Framework for Secure Communication between two LAN Networks Connected via L3 Switch

A textile firm has different departments working based on IT platform. There are two floors based on purely network operations, one is IT department and the other one is Accounts department. These two departments are considered as a backbone for the production, tenders and winning projects. The secure and reliable communication is required to making those two departments work in integral. You are required to design or already developed encryption technique or algorithm to secure company’s two department communication. The company’s requirement is to safeguard the communication, which impacts their business a great deal. The number of nodes (Computers) in IT and Accounts Department are 30 each. The core requirements of the project are mentioned below:

Scope of the System:

ü  Network devices (Computer, Switch) should be provided with ease to access or request the access to other departments.

ü  The Topology should be clear in all aspects considering loop holes or deadlock.

ü  The allocation and de-allocation of rights/privileges among two departments should be transparent, so that requested network node, should take care of priority requests.

ü  Maximum 30 devices communicate with each other via secure encryption channel.

ü  QoS (Quality of Service) should be monitored well to ensure reliable communication in the system.

ü  Availability of resource is the core aspect of this project e.g. Accessibility and Integrity of network devices.

Tools and Technology: Microsoft Visio, Cisco Packet Tracer

Supervisor Name: Muhammad Saqib Javed

Supervisor Email:

Course Email:


D1 Deriving Functional Requirements of the System (Document Submission Containing

Network Devices, Clients Interaction and Protocols)

D2 Designing the Topology and submit in the form of Packet Tracer File or Microsoft Visio File.

D3 Implementation of the given problem in the form of topology and submit commands in .doc

format as well as in the software chosen based on configured file (Includes Topology

Design, Complete Commands in Sequence in .pkt extension, in case if packet tracer tool



For final viva/presentation you should come up with application/project complete and ppt slides of same project in running state to avoid any inconvenience.