Minutes ORF Meeting Marseille, 28th March 2017

PresentAnna Sureda (AS), HervéFinel, ArianeBoumendil, , Peter Dreger (PD), Silvia Montoto (SM), Stephen Robinson (SR), CharaKyriakou (CK), Saad Akhtar, IrmaKhvedelidze, Alina Tanase, Leyre Bento (LB), IrfanMaghfoor, Marleenvan Os, Jennifer Clay, Ali Bazarbachi (AB), LajosGergely, Kai Hübel, Jordan Gauthier, Sonja Genadieva-Stavrik, Harry Schouten, IvettaDanylesko, Christian Gisselbrecht, Sandy Amorim, ZsuzsannaLeitnernéKósa, Karan Wadehra (KW), Alberto Mussetti, Maria SperanzaMassei, Osman Ilhan, ZaferGülbas, Alessandro Re, Raquel Del Campo, JoannaRomejko-Jarosinska, Milan Navratil, Rosanna Ghinai, CharlotteChaibi, Olivier Hermine, Jean El-Cheikh

General Matters

1. CIBMTR Collaboration (Peter Dreger)

Discussions were held between members of the CIBMTR Lymphoma WorkingCommittee and PD and AS at the last Tandem Meetings. There was agreement to develop the following projects:

  1. Consensus projects on conditioning regimens for alloSCT in lymphoma (to be led by the EBMT LWP –PD-)
  2. Consensus projects on post transplant maintenance strategies

2. Timelines for abstracts preparation (Silvia Montoto): Proposal for new internal timeline for abstract submission to enable timely review of the abstract by PI, writing committee, statistician and then co-authors. The following timeline was proposed and accepted:

-day 0: deadline for submission
-day -2: final abstract approved by PIs and LWP chair
-day -10: abstract to be sent to co-authors
-day -15: PI to send first draft to Writing Committee
-day -30: Ariane to send the first analysis

Externallyfor other WP: SM will send a proposal to Nicolaus Kroeger asking to discuss this at the SC and establish commontimelinesfor all WPs.

Educational Matters

The 13th Educational Course will be held inPrague 21st and 22nd September 2017

Bids for 2018: Palma de Mallorca (host LB) and Bristol (host SR) were both proposed. It was agreed that Palma de Mallorca should be taken forward.

A new application form for centers wishing to host the Educational Course has been developed (see Appendix). Future bids should include potential venue and hotels to be considered.

Manuscript Status

2006-R-02 RIC in MCL; SR, 1st draft written

2007-R-01 HL auto late effects update; AS/PD, 1st draft written

2009-R-06 FL unrelated; AS, with CIBMTR, submitted to JCO

2010-N-02 WM auto; CK, 1st draft written

2011-R-01 PMBCL auto; IA, submitted to BMT

2012-R-04 MALT; AC/SM, 1st draft written

2012-R02E CTCL recent era; RD/ED, 1st draft written

2013-R-03 Z-BEAM; LB/SM, accepted in BMT

2015-R-02 IVL PEL; JM/PD, accepted in BMT

2013-R-04 Haplo HL; CM/AS, submitted to JCO, response to referees pt

2015-R-05 Allo in NHL according to age; CK/PD, TBW

2015-R-01H BV as bridge to SCT in HL; AS/AB, 1st draft written

2015-R-04 HIV new era; KH, TBW

2015-R-06 SCT in NLP-HL; SA/AS, 1st draft written

1998-P-01 Lym1-long follow up; RP/SM, TBW

2016-R-05 BEAC toxicity; SR/SM, TBW

Ongoing LWP Studies

2009-N-02 SCT in blasticplasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasia (SD with ALWP)

2013-N-02, 2016-R-01 PWI pre and post allo studies (PD, with CMWP) More data available on PWI pre allosct than post

2014-R-01 alloWM (CK)

2015-R-03 Rel after auto DLBCL (AS)

2015-R-01A BV as bridge to SCT in ALCL (AS/ED)

2015-R-09 FL Rel post auto in FL (SR)

2015-R-08 Haplo in DLBCL (PD/AS with CIBMTR) 49 haplo with PTC

2016-S-01 Checkpoint inhibitors pre/post alloHCT (SD/PD/AS).

To concentrate on CPI post allo.

Abstracts for 2017

Abstracts accepted for EBMT:

  • Auto in HIV- oral (KH)(paper for JCO)
  • Ibrutinib pre allo in CLL and MCL- oral (PD with CMWP)
  • Ibrutinib post allo (with CMWP)
  • auto BV in ALCL- poster (EDomingo)
  • BV pre in HL- oral (AB)
  • RICallo in MCL- oral (SR) (paper forAnnals Oncol)
  • BEAC toxicity- oral SR (paper for BMT)

Abstracts submitted to ICMLLugano 2017

  • BV post allo in HL (AB)
  • Allo BV in ALCL (AS, EDomingo)
  • Lym1 (RPettengell)

Abstracts forASH 2017:

  • Rel post auto DLBCL (AS)
  • WM consensus (CK, SM)
  • CI pre/post allo (PD, SD)
  • Rel post auto FL (SR)

New studies to be launched

  • 2016-R-02 DLI in lymphoma, (SR) Details of required data fields to be established
  • 2016-R-04 2nd auto in HL, (CM/AS)
  • [2016-R-03 Trends in SCT in HL, (AS)] pending formal proposal

New Proposals

1. Trends in SCT in FL- KWand SR

Observational study of transplant activity in FL over last 2-3 decades with outcome analysis and possible reference to population survival curves. Only Med A level data required. This study was supported to go ahead.

2. Haploidentical SCTin Lymphoma. Identification of pretransplant factors impacting on outcome of transplant (AB)

The preliminary proposal was discussed. Agreement on the importance of the study so it wassupported.Recommended that the proposal required further refinement and then a feasibility analysis before it could be taken any further.

Next Meeting of the ORF: 20th September 2017 Prague


Title of the proposed meeting:
Organizing Working Party(s):
Please state if there will be more than one WP will be involved
Proposed dates for the meeting:
Please indicate start /end date / TBD with LWP
Organizing & Scientific Committee:
Please name all members of the committee (e.g. WP Chair, Secretary etc)
Proposed City / Country:
Possible Venues:
Please list 3 possible venues that would be suitable for this event (in case venue(s) is not an hotel please suggest the nearby hotels for the invited speakers / chairs)
Possible Hotel(s) for Accommodation:
Expected Number of Attendees:
Expected Number of Speakers / Chairs:
Proposed Registration Fee:
Travel Allowance:
Please note that all the invited speakers / chairs should arrange their own travel. As a WP you can allow your invited speakers / chairs to reimburse their expenses.Please indicate the maximum amount you would like to allow per person. (please see the comment on the box) / 400€ for European Flights
750€ for Middle East Flights
1500€ for Overseas Flights
Possible Sponsors:
Please list all possible sponsors for the meeting
Will meeting have Lunch Symposium(s)?:
Will there be Paralel Sessions?:
Will there be Workshops?:
Will the meeting be accredited by CME?:
Please specify
Will there be a Social Event:
such as Dinners, Cocktail, Meet the Experts Thematic dinners etc.
Is there any other requirements?:
Such special technical support, Web Cast etc.
Name / Surname:
Name / Surname:
In case more than one WP
Name / Surname:
In case more than one WP
Date of Submission: