Office AddressThe Divinity SchoolHomeP.O. Box 74
Duke UniversityAbbott, TX 76621
P.O. Box 90968
Durham, NC 27708Cell919.382.0453
Office Telephone919.660.3563Office Fax919.660.3474
Denominational AffiliationUnited Methodist Church (life-long)
Texas Annual Conference, Ordained Elder and Full Member
2000Ph.D. Trinity College, University of Bristol, England
Department of Church History
“Methodist Episcopal and Wesleyan Methodist Deaconess Work
in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries: A Paradigm for
Advisors: Ruth Gouldbourne and Richard Heitzenrater
1995M.Div.The Divinity School
Duke University, Durham, NC
1992B.A. Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Professional Roles
2015-presentAssociate Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist
Studies, The Divinity School, Duke University
2015-presentSenior Strategist for United Methodist Collaborations,
The Divinity School, Duke University
2012-2015Executive Vice Dean
2007-2012Associate Dean for Academic Formation and Programs
2006-2007Associate Dean for Academic Formation
2007-2015Associate Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist
Studies and the Royce and Jane Reynolds Teaching Fellow
2001-2007Assistant Professor of the Practice of Evangelism and Methodist
Studies and the Royce and Jane Reynolds Teaching Fellow
The Divinity School, Duke University
1999-2001E. Stanley Jones Assistant Professor of Evangelism
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
1999Adjunct Instructor
The Divinity School, Duke University
1995-1996Minister, Kingswood Circuit
The Methodist Church in Great Britain
Awards, Fellowships, Grants
2013Assessment Mini-Grant, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Duke University
2009-presentFacilitator, Christians’ Callings in the World Grant Project, Lilly Foundation
2008Duke University Teamwork Award, SACS Reaccreditation Team
2008Faculty-In Residence of the Year Award, Duke University
2006-2009Facilitator, Lexington Seminar Grant, Lilly Foundation
2006Louisville Institute Summer Stipend Grant, Lilly Foundation
2005-2007Facilitator, Post-doctoral Fellows Program in Evangelism, Foundation for
2002-2003Association of Theological Schools Research Grant, Lilly Foundation
1996-2000John Wesley Fellowship, A Foundation for Theological Education
Advisory Boards
2011-presentAmerican Methodist Project Scholarly Advisory Board
2003-presentAFTE, John Wesley Fellowship
2003-2008Cascade Books, Wipf and Stock Publishers
Society Memberships
2000-presentAcademy for Evangelism in Theological Education,
Secretary, Executive Committee (2001-2006)
2003-2006Wesley Historical Society
2000-2006EkklesiaProject, Board Member (2002-2006)
2000-2003American Society of Church History
1998-presentAmerican Academy of Religion
1996-presentAFTE, John Wesley Fellowship,
Scholarship Committee (2003-present)
Published Works
- The Method of Our Mission: United Methodist Polity and Organization (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2014)
- Grace to Lead: Practicing Leadership in the Wesleyan Tradition, co-authored with Bishop Kenneth Carder (Nashville: UM GBHEM, 2010)
- The Study of Evangelism, co-edited with Paul Chilcote (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,2008)
- Saving Women: Retrieving Evangelistic Theology and Practice (Waco: Baylor University Press, 2007)
*Rated an "Outstanding book" for 2008 by the University Press Books Committee
Chapters in Compiled Volumes and Collaborative Projects
- “American Methodist Women: Roles and Contributions,” in TheCambridge Companion to American Methodism, ed. Jason E. Vickers (Cambridge University Press, 2013), 316-334.
- “Scripture and Evangelism,” in Wesley, Wesleyan, and Reading Bible as Scripture, eds. Joel Green and David Watson (Baylor University Press, 2012), 263-275.
- Wesley Study Bible, co-editor of Wesleyan theological side-bars with Sarah Lancaster, eds. Joel Green and WilWillimon(Abingdon Press, 2009)
- “Saving Women: Re-visioning Contemporary Concepts of Evangelism,” Considering the Great Commission: Evangelism and Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit, ed. W. Stephen Gunter and Elaine Robinson, (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2005), 119-133
- “Reconsidering Evangelism: Lessons from Black Liberation and Womanist Theologies,” in Living Stones in the Household of God: The Legacy and Future of Black Theology, ed. Linda E. Thomas, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003), 71-82
- “Offer Them Christ: Characteristics of a Wesleyan Paradigm for Evangelism,” in The Wesleyan Tradition, ed. Paul Chilcote, (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002), 163-174
Journal Articles
- “Mega-Churches: A New Ecclesiology or An Ecclesial Evangelism?,” Review and Expositor (Winter 2010), 21-31
- “Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Theology and Practices of Early Methodism for the Contemporary Church,”The Asbury Journal (Spring 2008), 115-138
- “Rethinking Evangelism and the Old Testament: Jonah and the Imitation of God,” co-authored with Stephen B. Chapman, Journal of Theological Interpretation (Spring 2008), 43-69
- “From Going to Gathering: Reflections on a Study of Ecclesial Evangelism,” Journal for the Academy of Evangelism in Theological Education, (October 2007), 49-61
- “Situating the Word: The Significance of Christian Space for Evangelism,” Asbury Theological Journal (Spring 2007), 79-84
- “Redemption and Race: The Evangelistic Ministry of Three Women in Southern Methodism,” Wesleyan Theological Journal (Fall 2005), 7-29
- “‘Toward the Light’: Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Work with Immigrant Populations, 1885-1910,” Methodist History (April 2005), 169-182
- “Kingdom Witness and Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Biblical Theology,” Review and Expositor (Summer 2004), 451-471
- “Saving Women: Re-visioning Contemporary Concepts of Evangelism,” Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (October 2003), 16-31
- “Towards a Wesleyan Evangelism,” Methodist History (July 2002), 230-245
- “Methodist Episcopal Deaconesses and the Social Gospel: Social Service with Evangelistic Ministry,” Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (October 2001), 36-49
- “Wesley Deaconess-Evangelists: Exploring Remnants of Revivalism in late 19th Century British Methodism,” Methodist History (April 2000), 176-190
Other Academic Writings
- “Sarah and Angelina Grimke,” Handbook of Women Interpreters of the Bible (Baker Academic, 2012)
- “Evangelism,” Dictionary of Scriptural Ethics (Baker Academic, 2011)
- Cover foreword, With the Mind of God, (Durham: Duke University Press, 2008)
- “Making Disciples Through the Means of Grace,” Quarterly Review (June 2003),
- “Ames, Jessie Daniel,” “Bennett, Belle Harris,” “Chappell, Winifred,” “Meyer, Lucy Rider,” “Palmer, Phoebe,” “Shaw, Anna Howard,” “Swain, Clara,” “Thoburn, Isabella,” “Van Cott, Margaret Ann Newton,” “Willing, Jennie Fowler,” in The Westminster Dictionary of Women In American Religious History, ed. Susan H. Lindley, (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008), 5, 17, 38, 148, 166, 196, 216, 219, 226, 236.
Other Ecclesial Writings
- “The Mission Behind Our Method,”Circuit Rider (November/December/January 2014-2015), 12-14.
- Methodist Evangelism: Wesleyan Mission, editor, curriculum and video series, with project director Craig Hill (Wesley Ministry Network, 2011)
- Foreword, Get Real: On Evangelism in the Late Modern World, by Fr. Edward Rommen (2011)
- Women Called to Ministry, Design Team and Contributor, Curriculum sponsored by the United Methodist General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (July 2007)
- “Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices,” Contributor, Curriculum/DVD produced by the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship (June 2006)
- “Loving God and Neighbor: Sustaining Ministry Vocation and Practices,” Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Website, (May 2006) 1065 words
- ”Willingness to Move?’: Methodism and Itineracy,” Circuit Rider (May/June 2005), 8-9.
- “Reclaiming Christian Practices of Traditioning: I Corinthians 15.1-11,” Sermon in The Minister’s Manual 2004, ed. Carol Noren, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2004), 38-40
- “Seeking Wholeness in Christian Community: James 5. 13-20,” Sermon in The Minister’s Manual 2003, ed. Carol Noren, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003), 232-233
- “Shaping the Evangelistic Ministry of Laity,” Circuit Rider (December 2002), 24-5
- Missional Evangelism, booklet co-authored with InagraceDiettrich, (Ekklesia Project, November 2002), 20 pages
- “Ten Words as Guide for Living in Covenant: Exodus 20.1-4, 7-9, 12-20,” Sermon in The Minister’s Manual 2002, ed. Carol Noren, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002), 229-231
- “Open Hearts,” Sermon Starter, Igniting Ministry website, Summer 2001
- “Risking the Unimaginable,” Sermon in Ex Auditu (April 2000), 137-142
- “Urban Ministry for the 21st Century,” co-authored with Gaston Warner, in the North Georgia Wesleyan Christian Advocate, April 21, 2000
- Riley B. Case, Evangelicaland Methodist: A Popular History in Quarterly Review (Spring 2005), 108-9
- Ted Dorman, A Faith for All Seasons: Historic Christian Belief in Its Classical Expression in Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education
(October 2002), 82-3
- Barbara Brown Taylor, Speaking of Sin: The Lost Language of Salvation in Journal of the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (October 2002), 101-3
Work In Press
- “Consecrating Methodist Deaconesses: Exploring Historical Roots,” in Office of Deaconess and Lay Missioner Studyed. Becky Louter (forthcoming May 2015) 4000 words
- “Belle Harris Bennett’s Leadership inWoman’s Missionary Organizations in Southern Methodism:Redemption and Race,” United Methodist Women at 50, (forthcoming 2016) 6,000 words
- “Challenges and Opportunities for Institutions in the Wesleyan Tradition,” co-authored with L. Gregory Jones, in Leadership in the Wesleyan Way(forthcoming 2016) 4000 words
- “Living Church: A Theological Practice of Evangelism” Witness, (forthcoming 2016) 6000 words
Work in Progress
- Living Church: A Biblical and Theological Practice of Missional Evangelism, under contract with Baylor University Press, approximately 300 pages
- “A Wesleyan Understanding of Evangelism,” in Letters to the Church: Dialogue Towards a United Methodism (Abingdon Press, forthcoming 2016) 4000 words
July 20-30, 2015Instructor, Reynolds Leadership Fellows Western North Carolina Annual Conference,
UMC, Wesley Tour, United Kingdom
June 18, 2015Plenary Speaker, “Living Church: A Theological Practice of Evangelism,” Academy
for Evangelism in Theological Education, Wheaton College
April 18-26, 2015Plenary Instructor, “Missio de Dios,” Course of Study for the Methodist Church in El
February 17, 2015Instructor, “Reclaiming Evangelism,” with Aileen Van Ginkel, Webinar
sponsored by the World Council of Churches, National Council of Churches and United Methodist General Board of Discipleship
July 2014Instructor, Summer Course of Study, Duke Divinity School
“Our Mission from God: Evangelism”
November 2013Co-Instructor, Weekend Course of Study, Duke Divinity School
“Our Mission from God: Evangelism”
October 24, 2013Speaker, “Witnessing Church: Methodism and Mission,” Conversation with Bishop
Hope Morgan Ward and Extended Cabinet, North Carolina Annual
October 15, 2013Speaker, “Living Church: Gospel Inspired Renewal,” Convocation and Pastors’
School, Duke University Divinity School, Durham, NC
October 7, 2013Keynote, “Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Theology and Practices of Early
Methodism for the Contemporary Church,” Virginia Society for Wesleyan Studies, Richmond, VA
April 5, 2013Presenter, “UM Polity,” Instructors’ Seminar, The UMC After Tampa: Where
Do We Go From Here?, Candler School of Theology, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA
June 19, 2012 Keynote Panelist Moderator, "Implications of the Revised
Degree Program Standards," ATS Chief Academic Officers' Society Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
February, 25, 2011“Women, Witness, and Education in the Wesleyan/Methodist Tradition,” Greensboro
College, Greensboro, NC
January 8, 2011“Theological Education in the 21st Century,” panelist, John Wesley Fellows’
Christmas Conference, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
June 24, 2010“Outcomes Assessment,” co-presented with John VerBerkmoes, ATS Biennial
Meeting, Montreal, Canada
March 10, 2010“Witnessing Church: Evangelism in Ecclesial Communities,” Church World Service,
Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
March 2, 2010Keynote, “Witnessing to Christ through Confessing Communities: Evangelism and the
Other,” Hendrix College, Conway, AR
November 18, 2009“Witnessing Communities,” Wallace Chappell Lecture, United Theological Seminary,
Dayton, OH
July 28-29, 2009Group Leader, Christians’ Callings in the World, Lilly Sponsored Grantees Gathering,
Ventura, CA
March 21, 2009“Managing from the Middle,” Workshop, Chief Academic Officers Gathering,
Association of Theological Schools, San Antonio, TX
August 15, 2008 "Evangelism in Relation to UM History, Doctrine, and Polity," United Methodism at
Forty Conference, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, GA
March 27, 2008“From Going to Gathering: Reflections on a Study of Ecclesial Evangelism,”
Progressive and EvangelicalEvent, Garrett-Evangelical Theological
Seminary, Evanston, IL
March 15, 2008Panelist responding to Ken Collins, The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love
And the Shape of Grace, Wesleyan Theological Society, Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
March 15, 2008Respondent, Practical Theology Session, Wesley Theological Society, Duke
Divinity School, Durham, NC
August 12-21, 2007“Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Theology and Practices of Early
Methodism for the Contemporary Church” Twelfth Oxford
Institute, Christ Church, Oxford, UK
June 23, 2007“’First the Church and then the Methodists’: Charles Wesley and Evangelism”
Charles Wesley at 300, Duke Divinity School
June 14-19, 2007Group Leader, Lexington Seminar, Northeast Harbor, ME
March 14, 2007“Saving Women: A Constructive Evangelistic Theology,” Gladys Crane Lecture,
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
March 10, 2007“’Toward the Light’: Lucy Rider Meyer and the Chicago Training School,” Women in
Methodist History Conference, Scarritt-Bennett Center, Nashville, TN
January 18-20, 2007“Saving Women: Retrieving Evangelistic Theology and Practice,” Louisville
Institute Grant Recipient’s Gathering, Louisville, KY
January 8-9, 2007“From Going to Gathering: Reflections on a Study of Ecclesial Evangelism,”
Consultation on World Evangelism, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA
November 18, 2006“’Shew[ing] forth His Love without Partiality’: The Evangelistic Ministry of
Dorothy Ripley (1767-1831),” Colloquium on Early Methodist Texts
and Theologies, American Academy of Religion, Washington, DC
October 27, 2006Respondent to Bryan Stone, Evangelism After Christendom, U.M. Professors
of Evangelism Annual Gathering, Lake Junaluska, NC
September 29, 2006“The Nature and Mission of the Church,” Probationers’
Seminar, Duke Divinity School
November 21, 2005“A Psychoanalytic Investigation of the Transformative Impact of
Sanctification Experience and Belief in the Conversion of Julia A. J. Foote, 19th c. Holiness Preacher,” with Professor Lallene Rector, Wesleyan Studies and Personality, Culture, and Religion Join Session, American Academy of Religion, Philadelphia, PA
October 8, 2005“Situating the Word: An Evangelistic Theology of Space,” Academy for
Evangelism in Theological Education, Wesley Theological Seminary,
Washington, DC
September 16, 2005“The Nature and Mission of the Church,” Probationers’ Seminar, Duke
Divinity School
August 8-15, 2005“John Wesley and Early Methodism: People, Practices, and Possibilities,”
John Wesley College, Kilnerton, South Africa
June 6-July 1, 2005Participant, Summer Wesley Seminar, Duke Divinity School
“Evangelism and Leadership in John Wesley’s Theology and
October 20, 2004“’Toward the Light’: Lucy Rider Meyer and the Chicago Training
School,” Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
October 8, 2004“Saving Women: Teaching Women and Evangelism,” Academy for
Evangelism in Theological Education, Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX
September 24, 2004“The Nature and Mission of the Church,” Probationers’
Seminar, Duke Divinity School
July 19, 2004Respondent to Jonathan Wilson, Ekklesia Project Annual Gathering,
DePaul University, Chicago, IL
May 24-June 18, 2004Participant, Summer Wesley Seminar, Duke Divinity School
“Redemption and Race: The Evangelistic Ministry of Three Women in Southern Methodism”
December 13, 2003 “Plenary I: Fulfilling the Mission of JWF after 25 Years:
Reflections of Some Senior Fellows,” Panelist, John Wesley Fellows’ Christmas Conference, A Foundation for Theological Education, The Woodlands, TX
November 22, 2003“Saving Women: Evangelistic Ministry in Southern Methodism,”
Wesleyan Studies Group, American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, GA
October 25, 2003“Surviving Seminary as Assistant Professors,” Panelist, A Roundtable
Seminar for Newly Appointed Faculty, Association of
Theological Schools, Pittsburgh, PA
September 26, 2003“The Nature and Mission of the Church,” Probationers’
Seminar, Duke Divinity School
June 28, 2003“Women in Early Methodism,” Moderator, Wesley at 300, Duke
Divinity School
September 23, 2002“Sources and Norms for Belief in the United Methodist Church,”
Probationers’ Seminar, Duke Divinity School
August 16, 2002“’Toward the Light’: Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Work
1885-1910,” Eleventh Oxford Institute, Christ Church, Oxford, UK
February 25-27, 2002Respondent to Dr. Phil Meadows, John Wesley Theological
Institute, Chicago, IL
January 6, 2001“Methodist Episcopal Deaconesses and the Social Gospel: Social
Service with Evangelistic Ministry,” Gender and the Social Gospel, American Society of Church History, Boston, MA
October 9, 2001Respondent to Dr. Leonard Sweet, Academy for Evangelism in
Theological Education, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
November 18, 2000“Methodist Episcopal Deaconess: A 19th Century Embodiment
of Wesleyan Evangelistic Ministry,” Wesleyan Studies Group, American Academy of Religion, Nashville, TN
April 4, 2000“An Evangelistic Model for Ministry Informed by Black
Liberation Theology,” Black Theology and the Ministry for the New Millennium, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL
October 3, 1999“Risking the Unimaginable,” Preacher, Symposium on
Theological Interpretation of Scripture, North Park Theological
Seminary, Chicago, IL
December 12, 1998“Respectable Revivalism: The Ministry of British Wesleyan
Methodist Deaconess-Evangelists,” JohnWesley Fellows’ Christmas Conference, A Foundation for Theological Education, Duke Divinity School
July 13, 2015Speaker, “Resurrection,” Texas Youth Academy, Southwestern University,
Georgetown, TX
June 19, 2015Preacher, “Prayers to God,” Local Pastors’ Licensing School, Texas Annual
Conference, UMC
June 19, 2015Instructor, “Evangelism,” Local Pastors’ Licensing School, Texas Annual
Conference, UMC
May 11, 2015Guest Speaker, “United Methodist Polity,” Local Pastors’ Licensing School, Western
North Carolina Conference, UMC
May 27, 2014Speaker, Youth Workers’ Gathering, Texas Annual Conference UMC
September 16, 2013Speaker, “Saving Women,” United Methodist Women, New Creation UMC,
Durham, NC
September 16, 2013Speaker, “Saving Women,” Adult Forum, Duke University Chapel, NC
July 7 and 14, 2013Preacher and Speaker, Millbrook Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC
July 1, 2013Speaker, “Wesleyan Roots,” Texas Youth Academy,
Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX
June 17, 2013Preacher and Plenary, Duke Youth Academy, Duke Divinity School, Durham,
June 16, 2013Speaker, “Saving Women,” New Creation UMC, Durham, NC
May 28, 2013Panelist, Reporting on Theological Education, Texas Annual Conference,
Houston, TX
March 28, 2013Peter Gomes Distinguished Preacher, Maundy Thursday, Duke University
Chapel, NC
March 10, 2013Preacher, “A New Commandment?” Duke’s Chapel UMC, Durham, NC
March 3, 2013Preacher, “A New Commandment?” Village Chapel of Bald Head Island, NC
October 17, 2012Keynote, “Saving Women: Retrieving Christian Leadership for the 21st
Century,” Annual Prayer Breakfast, Durham Women’s Club,
Durham, NC
October 15-16, 2012Workshop Co-leader with Bishop Ken Carder, “Grace to Lead,” Convocation
and Pastor’s School, Duke Divinity School
June 17, 2012 Preacher, "Seriously Confessing," Duke Youth Academy, Duke
Divinity School, Durham, NC
July 5, 2012 Speaker, "Living in God's Reign," Texas Youth Academy,
Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX
January 10-12, 2012Keynote and Preacher, “Vocation,” Perkins School of Youth Ministry, First
UMC Richardson, TX
December 11, 2011Preacher, “Advent Jubilee,” Village Chapel of Bald Head Island, NC
May 29, 2011Co-Presenter with Dr. Willie Jennings, “The Beloved Community: Biblical
and Theological Roots,” St. Luke’s UMC, Gethsemane Campus, Houston, TX
March 23-25, 2011Participant, “UM Global Theological Education Summit,” Emory University,
Atlanta, GA
February 15-16, 2011Keynote, “Sustaining Ministry through Nurturing Vocation,” UM District
Event, Lake Louise, MI
September 26, 2010Preacher and Presenter, “Wesleyan Evangelism,” First United Methodist
Church, Salisbury, NC
July 14, 2010Plenary, “Heeding the Spirit’s Call: Methodism,” Texas Annual Conference
Youth Academy, Southwestern College, Georgetown, TX
June 28, 2010Instructor, “Resurrecting the Word: Practicing Evangelism,” Adult Vacation
Bible School, Asbury UMC, Durham, NC
April 29, 2010Panelist and Presenter, “Spreading Scriptural Holiness: Retrieving Wesleyan
Evangelism,” Foundation for Evangelism Board Meeting, Dayton, OH
March 1, 2010Preacher, “Confession from God’s Perspective,” Hendrix College Chapel,
Conway, AR
February 23, 2010“Leading from the Second Chair,” Executive Pastors’ Gathering, Leadership
Education at Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC
January 3, 2010Preacher, “When the Savior Comes,” Asbury Temple UMC, Durham, NC