zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebi da maTSi moswavleTa ricxovnoba

Number of General education schools and pupils in them

saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year

2004 / 2004/
2005 / 2005/
zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebi, erTeuli / 3331 / 3343 / 2744 / General
education schools
maT Soris: / of which:
saxelmwifo zogadsagan-manaTleblo skolebi / 3175 / 3167 / 2470 / Public general education schools
maTgan: / of them:
dRis skolebi / 3148 / 3147 / 2456 / Day-time schools
saRamos skolebi / 27 / 20 / 14 / Evening schools
arasaxelmwifo saero (fasiani) zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebi / 156 / 176 / 260 / Private
general education schools
moswavleTa ricxovnoba, sul _ aTasi / 671,9 / 648,3 / 634,7 / Number of pupils - thsd.
maT Soris: / of which:
saxelmwifo zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebSi / 655,0 / 627,3 / 601,4 / In public general education schools
maTgan: / of them:
dRis skolebSi / 650,1 / 624,9 / 601,3 / In day-time schools
saRamos skolebSi / 4,9 / 2,4 / 0,1 / In evening schools
arasaxelmwifo saero (fasian) zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebSi / 16,9 / 21,0 / 33,4 / In private
general education schools

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebis

moswavleTa ganawileba klasebis jgufebis mixedviT

Distribution of general education school pupils by grades

saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year

erTeuli unit

/ 2003/
2004 / 2004/
2005 / 2005/
2006 /
moswavleebi, sul / 671926 / 648300 / 634724 / Number of pupils, total
maT Soris: / of them:
1-6 klasebSi / 363951 / 338222 / 326597 / grades 1 through 6
7-9 klasebSi / 213087 / 213963 / 200488 / grades 7 through 9
10-11(12) klasebSi / 94888 / 96115 / 107639 / grades 10 through 11(12)
aqedan: / of which in:
saxelmwifo skolebSi / 655024 / 627298 / 601362 / Public general education schools
maT Soris: / of them:
1-6 klasebSi / 354175 / 326356 / 307177 / grades 1 through 6
7-9 klasebSi / 208684 / 207789 / 191973 / grades 7 through 9
10-11(12) klasebSi / 92165 / 93153 / 102212 / grades 10 through 1(12)
arasaxelmwifo (fasian) skolebSi / 16902 / 21002 / 33362 / In private schools
maT Soris: / of which:
1-6 klasebSi / 9776 / 11866 / 19420 / grades 1 through 6
7-9 klasebSi / 4403 / 6174 / 8515 / grades 7 through 9
10-11(12) klasebSi / 2723 / 2962 / 5427 / grades 10 through 11(12)
moswavleTa saerTo raodenobidan droebiT adgilnacvali moswavleebi / 17963 / 17309 / 18105 / Internally Displaced pupils from total
Number of pupils

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

saxelmwifo zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebis moswavleTa ganawileba klasebis mixedviT

Distribution of public general school pupils by grades

saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year

2004 / 2004/
2005 / 2005/
sul moswavleebi / 650086 / 622999 / 601362 / Number of pupils, total
maT Soris: / of which in:
I klasi / 55168 / 51540 / 45346 / grade 1
2 klasi / 55827 / 52601 / 50036 / grade 2
3 klasi / 57107 / 53867 / 51526 / grade 3
4 klasi / 56186 / 55493 / 53130 / grade 4
5 klasi / 60836 / 53946 / 54051 / grade 5
6 klasi / 69051 / 58909 / 53088 / grade 6
7 klasi / 72550 / 67229 / 57811 / grade 7
8 klasi / 72212 / 70250 / 65723 / grade 8
9 klasi / 62818 / 69638 / 68439 / grade 9
10 klasi / 46055 / 48296 / 56619 / grade 10
11 klasi / 42206 / 43019 / 45593 / grade 11
12 klasi / 70 / 85 / 0 / grade 12

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

arasaxelmwifo zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebis moswavleTa ganawileba klasebis mixedviT

Distribution of private school pupils by grades

saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year

erTeuli unit

2004 / 2004/
2005 / 2005/
moswavleebi, sul / 16902 / 21002 / 33362 / Number of pupils, total
maT Soris: / of which in:
I klasi / 1844 / 2217 / 3564 / grade 1
2 klasi / 1692 / 2186 / 3482 / grade 2
3 klasi / 1565 / 1974 / 3549 / grade 3
4 klasi / 1529 / 1908 / 3094 / grade 4
5 klasi / 1506 / 1806 / 2868 / grade 5
6 klasi / 1640 / 1775 / 2863 / grade 6
7 klasi / 1652 / 2088 / 2774 / grade 7
8 klasi / 1464 / 2084 / 2889 / grade 8
9 klasi / 1287 / 2002 / 2852 / grade 9
10 klasi / 1384 / 1407 / 2801 / grade 10
11 (12) klasi / 1339 / 1555 / 2626 / grade 11(12)

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

saxelmwifo zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebis moswavleebi swavlebis safexurebis mixedviT

The pupils of public general education schools by level of education
saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year
kaci persons
moswavleTa ricxovnoba, sul
Number of pupils, total / maT Soris of which
dawyebiTi ganaTleba
(I safexuri)
(or the first stage of basic education) / sabazo ganaTleba (II sa fexuri, saSualo ganaTlebis Ietapi)
Basic education
(or second stage of basic education, and first stage of general secondary education) / saSualo zogadi ganaTleba
(III safexuri, saSualo ganaTlebis
II etapi)
General secondary
(or second stage of general secondary education)
moswavleTa ricxovnoba, sul Number of pupils, total
2002/2003 / 670907 / 377016 / 202994 / 90897
2003/2004 / 655024 / 354175 / 208684 / 92165
2004/2005 / 622999 / 325205 / 206507 / 91287
2005/2006 / 601362 / 307177 / 191973 / 102212
maT Soris gogonebi of wich girls
2002/2003 / 328351 / 183011 / 99073 / 46267
2003/2004 / 319501 / 171152 / 101710 / 46639
2004/2005 / 305746 / 157977 / 101018 / 46751
2005/2006 / 297650 / 150148 / 94995 / 52507
wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebis da mecnierebis saministro
Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

pedagogebis raodenoba

saxelmwifo zogadsaganmanaTleblo saSualo skolebSi

Number of day-time general education school teachers

erTeuli unit

year / 2005/2006
sasw. wels
pedagogebi, sul / 70709 / 68992 / Teachers, total
maT Soris: / of which in:
dawyebiT zogadsaganmanaTleblo saSualo skolebSi / 2367 / 669 / primary schools
sabazo zogadsaganmanaTleblo saSualo skolebSi / 8603 / 8467 / basic schools
saSualo zogadsaganmanaTleblo saSualo skolebSi / 59739 / 59856 / secondary schools

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

moswavleTa ganTesvis maCveneblebi da mizezebi

Pupils Drop out Indicators and Reasons

moswavleTa ricxovnoba Number of pupils

saswavlo weli


school year


saswavlo weli


school year

gadavidnen skolidan: / Transferred, in
sxva saxelmwifo dRis skolaSi / 30398 / 33728 / An other day-time Public school
arasaxelmwifo (kerZo) dRis skolaSi / 2879 / 3769 / An other day-time Private school
saRamos zogadsaganmanaTleblo
skolaSi / 955 / 735 / An other evening school
zogadsaganmanaTleblo dawyebiT
profesiul saswavleblebSi / 557 / 575 / General Primary vocational school
arazogadsaganmanaTleblo dawyebiT profesiul saswav.-Si / 198 / 283 / Non-General Primary vocational school
saSualo-profesiul saswavleblebSi / 1653 / 1910 / Secondary professional schools
specialur saswavlo-aRmzrdelobiT dawesebulebebSi / 294 / 270 / Special teaching-up bringing institutions
swavlis mitovebis mizezebi: / Drop out reasons:
avadmyofoba / 336 / 287 / Sickness
gardacvaleba / 441 / 150 / Death
qveynis datoveba / 2977 / 2817 / Leaving of the country
skolidan garicxva / 960 / 853 / Dropout
daiwyes muSaoba da aRar swavloben / 1401 / 1388 / Started working
daqorwindnen da aRar swavloben / 532 / 560 / Marriage

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia

dRis zogadsaganmanaTleblo skolebis uzrunvelyofa informatikisa da gamoTvliTi teqnikis kabinetebiT

Availability of IT classrooms and facilities in day-time general

education schools

saswavlo wlis dasawyisisaTvis at the beginning of school year

/ 2003/
2004 / 2004/
2005 / 2005/
2006 /
skolebis ricxvi, romlebsac aqvs informatikisa da gamoTvliTi teqnikis kabinetebi, sul / 306 / 337 / 608 / Number of schools with IT facilities,
maT Soris
gaaCniaT kompiuteri / 258 / 3362 / 4342 / of which
has a computer
procentulad saSualo
skolebis saerTo ricxvTan / 9,8 / 10,1 / 24,8 / As percent of total number of schools

wyaro: saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro

Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia