What types offree Smokefree support are there?
- Face to Face help and advice
If you live in Stoke-on-Trent and want to find out more about local stop smoking clinics call the Living Well Service on 0800 085 0928 or text smokefree to 60777 or sign up online at - The Smokefree app
Find it in the iTunes app store or Google Play Store - Email Support
Go online to sign up - Text programme
Text TIPS to 63818 or go online at
If you are a tobacco user and planning on using e-cigs to help you to quit why not get some additional face to face support from an advisor who understands what you are going through at every step of your quitting journey. Choosing face to face support will mean you are much more likely to quit smoking successfully! Call0800 085 0928 for more information or click here.
What are the benefits of quitting?
For more information about the benefits of quitting smoking visit
In any given year, 40% of smokers will try to quit. Quitting isn't easy, but you will see drastic improvements to your life and health - and the good news is there has never been more support available to help you to quit.
It is well known that advice and support from NHS stop smoking services, plus stop smoking medicines (e.g. patches or gum), will strongly increase your chances of quitting. The Stoke-on-Trent Stop Smoking Service offers free, friendly support and advice to help you quit, plus stop smoking medicines for the cost of a prescription, at a range of venues across the city.
Smokefree homes
For information and support on how to make your home or car smokefree contact the Smokefree Homes Programme - which is only available to Stoke-on-Trent residents – on 0800 085 0928.
Anyone living outside the city can get information about the dangers of secondhand smoke from the NHS Choices website at
For tips on how to make your car smokefreeplease click here
Stopping smoking in pregnancy
Stopping smoking in pregnancy will help you and baby immediately and is one of the best things you and your partner can do to help your baby develop healthily during pregnancy and beyond. Contact 0800 085 0928 or text smokefree to 60777 for free local specialist support to help you quit.