Updates on Global Fund (GF) for DPG Health Meeting, October 07, 2015

1.  List of current TNCM Members – will be renewed after election of new representatives from non-sState constituencies

2.  Status of Malaria / HSS Concept Note:

·  The concept note has been conditionally approved for grant making. The TRP review has been shared with the TNCM.

·  The Global Fund team will work with the PR on the issues identified by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) and on the grant templates during the upcoming missions.

·  The timeline is as follows:

o  PR/SR grant documents ready by 23 October 2015,

o  LFA assessments and documents review done by 30 October 2015

o  GF review done by 6 November 2015 (concurrent with the TRP review regarding incentive funding)

3.  GFATM visits

·  GF mission 12-16 Oct

·  Subsequent Country Team mission planned is for grant making between 9 and 20 November 2015.

4.  TNCM Governance Manual

·  Final Draft of TNCM Governance Manual has been shared

5.  TNCM Budget

·  TNCM Budget and work plan for the next two years have been drafted and discussed by Management and Oversight Committee. This version has been sent for approval to TNCM Members

6.  Deloitte Assessment of MSD (commissioned by GFATM)

·  Deloitte started work on the MSD assessment Sep. 21.

·  Framework and content of the consultancy is described in the attached document

·  The first deliverable is the inception report and work plan (attached).

·  Steering Committee is set up to oversee the strategic, financial, operational and governance reforms required to make MSD self-sustainable. Additional to facilitating the work of the consulting firm, the SC is also expected to make final recommendations to the relevant stakeholders on the most feasible option to recapitalize MSD for its emerging business model that would ensure its future sustainability.

·  Members of the SC are: Winna Shango (MoF), Aloyce Shayo (Office Planning Commission), Yokobert Malisa (PMO), Joseph Tesha (MSD), Kelly Hemblin (DPG), Hiltruda Temba GF Coordinator at MOHSW), Leo Mavika (PMO-RALG)

·  TOR for the Steering Committee are included in inception report.

·  Weekly electronic updates will be provided.

7.  Audit by the Office of the Inspector General

·  Report has not been formally released yet.

8.  Next ordinary TNCM Meeting November 20 (TBC)

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