TRUSTEE MEETING – April 30, 2015
The Bear Hollow Village Board of Trustee’s convened a Meeting on Thursday April 30, 2015 at 7:00PM. Trustee’s Jody Lodrick, Greg Watkins, David Goldberg, and Howard Butt were in attendance. (Note: Howie spoke with Suzan Worthington on May 1 and briefed her on all discussions.)
A financial review of Association accounts was conducted. We have the following funds in our banking accounts, as of April 28, 2015:
Reserve Funds $ 275,161.63
Emergency Funds $ 50,198.60
Checking Account $ 56,119.73
TOTAL $ 381,479.96
There are two Owner’s with their dues accounts in Late Payment status, all other accounts are current.
Howie initiated a discussion on the HOA vending machine income, which creates tax consequences for the HOA. We will initiate a “petty cash fund” to resolve this matter.
The Trustees discussed the proposed Summit Water Company 20% rate increase. The HOA will absorb the added water expenses incurred for all common areas with no dues increase needed. The irrigation water assessment imposed on townhouse and condo unit owners will need to be adjusted to reflect the increase. We are awaiting the final outcome of Summit Water Company’s meetings and discussions on the increase.
Overall, the Association remains in excellent financial condition.
Greg gave a Clubhouse status report as follows:
· The Pool is scheduled to open for the season on Saturday May 23, the pool is heated.
· Greg recommends we install automatic door closing devices on all entry doors and gates in the Clubhouse; approved by the Trustees.
· The rock columns need repair work, Greg is looking into options for repairs, including replacing the bottom 3 layers of brick with cedar wood as an option.
· The fence around the pool area needs some modifications to help deter persons from jumping over the fence after hours to enter the pool area.
· Greg plans to staff the Clubhouse on Memorial Day weekend ( this is not part of the contract but Greg thinks it is needed).
· We will implement “Adults only” swim time at the pool from 10AM to 12 noon daily. Violators will have Clubhouse access cards suspended. We will post signs at all entries and monitor sporadically how this goes. Owners will need to assist with enforcement.
· The Trustees discussed limiting Owner exclusive rentals of the Club Room on holidays and other significant dates; rentals will be limited to 4 hours and Super Bowl Sunday will be blocked out for rental.
· Enforcement of the Clubhouse only parking rule outside the Clubhouse on Lillehammer Lane was discussed – this is being given added attention and things are improving.
The performance of Red Barn Landscape in the community was discussed. The Trustees have received no complaints and many commendations on their performance and staff courtesy. The center island on Curling Court needs some cleanup – to be scheduled.
The Bear Hollow Park project was reviewed. Howie has secured all permits needed from Summit County and work on the project will commence shortly. We had to post a $500.00 security bond with the County; it is refundable when work is done and inspected.
The Trustees agreed to adding a new picnic bench to the patio area nearest the Office Building in the Village Green - Howie will place an order and have it installed as soon as received.
The Trustees discussed the possibility of hosting a Summer Party around July 4. We will defer the party to the December holiday season again .
Howie advised he met with Jon Southern, Hamlet Homes site foreman for the 2 houses under construction on Luge Lane, Nick Mingo, engineer consultant, and Nick Lowe from Smooth Stone Homes ( The Ridge Condo builder) to discuss repairs to construction damages on Upper Luge Lane.
Hamlet also suggests widening the lower portion of the road by 5 additional feet. Smooth Stone will also need to extend and add another foot in height (approximately) to the stone wall along the north edge of Upper Luge- the wall will act as a safety barrier to prevent vehicles from driving off the road edge. Howie also requested when all repairs and widening is completed the repaired roadway needs to have a seal coating. The HOA is working with Hamlet and Smooth Stone to share costs for the work needed and get it scheduled and done as soon as possible.
Howie advised the Utah Legislature has enacted new laws that will go into effect shortly that impact how an HOA must conduct business, meetings and enforcement actions. We will be in compliance with all the new requirements.
The Trustees discussed the recent activity on the 5 acre parcel of land owned by the Park City School District, adjacent to Bear Hollow Village. The District is in the process of a grade re-alignment and a new school building is being considered for construction. The parcel next to us is one of two options being considered for the new school site. Recently, surveyors were on site doing a feasibility survey on where the school building would actually be located on the grounds. We are trying to get further info from the School District on their intentions.
Comcast Cable is planning to run their fiber optic cable into the remaining areas of the community by the end of May. Owners will be advised when the new service from Comcast is available for subscription.
The HOA Reserve Study was reviewed. The Study was implemented in 2006 and reviewed in detail in 2011. Our reserve savings and our reserve study remain sound and no changes are needed.
Our New Webmaster, Kim Blocker, has done an excellent job updating the info on our website. More changes and enhancements are planned in the near future.
Howie advised he will be conducting an inspection of the community and advising individual owners if maintenance / unsightliness conditions need attention on their properties.
The Trustees re-visited the recent request by Owner Stan Kozlowski to the Design Review Committee to plant tree’s and do some landscape modifications near his concrete patio. Howie advised he met with Stan at his home earlier today and reviewed the actual placement of the trees in reference to the macadam trail- there is no issue and it was recommended we grant Stan approval for his project as requested – agreed to by all Trustees.
The ongoing problem with Mice and Vols in the community was reviewed.
It was noted this was a problem throughout Summit County; it appears our exterminator addressing the issue helped considerably with the problem in Bear Hollow. Some of the bait boxes on the perimeter of the community are missing – they will be replaced.
The Trustees discussed having electrical power installed on the center island near the mail kiosk – this will be explored for feasibility and costs.
The Trustees discussed placing “No Parking” signs at each end of the turn around by the mail kiosk –there have been issues with cars parking in the turn around for extended time / overnight. Signs will be ordered and installed.
With no other business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.