SLOAC Meeting Agenda
September 24, 2015
Present:Diane Belair, Dianne Bennett, Kimberley Beyrer, Jarom Burbano, Michael Hunter, Julia Jolly, Norman Lorenz, Timothy Quandt, Rick Woodmansee, Jonathan Zeh.
- Information items:
- SLO reporting tool – update: Gayle reported that she has been meeting with individual faculty and with departments to train them on using the online reporting tool. Most faculty report that the tool is user-friendly and easy to learn. Gayle has been meeting twice a month with Jarom and Elaine to continue development of the online tool. Rick Woodmansee and Kim Beyrer agreed to serve on a workgroup to assist with further development of the tool.
- Student Services, Learning Resources, and Tutoring LOs – update on department/workgroup meetings:
- Student Services: Gayle, Elaine, and Jarom met with several of the Student Services faculty and staff to discuss SLO reporting. There were a few suggestions about how to improve the online reporting tool, including inserting a field for reporting cycle (rather than just for semesters).
- Learning Resources: Gayle met with several of the Learning Resources faculty to discuss SLO assessment and reporting, as well as how Learning Resources SLOs will fit into our mapping system. Currently, Learning Resources faculty conduct regular assessments and complete reports in their LIB courses and workshops offered. The faculty identified Reference and Collection Development as two areas to develop outcomes and assessments. Gayle will meet with the Learning Resources faculty again to continue this SLO work.
- Tutoring: Gayle attended the Tutoring Workgroup meeting to discuss outcome assessment of HSER 1000 labs and other tutoring areas on campus. Mary Turner suggested that we create an SLO subgroup to address issues of SLO development, assessment, and reporting, and that anyone interested could contact Gayle.
- Discussion items
- ProLO mapping
- “SLOs” vs. “objectives”: Gayle asked the SLOAC to consider the distinction (if any) between SLOs and objectives, since this has been coming up in numerous conversations throughout the college. It was proposed that we consider adopting CRC’s model of SLO/objectives development, because that could help reduce the number of SLOs a department needs to report on. Several members wanted to know if it’s common practice to report on all course SLOs, and different people at the meeting reported different practices in their departments. Some departments report on all course SLOs at once; some split up the SLOs they report on, but make sure all are reported on within a six-year cycle; and some pick and choose which they want to report on. It was suggested that we do some research on the CRC system, as well as alternative systems used by other colleges. Gayle suggested that we invite Ginni May to attend one of our SLOAC meetings to address the SLO vs. objectives issue.
- Upcoming meetings
SLOAC: 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, 3:00-4:00PM in B107.
To place items on future agendas, contact Gayle Pitman at .