BS 8418:2015
BS EN 62676-4:2015
NSI auditors use this marking table when inspecting detector activated CCTV systems installed by NSI NACOSS Gold and NSI Systems Silver approved companies to comply with BS 8418:2015 and relevant clauses of BS EN 62676-4:2015.
Although BS 8418:2015 references BS IEC 62676-4:2014, BS EN 62676-4:2015 supersedes BS IEC 62676-4:2014 and has identical content. Therefore the provisions of BS EN 62676-4:2015 can be applied.
This marking table includes references to BS 8418:2015 and BS EN 62676-4:2015. Demerit marks may be given for non-compliance with clauses of BS 8418, and clauses of other standards called up by BS 8418, for which no specific reference has been made in the text of this marking table.
We draw your attention to NSI Technical Bulletin 0029, which provides guidance on the application of BS 8418:2015.
This is an unpublished work, the copyright in which rests with the National Security Inspectorate. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is the property of the National Security Inspectorate and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions and no part may be reproduced, used or disclosed except as authorised by contract or other written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction on reproduction, use and disclosure extend to all the media in which this information may be embodied.
NSF 331 / 1 / September 2015BS 8418:2015 MARKING TABLE
The BS 8418 marking table is divided into Sections A to X as listed below.
ItemTitleMaximum Marks
BDetector installation2
CCamera installation1
EAudio challenge1
FActivation performance2
GData transmission systems2
HDetector omission1
JDetector isolation1
KTamper detection and indication2
LFault detection and indication1
MControl equipment integrity2
NEvent logat the supervised premises2
PPower supplies2
SSetting and unsetting2
1.Each Section of this marking table contains one or more Deviations (see pages 3 to 10 below).
2.Each Deviation is given a Clause reference (e.g. BS 8418/15:, a Code (e.g. K1) and a score (e.g. 2 Marks).
3.NSI Inspection Reports detail Deviations by Clause, Code, Description, (Marks).
BS 8418/15: K1 No local indication of a tamper condition to the person setting the system at supervised premises (2)
4.Marks are awarded for each individual Deviation as shown in Note 3 above. However, the maximum number of Marks awarded (either 1 or 2) in any Section is shown in the table above.
If two Deviations K1 (2 Marks) and K2 (2 Marks) are raised under Section K (Tamper detection and indication), a total of 2 Marks (not 4 Marks) are awarded against Section K.
NSF 331 / 1 / September 2015CLAUSE
DOCUMENTATIONRisk assessment
BS 8418/15: 4.1.1 / A1 / No evidence of a risk assessment having been completed to BS EN 62676-4:2015, 4.2.1 / 1
Operational Requirement (OR)
BS 8418/15: 4.1.2 / A2 / No evidence of an operational requirements (OR) document having been completed to BS EN 62676-4:2015, 5.2 & 5.3 / 1
System design specification
BS 8418/15: 4.2 / A3 / The system design proposal for the proposed installation does not include:
a. diagram(s) showing the position of all cameras, detectors and planned fields of view, extent of secure area, designated location of parked vehicles and other movable objects or materials that could compromise effectiveness of the CCTV system and actual dimensions not on unscaled drawings / 1
b. type, location, mounting height and brief technical specification of cameras and lenses / 1
c. type, location, mounting height, direction, range and brief technical specification of detectors including any dormant periods / 1
d. identity of functional camera presets which are associated with detectors and the identity of the detectors with which they are associated / 1
e.identity of fixed cameras associated with detectors and the identity of detectors / 1
f. type and locations of audio devices / 1
g. the data transmission path(s) used by the CCTV system, with details of the parties responsible for their implementation and their continuing provision and maintenance / 1
h.artificial illumination required, with details of the party(ies) responsible for its implementation and maintenance / 1
i. location and brief technical specification of components such as controls, power supplies and storage devices / 1
j. services for which the customer is responsible with details of the user responsibilities for correct operation of the CCTV system / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.1 / A4 / No evidence of supervised premises documentation covering clause 6.1 being provided to RVRC prior to commissioning / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.2 / A5 / No evidence of completion of commissioning checklist as specified in BS 8418 Annex E / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.3 / A6 / No evidence of completion of walk test by engineer in association with RVRC and customer covering items a) to d) of clause 6.3.2 / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.4 / A7 / No evidence of the review of day and night reference images during commissioning to ensure system design proposal is met / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.6 / A8 / No evidence of the completion of an environmental soak test / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.8 / A9 / No evidence of CCTV system acceptance certificate from RVRC / 1
Handover and documentation
NACP 2 / A10 / No Handover Checklist; no Acceptance Document identifying acceptance by the customer; no System Log Book supplied / 1
NSI Regulation A.3 / A11 / Correct NSI Certificate not issued within 1 month / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.9 / A12 / Documentation does not include; operating instructions, evidence of the handover of access codes/keys with customer signature / 1
BS 8418/15: 6.9 / A13 / Documentation does not include as-fitted document, agreed procedures for communication between the customer and RVRC and/or the CCTV company / 1
BS 8418/15: 8 / A14 / Documentation does not include agreed list of responsibilities as listed in 8.1 a) to j), 8.2.2, 8.3 and/or 8.4 / 1
Detector installation
BS 8418/15: / B1 / Detectors do not activate within target areas defined in OR / 2
BS 8418/15: / B2 / Detector range overspills site boundary / 1
BS 8418/15: / B3 / Detectors positioned such that they react adversely to rising or setting sun / 1
BS 8418/15: / B4 / Detectors sharing a single input not individually identifiable by the RVRC / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.8 / B5 / Wireless and semi-wired detectors not uniquely identified to the system / 1
Camera installation
BS 8418/15: / C1 / Cameras do not view thefull areas of coverage of associated detectors (see also 4.3.1) / 1
BS 8418/15: / C2 / Size of target does not meet requirements of OR (see BS EN 62676-4:2015, 6.7) / 1
BS 8418/15: / C3 / Entry / exit route not viewed by a fixed camera or the parked position of a functional camera / 1
BS 8418/15: / C4 / For views solely covered by functional cameras the view not divided into clearly identified areas utilizing presets / 1
BS 8418/15: / C5 / For views solely covered by functional cameras the system cannot respond to track a target travelling at 2 m/s before it leaves the detection zone / 1
BS 8418/15: / C6 / Configuration of functional camera presets associated with detectors are not restricted to the CCTV company and/or RVRC / 1
BS 8418/15: / C7 / Cameras not configured to minimise oversight of public areas / 1
BS 8418/15: / C9 / Cameras not uniquely identified at the RVRC / 1
BS 8418/15: / C10 / Camera identity at RVRC is different to identity on site plan / 1
BS 8418/15: / C11 / Cameras affected by rising or setting of the sun / 1
BS 8418/15: / C12 / Secondary cameras and detectors are not orientated in a different plane to the primary cameras and detectors / 1
BS 8418/15: / D1 / Illumination not adequate to meet the intended purpose of surveillance as documented in the system design specification / 2
BS 8418/15: / D2 / Illumination insufficient for the RVRC to identify the cause of the activation / 2
BS 8418/15: / D3 / Evidence that illumination is not being maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations / 1
BS 8418/15: / D4 / No evidence of documented agreement in place to manage the rectification of illumination faults / 1
BS 8418/15: / D5 / Illumination positioned such that picture quality is impaired; does not provide sufficient contrast for intruder detection; insufficient illumination to observe detailed features of stated object / 2
BS 8418/15: / D6 / No arrangement in place to adjust time-clock controlled lighting in accordance with BST time change / 0
Audio challenge
BS 8418/15: 4.5 / E1 / Audio challenge facility not clearly audible within the range of all relevant detectors; has undue distortion; extends unreasonably beyond site boundaries / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.5 / E2 / Audio challenges during set state not initiated by the RVRC only / 1
Activation performance
BS 8418/15: 4.6.1 / F1 / Activation not initiated within 1 second, except where delayed in accordance with 9.2 of BS 8418 / 2
Data transmission systems
BS 8418/15: 4.6.2 / G1 / Data transmission system cannot send continuous live video to the RVRC / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.2 / G2 / Compression required for transmission compromises the image presented to the RVRC operator / 2
Detector omission
BS 8418/15: / H1 / No agreement in place for the management of detector omissions in accordance with 8.1 of BS 8418 / 1
BS 8418/15: / H2 / Omitted detectors are not automatically restored when system is unset / 1
BS 8418/15: / H3 / No log of detector omissions at the supervised premises and/or RVRC; or insufficient log details / 1
BS 8418/15: / H4 / Procedure for detector omission involves fully unsetting the CCTV system or blocking the connection to the RVRC / 1
Detector isolation
BS 8418/15: / J1 / No agreement in place for the management of detector isolations in accordance with 8.1 of BS 8418 / 1
BS 8418/15: / J2 / Isolated detectors are automatically restored when system unset / 1
BS 8418/15: / J3 / No log of detector isolations at the supervised premises and/or RVRC; or insufficient log details / 1
BS 8418/15: / J4 / Procedure for detector isolation involves fully unsetting the CCTV system or blocking the connection to the RVRC / 1
Tamper detection and indication
BS 8418/15: / K1 / No local indication of a tamper condition to the person setting the system at supervised premises / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K2 / Interconnections to detectors do not incorporate tamper detection and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K3 / Detector enclosures not provided with tamper detection of opening by normal means and/or removal from mounting and/or orientation adjustment and/or masking when used; and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K4 / Pluggable connectors not located within a secure area with restricted access and not provided with tamper detection and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K5 / No tamper detection on power supply housings to detect opening by normal means and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K6 / No tamper detection on camera housings and associated power supplies to detect opening by normal means, removal from mounting and orientation adjustment and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K7 / Control equipment in set condition not located within a secure area with restricted access and not provided with tamper detection of opening by normal means (BS 8418:2015, and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.6 Table 1 / K8 / No tamper detection of opening by normal means on setting/ unsetting devices and/or tamper detection is not indicated correctly / 2
BS 8418/15: / K9 / Possible to affect the correct functioning and/or change the state of the CCTV system if the setting/unsetting device is opened (even though the device is tampered) / 2
Fault detection and indication
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L1 / System does not detect and indicate a video loss in excess of 30 seconds (BS 8418:2015, 4.6.5) / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.5 / L2 / Where a local monitor is fitted there is no indication/message to report a loss of video / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L3 / System does not detect and indicate low battery conditions in wireless detectors (BS 8418:2015, / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L4 / System does not detect and indicate loss of communication and low battery from wireless key readers or keypads within 20 mins (BS 8418:2015, 7.1.2) / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L5 / System does not detect and indicate loss of communication with wireless and semi-wired detectors within 20 mins (BS 8418:2015, 4.6.8 b) / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L6 / Control equipment failures are not indicated in accordance with Table 2 (BS 8418:2015, / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L7 / System does not detect and indicate failure to connect to the RVRC within 10 mins (BS 8418:2015, & 4.6.12) / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L8 / Failure of the transmission path is not reported to or detected by the RVRC within 3 mins (BS 8418:2015, / 1
Fault detection and indication
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L9 / System does not detect and indicate UPS faults (BS 8418:2015, / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L10 / Power supplies are not monitored for prime and alternative power source, charger and output faults (BS 8418:2015, / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L11 / Power supply faults are not identifiable to each power supply as either discrete or common fault indications (BS 8418:2015, / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.7 Table 2 / L12 / Faults in power supplies for CCTV control equipment, transmission devices, detectors and semi-wired detectors are not detected and indicated (BS 8418:2015,, / 1
Control equipment integrity
BS 8418/15: / M1 / Control equipment is not located within a secure area / 2
BS 8418/15: / M2 / Control equipment is not protected from unauthorised access e.g., secure password/biometric/electronic key / 2
BS 8418/15: / M3 / CCTV system does not allow RVRC to determine set / unset status / 1
BS 8418/15: / M4 / CCTV system does not allow RVRC to program parameters remotely / 1
BS 8418/15: / M5 / CCTV system does not monitor media used for communication between receivers and control equipment at least every 100 seconds (e.g. to detect jamming). / 2
Event log at the supervised premises
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 / N1 / Event log(s) at the control equipment not in a date and time retrievable format / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 / N2 / Capacity of event log(s) less than 2 000 events / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 / N3 / Event log(s) not protected from accidental or deliberate deletion or alteration of the contents / 2
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 a) / N4 / Operation of detectors resulting in an incident, alert or the initiation of an entry sequence not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 b) / N5 / Changes in CCTV system status (e.g. set, unset, part-set) not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 c) / N6 / Unsuccessful attempts to communicate with RVRC not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 d) / N7 / Successful communications with RVRC, and confirmation that an alarm condition has been reported, not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 e) / N8 / CCTV system faults (see Table 2) including low battery; power failure; video loss in excess of 30 sec; system restart on power restoration not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 f) / N9 / Overriding of prevention of setting actions not recorded in event log / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 g) / N10 / Detector isolations not recorded in event log (excludes when carried out by RVRC) / 1
BS 8418/15: 4.6.10 h) / N11 / Detector omissions not recorded in event log(excludes when carried out by RVRC) / 1
BS 8418/15: / P1 / No evidence of batteries in wireless components being replaced at routine maintenance visits / 1
BS 8418/15: / P2 / Change over between prime and alternative power sources creates an alarm or changes the status of the CCTV system / 1
BS 8418/15: / P3 / Date of installation of batteries used as an alternative power source not recorded / 1
BS 8418/15: / P4 / Insufficient capacity in alternative power source to power CCTV control and transmission equipment for a minimum of 30 mins / 2
BS 8418/15: / P5 / Insufficient capacity in alternative power source to power wired and semi-wired detectors for a minimum of 4 hours / 2
Wiring, cabling and connections
BS 8418/15: 5.1.1 / R1 / ELV cables installed parallel to LV (mains) cables without appropriate screening, insulation and/or segregation / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.2 / R2 / ELV cables into equipment through same entry point(s) as LV (mains) cables / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.3 / R3 / Cables not appropriate type and size for the application or environment / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.4 / R4 / No evidence of labelling at termination points, interconnections and junction boxes to facilitate maintenance and servicing / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.5 / R5 / Cables not supported or inadequately supported / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.6 / R6 / Cables likely to be subjected to accidental damage and/or deliberate interference (see risk assessment) are not mechanically protected / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.7 / R7 / Evidence for fixtures for system components not installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.1.8 / R8 / Evidence for system components unsuitable for environment in which they operate including safety / 1
BS 8418/15: 5.2 / R9 / Evidence for detectors not installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.1.1 / S1 / Activations occur during setting/unsetting (except when otherwise agreed in writing) / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.1.1 / S2 / System set/unset state not clearly visible from setting location or from the entry point to the supervised premises / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.1.3 / S3 / Set/unset indicators not visible in buildings that may be occupied at time of setting / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.1.4 / S4 / Setting of the CCTV system is not prevented when a fault condition exists / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.1.4 / S5 / User unable to override prevention of setting conditions recorded in the event log at the supervised premises / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.1.5 / S6 / Indication of detector in active state not indicated at place of setting; and/or not indicated at RVRC if applicable / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.1.6 / S7 / Setting and unsetting devices do not have the correct number of differs (10,000 electronic, 3,000 mechanical) / 1
Local setting / unsetting from outside secure area
BS 8418/15: 7.2 a) / S8 / Setting / unsetting location not permanently within the field of view of a camera / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.2 b) / S9 / Range of digital key outside field of view of a camera / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.2 c) / S10 / Range of digital key greater than 10 metres from point of entry / 1
Local unsetting inside a secure area
BS 8418/15: 7.3.1 a) / S11 / Unsetting device not inside a secure area / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.3.1 b) / S12 / Detection of an event off the entry route does not initiate an activation / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.3.1 b) / S13 / Detection of an event within the entry route initiates an activation unless otherwise agreed in writing / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.3.1 c) / S14 / Unsetting procedure not time limited / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.3.1 c) / S15 / Activation does not occur on expiry of entry time / 2
Local setting inside a secure area
BS 8418/15: 7.3.2 a) / S16 / Setting device not inside a secure area / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.3.2 b) / S17 / Exit route detectors not disabled during setting unless otherwise agreed in writing / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.3.2 c) / S18 / No agreement or means to monitor period of time for setting / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.3.2 d) / S19 / Setting procedure not completed by manual action of user or on expiry of timer / 1
BS 8418/15: 7.3.2 e) / S20 / No written procedures detailing actions to be taken if detector is in an active state at time of setting / 1
Automatic timed setting and unsetting
BS 8418/15: 7.4 / S21 / No documented procedure to manage automatic timed setting and/or unsetting of system / 1
RVRC initiated setting and unsetting
BS 8418/15: 7.5 / S22 / No process for authenticating requests to the RVRC to set or unset / 2
BS 8418/15: 7.5 / S23 / No logging of RVRC initiated setting/unsetting at the RVRC / 2
Maintenance agreement and routine visits
BS 8418/15: / T1 / Maintenance visits not carried out least twice a year at six monthly intervals following the issuing of the system acceptance certificate / 1
BS 8418/15: / T2 / No documented criteria for the corrective and preventative maintenance requirements of the system / 1
Maintenance engineer actions
BS 8418/15: / T3 / Maintenance visits take place without involving RVRC / 1
Maintenance engineer actions
BS 8418/15: / T4 / Failure to rectify poor performance due to environmental factors including changes to building / 1
BS 8418/15: / T5 / Night images not checked during preventative maintenance visits / 1
BS 8418/15: / T6 / Changes to system components affecting RVRC response not checked through to RVRC / 1
BS 8418/15: / T7 / RVRC not informed of completed repairs / 1
BS 8418/15: / T8 / No evidence of images of each detection area being checked during preventative maintenance visits / 1
BS 8418/15: / T9 / No evidence of reference images being updated after camera repair or maintenance / 1
NSF 331 / 1 / September 2015