OLF School Council October 6, 2014
6:30pm OLF Library
Council Attended:
Kevin Brady Kelly Williams, Melissa Foreman, Kylie Dillon-Alcasid, Martin Pajak, Sabina McPhee, Carolina Rey, Carm Romano, Gavin D’Mello, Marvin Duarte, Ross D’Souza, Lisa Traverse-Haywood, Bally Kular-YMCA , Regina Amarterfio
Parents : Tonia Sgro-Madrick, Patricia Williams, Alexandro Dotto, Jennifer Alcaine
- Call to Order by Mr. Brady
- Opening Prayer
- Declaration & Pledge
- Nominations and voting for Council Chair
- Council Committee Formation
- Principal’s Update
- New Business
Melissa Foreman was nominated and accepted as Council Chair.
Council will rotate duty of Secretary (sign-up sheet) – Sabina McPhee volunteered for today’s meeting.
Dates for this year’s meetings:
Nov. 3, 6:45pm.
Jan. 26, 6:45pm.
Mar. 9, 6:45pm.
Apr. 20, 6:45pm.
May 25. 6:45pm.
- Wayne LaChapelle is tentatively booked for Oct. 23, 2014. Babysitting was discussed to encourage parent attendance.
- Review of the By-laws was discussed. Melissa recommended that we all review the blue pages of the council laws and make notes of questions we might have regarding this issue. Carolina Rey will email non-committee parents a copy of the By-laws.
- If council decides to go forward with a vote for uniform it will need a 50+1 vote.
- Principal’s Report
The first month of school was very successful.
At this point in time we have 868 students, with 7 classes of Full Day Kindergarten. The population will likely rise as the houses being built nearby begin to close.
We had a great turnout for the school Welcome BBQ and Curriculum Night.
EQAO scores were excellent for both Grade 3 and 6. Results will be sent home shortly.
We have had two excellent fire drills with so far. The students were able to leave the school in a timely and organized manner.
Photo Retake Day will be Nov.6
Students represented OLF well at the cross country race
On Oct 7. Grade 7 students will receive Hep B and HPV vaccinations and there will be waste management presentations for all students throughout the day.
On Oct 9there will be an Item Analysis for EQAO data conducted by the teacher committee so that our school improvement plan can be adjusted for the year.
On Oct 10 there will be a PA Day. A board wide Faith Day and Mass for the teachers will be held.
On Oct 27 our gym will be a site for the municipal election and therefore the gym will be closed to students for the day.
On Nov 1 the Grade 2 students will celebrate their First Reconciliation
On Nov 5 the Grade 8’s will go to Vanier and Bishop Ryan High Schools for a tour of the schools.
On Nov 6 there will be an information night regarding the Grade 8 trip in the Library at 7:00pm.
On Nov 20 it is Interview Night for Progress Reports
On Nov 21 there will be a PA Day for interviews
Carolina spoke about the committees and the following individuals volunteered to be the Chair for these sub-committees.
Faith Development- Ross D’Souza (leader) Melissa Foreman will now be the leader
Technology- Ross D’Souza (leader)
Health and Safety- Martin Pajak (leader)
Parent Engagement-Kylie Dillon (leader
Uniform Vote- Kylie Dillon (leader)
Leaders will organize when their committees will meet.
- October 29th will be the Regional Council Meeting at St. Thomas Aquinas. All are invited to attend.
- Other dates for Regional meetings are Feb. 25 and May 13
- Carolina Rey will continue to be the school volunteer coordinator.
Next meeting will be held on November 3, 2014, at 6:45pm in the OLF Library.
Council Contact List
Kevin Brady
Kelly Williams
Sabina McPhee
Carm Romano
Melissa Foreman
Caroline Rey
Kylie Dillon
Martin Pajak or
Ross D’Souza
Lisa Traverse-Haywood
Gavin D’Mello
Regina Amarteifio
Marvin Duarte