and become more aware of God's creation and to observe His handiwork in all of nature. This will be accomplished by the studying Reaction Kinetics, Dynamic Equilibrium, Solubility Equilibria, Nature of Acid and Bases including Quantitative Problem Solving, Applications of Acid-Base Reactions, Oxidation-Reductions,and Applications of Redox Reactions. It is hoped that the Student Name will also develop proper attitudes, skills, and a knowledge base necessary for the pursuit of this, and other sciences..
What activities are you planning to do to accomplish your goals? / Student Name will read explanations and do all exercises in Chemistry 12 – A Workbook For Students.
Once each unit is completed, Mrs. Chris will email Student Name unit tests, which he/she will write and then email back to Mrs. Chris for marking.
Student Name will do some chemistry labs relating to the subject studied. For three of these, he/she will submit a formal lab write-up.
Student Name may contact Mrs. Chris at any time during the course to ask questions about the course or its procedure. Mrs. Chris is most happy to help in any way she can! 
How will we check to see if your student has accomplished the goals? / 1. Weekly (semester) emails, or bi-weekly (linear) emails to Mrs. Chris to tell of progress during past week.
2. Samples of work (assignments, tests, quizzes, lab reports) will be sent to Mrs. Chris as they are completed
3. If no work is handed in for 3 weeks in succession, the student’s name will be given to Sue Savard, for evaluation and discussion. This could result in the student being dropped from the course.
4. All tests must be done without the aid of any resource, be it on paper, the Internet or another person. They must be written completely from Student Name’s own memory, and then be submitted to Mrs. Chris for marking.
5. Mrs. Chris may choose to discuss verbally with Student Name a subject that he/she has studied in the course, as a method of evaluation and assessment.
6. There will be an “in-class” final exam for this course. This exam will be sent to Student Name once he/she has completed all the necessary coursework.
What materials/resources are you going to use to accomplish your goals? / Chemistry 12 – A Workbook for Students by James A. Hebden
Chemistry 12 – The KEY, Castle Rock Research Group
Lab equipment?
TIMETABLE / Semester 1
How many hours per day? How many days per week?
Fill in the answers to these questions in this box.

NOTE: This is a SAMPLE SLP. The resource listed is a suggestion only. If you have a different curriculum in mind for use for Chemistry 12 credit, feel free to call me (250-426-3743), to discuss how the resource you would like to use “fits” for Chemistry 12 in British Columbia. Then, if you choose to use that resource, I will tailor this SLP to fit what you are doing for Chemistry 12.  Mrs. Chris