Tuesday, April 18, 2017
6:00 P.M.
- Call Board Meeting to Order/Welcome/Moment of Silence/Salute to Flags
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda Contents
- Approval of Board Minutes
- March 21, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
- **Public Comment
- Helping Schools Be Tobacco Free: 24/7 NM Campaign, Shelley Mann-Lev
6. Superintendent’s Report, Marvin MacAuley
a.Gabriel Gonzales, Maintenance Update
b.Francella Vasquez, Cafeteria Update
c.Ray Maestas, Special Education Update
d.Ray Maestas, PES Update
e.Marina Lopez, PMS/PHS Update
f.Darren Griego, IT & Data Update
g.Marvin MacAuley, Transportation Update
h.Jonathan Romero, Business Office Update
7. Discussion Items
a.Sky Lift Purchase, G. Gonzales
b.Open Meetings Act Review, M. MacAuley
c.Teacherage Demolition Update, M. MacAuley and Keers Remediation
d.Bus Barn Update, M. MacAuley
e.FY 15-16 Fiscal Audit, J. Romero
f.2017-2018 School Year Calendar, M. MacAuley
g.Inventory Deletions - District Wide, M. MacAuley
h.Central Office Position Re-alignment to Include Salary Schedule, J. Romero
i.Policy:Final Reading
- J-4550 (JJJ) Extracurricular Activity Eligibility
8. Approvalof
a. Sky Lift Purchase
b. 2017-2018 School Year Calendar
c. Inventory Deletions - District Wide
d. Central Office Position Re-alignment to Include Salary Schedule
d. Policy J-4550 (JJJ) ExtracurricularActivity Eligibility
9.Consent Agenda Items
- Payroll Vouchers
- Payables
10. Items Suggested for Future Meetings
11. Executive Session
- Personnel Update
12. Adjournment
PREPARED BY: Mr. Leroy Lopez, Board President
Mr. Marvin MacAuley,Superintendent
If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact the Superintendent at the Administration Building or call (575) 587-2230, in Peñasco New Mexico, at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including agenda and minutes, can be provided in
various accessible formats. Please contact the Superintendent at (575) 587-2230, if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.
**Community is encouraged to pick up a copy of the Public Comment Request Form, which is required to be filled out completely and turned in for processing prior to the board meeting. Public Comment Request Forms are available at the reception desk at central office and can be downloaded from the Peñasco ISD website at: