Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report

Course Assessment

Division: Communications Discipline/Program: English

Course Number and Name: English 211 Fiction

Program Contact Person: Ann Warren Phone: 310.233.4247

Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Coordinator Date: February 2013

Attach additional pages as necessary.

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
1 / 1. Recognize distinctive features of the major writers, literary works, movements, trends and genres in the English and American novel from the 17th century to the present. / Students produce essays related to major writers, literary works, movements, trends and genres in the English and American novel from the 17th century to the present; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area / --73% of the students demonstrated excellence in this area (8 of 11)
--27% of the students demonstrated competence in this area (3 of 11) / 100% of students achieved competence or excellence. Although it would be nice to see all of the students achieve excellence in this area, the material and methodology is obviously achieving its goals.
2 / 2. Demonstrate an understanding of these works in context, including, though not limited to, historical, philosophical, social, political, religious, psychological, biographical, artistic backgrounds / Students produce essays which discuss one or more of the contextual elements noted in the SLO; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area / --90% of the students demonstrated excellence in this area (10 of 11)
--10% of the students demonstrated competence in this area (1 of 11) / 100% of students achieved competence or excellence; although it would be nice to see all of the students achieve excellence in this area, the material and methodology is obviously achieving its goals.
1 / 3. Employ critical thinking and college-level methods and terminology of literary analysis to reading and interpreting literature by producing well-developed, fluent writing that supports premises about literary works and which utilizes logical observations supported by textual examples / Students produce essays employing critical thinking and demonstrating proficiency in writing skills; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area / --45% of the students demonstrated excellence in this area (5 of 11)
--55% of the students demonstrated competence in this area (6 of 11) / 100% of students achieved competence or excellence; although this goal has been met, more needs to be done to help those who are only competent achieve excellence. These students should be more strongly encouraged to get help from the instructor, the Writing Lab, and online tutoring services.
3 / 4. Demonstrate continued understanding of MLA conventions developing essays that integrate source material and incorporate standard documentation and format / Students produce essays in standard MLA format (including both page layout and documentation format); at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area. / --10% of the students demonstrated excellence in this area (1 of 11)
--90% of the students demonstrated competence in this area (10 of 11) / Although 100% of the students in this class achieved competence, many (10) still make errors in formatting that they shouldn’t be making by this level. The recommendation that students be reminded of these conventions before their first essays are due will be shared with all 200-level instructors.

Date: April 2011

Institutional Learning Outcomes / Course Intended Outcomes / Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success / Summary of Data Collected / Use of Results
1 / 1. Recognize distinctive features of the major writers, literary works, movements, trends and genres in the English and American novel from the 17th century to the present. / Students produce essays related to major writers, literary works, movements, trends and genres in the English and American novel from the 17th century to the present; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area
2 / 2. Demonstrate an understanding of these works in context, including, though not limited to, historical, philosophical, social, political, religious, psychological, biographical, artistic backgrounds / Students produce essays which discuss one or more of the contextual elements noted in the SLO; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area
1 / 3. Employ critical thinking and college-level methods and terminology of literary analysis to reading and interpreting literature by producing well-developed, fluent writing that supports premises about literary works and which utilizes logical observations supported by textual examples / Students produce essays employing critical thinking and demonstrating proficiency in writing skills; at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area
3 / 4. Demonstrate continued understanding of MLA conventions developing essays that integrate source material and incorporate standard documentation and format / Students produce essays in standard MLA format (including both page layout and documentation format); at least 70% of the students should be able to demonstrate competence in this area. / All but two of the students assessed passed. Those who passed all scored in the 83-100% range. The two students who received less than 70% simply turned in no Works Cited list or had no internal citations. Scores ranged from 53% to 100% with a few more errors in documentation format than page layout. / The reinforcement of MLA standards is working in this class; the recommendation that students be reminded of these conventions before their first essays are due will be shared with all 200-level instructors.