CEIAG KRA – Indicators (formerly LOs) and Experiences (actions and tasks)
By the end of their degree, students will have developed skills to make and implement effective career decisions. The following indicators outline the process through which these skills will be acquired and suggest some experiences which would support that learning. A variety of methods should be used, including:
- student self directed learning
- web resources
- delivery through the curriculum involving academic staff, Careers Advisers, employers or any combination of these three groups
- individual careers guidance from a Careers Adviser
1st and 2nd year students will:
- understand the skills and attributes that are being developed through their academic work and recognise that they have a value beyond that
This can be achieved by
active engagement with the process of PDP
alerting students to the Route to a Career process on the Careers Service website
making skill and attribute development explicit in class learning outcomes, handbook and department website
engaging in Work Related Learning tasks
- understand the benefits of gaining work experience and the variety of experiences available
This can be achieved by
undertaking the online SORTED seminar ‘Making the Most of Your Work Experience’ and/or making use of the Getting The Right Work Experience section of the Careers Service website.
- know about a variety of occupations and employers open to graduates, including those specific to their discipline and understand the main skills and attributes required for graduate level employment
This can be achieved by
using the relevant sections of Route to a Career on the Careers Service website
encouraging attendance at employer presentations and participation in employer events, competitions and case studies
- be able to identify their skills and attributes and areas for development and devise a personal strategy to use course, co-curriculum and work experience opportunities to develop further
This can be achieved by
working through Top Tips to Employability, available to download from the Careers Service website
using the appropriate sections of Route to a Career, on the Careers Service website, along with their own PDP reflection
- be able to produce their course, work experience and co-curriculumskills and attributes in a CV format suitable for part-time jobs, summer work, internships and course placements
This can be achieved by
using the CV section of the Careers Service website
Later Years students will:
- know about various routes into graduate employment, including post-graduate study and self employment, and sources of information about them
This can be achieved by
making use of the appropriate sections of the Careers Service website (e.g. Choosing Your Career, Looking for a Job and Finding out about Postgraduate Study)
attending Careers Service seminars
attending employer presentations
- develop a detailed knowledge of their target occupations and employers and understand the main sources of information about these
This can be achieved by
making use of the online careers library and Careers Resource Centre
taking part in employer events and attending employer presentations
undertaking work experience, work shadowing and/or internships
networking with employers involved in any of the above and/or proactively developing and using their own network of contacts
- continue to build up experience in their course of study and through the co-curriculum and work experience that adds value to their career planning and their understanding both of what they have to offer an employer and what they will need from an employer
This can be achieved by
continuing use of the advice in the SORTED seminar and on the Work Experience section of the Careers Service website
inclusion of Work Related Learning tasks in the curriculum
engagement with PDP
- be able to evidence their skills and attributes from course, co-curriculum and work experience in a format and at a level suited to graduate careers or application for post-graduate study
Thiscan be achieved by
using the Making Applications section of the Careers Service website
taking advantage of the various opportunities to meet employers and/or course providers