196 River StreetPhone: (02) 65625591
Kempsey, NSW 2440 Fax:(02) 65626030
Principal – Mrs. Sandra Ross
GreenHillPublic School is a small K-4 school on the MacleayRiver at Kempsey on the Mid North Coast of NSW.
Our school has a new Administration building which includes a beautiful and bright new Library which is very well resourced. We also have a designated Community Room for use by the community for school related meetings and a Computer Room for the use of students.
The school caters for the individual needs of the students, through teaching and learning programs developed by the teachers, support by the Learning Difficulties teacher and in-class tutors.
At Green Hill Public School we believe the students require an all round education involving academic, social, environmental, spiritual and physical education.
Mrs Sandra Ross Principal, teacher
Ms Sian Fisher Classroom Teacher
Mrs Kylie Johns Classroom Teacher
Edna Townsend Classroom Teacher/Librarian
Jo Kerrigan Classroom Teacher
Caroline Bradshaw Aboriginal Education Officer
Michelle SummerhillSchool Administrative Manager
Pip Eppelstun School Administrative Officer
Tom EvillSchool Learning Support Officer
Deb Wood Aboriginal School Learning Support Officer
Geoff White General Assistant
Mission Statement
At GreenHillPublic School our mission is:
"To make Green Hill School one where students,
staff and parents,
together with the wider community,
unite to learn and teach in a small, happy, comfortable world,
aiming high and embracing the broader world with
confidence, curiosity and selectivity."
Bell Times
School Commences9.00am
Fitness 9am to 9.20am
Wash hands9.20am
Wash hands11.10am
First Break(Eating time)11.15am
(Play time)11.30am to 12.00pm
Wash Hands1.20pm
Second Break(Eating time)1.20pm
(Play time)1.30pm to 2.00pm
School Concludes3.00pm
Teachers officially commence duty half hour before school. Limited supervision is provided from this time with children encouraged to arrive at school around 9:00am. One bus service is later than 9:00 am so we have fitness at this time with a short toilet and fruit break at 9:20.
Children line up for our morning literacy session at 9.30. This is the most valuable learning time of the day and we encourage all children to be punctual.
Children are expected to leave school promptly at the end of the school day. Staff provide supervision of students catching the bus, with other students leaving the school with parents. If parents are going to be late please ring the school as staff have professional development commitments as well as meetings, and special arrangements may need to be made.
Our school contributes to the NSW Ambulance Fund covering the cost of transporting students within NSW where necessary. An ambulance will be called if it is felt that a student’s health is at risk. Parents or contact persons will also be contacted as soon as is possible with regard to the child’s health concerns.
The school provides painting smocks for students to use during art/craft activities. If these are not sufficient to cover a child’s uniform to parents’ satisfaction we encourage families to send along a large shirt or other suitable alternative.
A morning assembly is held each day commencing at 9:25am. Brief information may be given or sought at this time. Formal assemblies are held each Thursday, commencing at 2.00pm in the library. At this assembly the principal addresses the students, merit awards and any special achievements are presented, announcements made and on occasion class items performed. School leaders are given the opportunity to lead these assemblies. Parents and friends are invited to attend. In addition, special assemblies are conducted during the year. Information will be provided about these through the newsletter.
Regular attendance at school is important to ensure satisfactory progress is being made in all aspects of school development. If your child is absent an explanatory note MUST be sent to school giving the reason for the absence. Parents may wish to phone this information to the school, but a written explanation is preferred. Parents of students who are absent from school for unexplained periods may be referred to the Department of Education and Training’s Home School Liaison Officer with reasons for absence sought.
Late Arrivals and Early Leavers
All students should be accompanied by a parent or carer when arriving late and must come to the front office to sign in before going to class. The child will receive a blue slip to hand to their teacher.
If a child is being picked up early please attend the office to sign them out before you go to the class to collect the child. You will receive a blue slip which must be handed to the teacher before you collect your child. This system is in place to protect your children.
Book Club
Children are offered the opportunity to purchase well graded books of good value each term. The school also earns free books for the library when books are purchased by students.
Key Learning Areas for K-Year 6 are:
Science & Technology
Human Society and its Environment
Creative & Practical Arts
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Classroom Requirements
All pencils, books, erasers and rulers are supplied for students in Years K-4, however, the children can bring their own pencil cases and coloured pencils if they wish. Bags for home readers will be supplied by the school along with a home reading record book. Please take good care of these as we can not replace them if damaged or lost.
Children may apply to enrol in Kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn 5 years of age on or before July in that year.
A Birth Certificate and Immunisation Certificate is required together with a completed Enrolment Form at the time of enrolment.
Students transferring from other schools mayapply to enrol at any time however, completed enrolment forms must be handed in prior to your child enrolling.
Our school participates in excursions to enrich a child’s learning experiences. These excursions may be as part of a whole school activity or in smaller group situations.
Family Information Details
New families to the school receive forms to be completed and returned to the School. This supplies the school with your child and family details as well as medical information, which the school may need to know in case of an emergency. If your family name, address, phone or contact number or doctor changes, please inform the school.
Hats - No hat, play in the shade
In accordance with Cancer Council guidelines, children are encouraged to wear broad brimmed hats when outside during Terms 1 and 4. These are available to purchase from the school. The School has a “NO HAT – PLAY IN THE SHADE” policy in effect during these terms to restrict exposure to sunlight. Children are encouraged to continue wearing their hats during Terms 2 and 3.
Homework/Home Reading Scheme
The individual teacher sets homework on a regular basis. Each night your child will be issued with a home reader and log book. Kindergarten children can listen as parents read to them and discuss pictures etc until they are able to manage reading themselves. Please sign the log book as your child attends to their home reader as awards are given for consistency.
Infectious Diseases
From time to time infectious diseases become evident in schools. The school will follow procedures as set by the Department of Education and Training in dealing with such an outbreak. Information sought upon enrolment regarding theimmunisation status of children being enrolled is used in circumstances such as this.
Kindergarten Orientation Program
An Orientation Program is conducted for Kindergarten children enrolling the following year. This time allows the children to become used to the formal routine of the school and for the teachers to assess the children ready for the following Kindergarten Year.
Lunch Orders
There is no school canteen operating, but the students are able to order their lunch as a “meal deal” each Friday. The cost is $5.
Poppers, flavoured milk, cheese & crackers and Vegie chips are available for purchase during the week.
Our new Library caters for each child from K-4 and each class have a half-hour Library lesson every week.
The Library is also available to children during school time to carry out research.
Money for School
All money sent to school for excursions, uniforms, meal deals etc should be put in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, amount enclosed and reason clearly marked on the front. The envelope is to be handed in at the school office.
Parent Helpers
Parents as partners in education are appreciated. Your skills are valued. Help can be given in many areas - reading, craft, maths, etc. If you would like to help, just let the school know.
Parent - Teacher Interviews
All families within our school are encouraged to contact the school at any time during the school year to arrange an appointment to discuss their child's progress. Teachers welcome discussion with parents in the interest of the children. The best time for an interview is generally after school, however where this is not convenient, attempts will be made to arrange a mutually acceptable time. As an important part of our annual reporting system, all parents are invited to attend an interview with the class teacher and their child at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
Presentation Day
Presentation day is held in December each year. Prizes and presentations are awarded to students on this day. This activity is to help recognise the achievements of students from within our school. In addition, all students are involved in a performance on the day and parents and families are invited to join us. Morning tea is provided following the presentation assembly.
School Counsellor
Help is available for problems or concerns that you may have about the development of your child. Our School Counsellor is at School twice a term testing children referred by teachers for assessment of learning difficulties, behaviour and/or social adjustment problems. Parents are informed by note when the School Counsellor is going to work with their child. The Counsellor usually contacts parents after pupil assessment.
School Newsletter
Our school produces a regular newsletter which is distributed to students each Tuesday. This newsletter aims to promote school activities and student achievements along with providing information about coming events or activities. The school newsletter is sent home with the oldest child in the family.
School Uniforms
Green Hill school colours are yellow and black.
Boys’ summer uniform is a yellow polo shirt with embroidered school emblem (available from the school office), black shorts and joggers.
Girls’ summer uniform is a yellow polo shirt with school emblem and black shorts or a skort (available from the school) and joggers. School hats are black with school crest embroidered on the front. These are also available at the office.
Winter uniform for both boys and girls is a yellow polo shirt and black tracksuit, black jacketsand Jerseys with embroidered crest are available from the office.
Non-Uniform (Mufti) Days – these are days held throughout the year, often in association with minor fundraising activities, particularly for charities. Information about these days is provided through the school newsletter.
Non-denominational scripture lessons are provided by a community member each week.
School Photographs
School photographs are arranged each year and families are given the opportunity to purchase these if they so wish.
Sport and PE
Children have sport on Friday and PE lessons during the week. All children take part in fitness/skills sessions each day. These activities form part of our PE/Health/PD program, of which all children are required to participate. A school swimming program is also held in Term 1 or Term 4. All students from K-4 participate in swimming and athletics, where we join with other small schools in the valley. This is usually a whole day excursion to the local pool or to another school. Parents are always welcome to join us on these days.
Student Assistance Scheme
Each year GreenHillPublic School is allocated a limited amount of funds to support students in need of financial assistance so that they may fully participate in all school activities. Student Assistance funds are available to assist families, who for various reasons, may be unable to meet the full cost of some school activities. An application form is required when applying for assistance - these are available on request from the school office. You may apply for assistance for the following:
*Life Education
* School swimming scheme
All applications are confidential.
Student Banking
Students are able to participate in Student Banking with the Commonwealth Bank. Account opening forms are available from the office. Students may bank any day of the week.
Student Clothing and Property
- Please make sure all articles, especially lunch boxes, drink bottles, jumpers and parkas are clearly and permanently marked.Leave treasured and valuable toys, jewellery, money and books at home. They are easily damaged or lost.
- No responsibility can be taken for loss of or damage to toys, books, trinkets, etc. brought to school.
- Make sure your child’s schoolbag is easily recognisable and clearly marked with their name, and encourage him/her to leave it in its correct place.
- Every effort is made to return any ‘lost’ property to its owner.
- Any dangerous items such as pocket-knives MUST NOT be brought to School.
- Please attach bus passes to children’s bags and ensure that they bring their bag each day.
Student Reports
Written student reports are sent home at the end of Terms 2 and 4. These reports provide an indication of student achievement as assessed and noted by the classroom teacher in line with NSW Department of Education Outcomes and Guidelines.
Support Teacher Learning Difficulties
GreenHillPublic School has access to a Support Teacher – Learning Difficulties. Children experiencing a learning difficulty may be taken through a developmental program to assist their required need(s) and enhance any aspect of their schoolwork.
Visiting Performances
From time to time the school will elect to attend or host visits from various performers which may include drama, dance, music/song, language, poetry, environmental studies, science, sport etc. Parents will be informed of these events and a fee to cover costs may be imposed. This information will be made available to parents through the school newsletter.
196 River StreetPhone: (02) 65625591
Kempsey, NSW 2440 Fax:(02) 65626030
Principal – Mrs. Sandra Ross