My last grade Grade I am aiming for this time Name……….............…….....…..................…
(In Y8)
Year 9 Assessment 1 ‘Our Restless Planet’
You are going to make a newspaper report on an EARTHQUAKE. It will be on a piece of A3 paper
This report will be from a few days AFTER the EARTHQUAKE.
Your work is to be hand – written unless your teacher takes you to H7
You need maps or photos so bring these to your lesson along with your research.
If H7 is available you can print maps or photos – come during lunch-times – otherwise you can draw them
You will need to research information on a earthquake but yours can be an imaginary one
The style of the layout is shown below.
You can change the layout but to score highly all the bits in the layout below must be in your pages.
1. Turn over NOW and read the level descriptors – (how to get a good grade)
2. The levels will show you how to score higher than your target grade
3. You should try to make sure your newspaper is interesting and full of information.
4. Put in plenty of the geographical ideas you have discussed with your teacher.
Year 9 Assessment 1: Levels – underline the one you are going for.
Level 3 (E) You have described the main events of an earthquake
You have used a diagram and/or a map to show where the earthquake was
Level 4 (D) You have given some detail on the location on the location of the earthquake
You explain some causes of the earthquake or you describe some of the effects of the earthquake
You have attempted to present your work in the style of a newspaper report.
Level 5 (C) (All of L4 plus ......)
You have explained clearly the cause of the earthquake using information on plate tectonics
You have described the effects of the earthquake on people and the environment
You have used correct geographical words
Level 6 (B) (All of L5 plus ......)
You have given the report a basic ‘sense of place’.
You have shown that you know the difference between primary and secondary effects
You have mentioned how at 3 different groups of people responded such as locals, fire/rescue…..
You put the earthquake ‘in context’ by examining past earthquakes
You have used detailed information on the country and information on the people who live there
Level 7 (A) (All of L6 plus ......) [In your Editorial section]
You have compared what has happened here with recent earthquakes in other parts of the world
You have expressed a valid opinion on what the future may hold for the area
You have given a valid opinion on what the people who are living there should do next
Level 8 (A*) You have explained the following statement in your Editorial section – Either:
‘The effects of any earthquake are determined by the following factors....’
Or: ‘Are natural hazards natural.’
Exceptional performance – see PDS