A Chicken’s heart beats 280-315 times a minute
Chickens and turkeys are known to cross-breed, these breeds are known as “Turkins”
The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour
It takes a hen 24-26 hours to lay an egg
The largest chicken egg on record was nearly 12 oz., measuring 12 ¼ ” around
The greatest number of yolks in one chicken egg is nine
Americans consume 8 billion chickens a year
There are approximately 450 million chickens in the United States
The record for laying the most eggs: seven in one day
One trait, called Melanosis, causes chickens’ bones, ligaments, skin and tendons to be colored BLACK
In 1925, hens laid an average of 100 eggs a year. In 1979, the world record was set by a White Leghorn who laid 371 eggs in 364 days!!!
If a rooster is not present in a flock of hens, a hen will often take the role, stop laying, and begin to crow
All domestic chickens can be genetically traced to Gallus Gallus, The Red Jungle Fowl
There are four places in the United States with the word “chicken” in their name. Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle, Illinois and Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania