Schedule of Accreditation
Mechanical Metrology Department
Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality
16 Tadreeb El-modarrebeen st., Ameraya, Cairo – Egypt
Valid to : June 28, 2018 / Issue No. 3:June19, 2014 / Schedule No.: 20629BMeasured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*
(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
Mass / Comparsion method with standard weights
Calibration of Mass
(Class E2) / 1 - 500 mg / 0.005 mg /
OIML R111:2004
/ -Sets of weights Class E1S.N :15935
-Sets of weights Class E2
S.Ns: 27035, 27036, 23773, 27037,
27038, B324437453,B324437454, 1830801
- Sets of weights Class F1
S.Ns: 73390 , 73342, 23772
- Individual Weights Class E2
S.Ns : 27037, 27038, 1490210, 1840210
- Individual Weights Class E1
S.N :118140, 117983, 117984, MYM21000899/1
- Individual Weights Class F1
S.N: 26762, 26463, 26764, 26465
Mass Comparators
S.N 50801006, 11401768, 1122092708
,70301479, 1122092707, 1129451085, 70501006
1 – 10 g / 0.023 mg
20 g / 0.03 mg
200 g / 0.07 mg
500 g / 0.13 mg
1 kg / 0.47 mg
2 kg / 0.32 mg
5 kg / 1.2 mg
10 kg / 3.1 mg
20 kg
/ 7.1 mgMeasured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*
(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
Calibration of Balances / 10g - 600 g / 1.3 mg /
Comparison Method with Standard Weights
600g - 1500 kg / 8.3 mg /OIML R76:2006
/ Sets of weightsClass E2S.N 73390, 23773, 1830801
Sets of weightsClass F1
S.N 73342, 23772
Individual Weights Class F1
S.Ns 26758, 26759, 26762, 26763, 26760, 26761, 26764, 26765
Individual weightsClass F2
S.Ns 36:45, 1:10
1500 kg - 5 kg
/ 58 mg5 Kg -20 Kg / 0.58 g
20 Kg - 100 kg / 1.2 g
100 kg - 300 kg
/ 5.9 gBrief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
/ Calibration& Measurement Capability*(±) /
/ Measured QuantityTorque
Standard Torque TransducerSystem
S.N 1081
Torque Transluces
S.N 756006
S.N 781702 / ISO 6789:2003 / 6.3 Nm
7.6Nm / 130 -1300 Nm
Anti-Clockwise / Calibration of Torque Wrenches
2.8 Nm
5.9 Nm / 33 -330 Nm
Anti Clockwise
Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
/ Calibration& Measurement Capability*(±) /
/ Measured QuantityStandard Torque TransducerSystem
S.N 1081
Torque Transducers
S.N 791108
S.N 778518 / ISO 6789:2003 / 1.5 Nm
0.7 Nm / 20 – 200 Nm
Anti Clockwise / Calibration of Torque Wrenches
0.43 Nm
0.44 Nm / 3 - 30 Nm
Measured Quantity /
/ Calibration& Measurement Capability*(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment UsedForce
Calibration of compression- testing machines
(on site) / 0 - 490 N (compression)
0 - 440 N (Tension) / 1.2 N
1.4 N / Comparison method with standard load cells
ES 1128:2008
ISO 7500-1:2004 / Set of Load Cells :
S.N :1295497
S.N: 612192
S.N: 612193
S.N: 612194
S.N: 701205
S.N: 701206
S.N: 612236
S.N: 612237
0 - 950 N (compression)
0 - 950 N (Tenion) / 5.4 N
6 N
0 - 2000 N (compression)
0 - 2000 N (Tension) / 4.4 N
2.8 N
0 - 4.5 KN (compression)
0 - 4.5 KN (Tension) / 44 N
43 N
0 - 9 KN (compression)
0 - 9 KN (Tension) / 8.7 N
14 N
0 - 18 KN (compression)
0 - 18 KN (Tension) / 33 N
22 N
0 - 50 KN (compression)
0 - 40 KN (Tension) / 0.12 kN
0.1 kN
0 - 300 KN (compression)
0 - 210 KN (Tension) / 0.43 kN
0.78 kN
0 - 500KN (compression) / 0.33 kN
0 - 1000 KN (compression) / 0.88 kN
Measured Quantity /
/ Calibration& Measurement Capability*(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment UsedCalibration of compression testing machines
(on site) / 0 – 100 KN / 0.09KN / ES 1128:2008
ISO 7500-1:2004 / Set of load cells
Model: DSCC-100KN
Model : T253N304
Model: C142-04
Model: C142-06
S.N: 0066
0 – 300 KN / 0.02KN
0 – 1000KN / 0.9KN
0– 3000KN / 4.6KN
Measured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*
(±) /
Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
Calibration of Pressure Pneumatic Gauge / 2– 70 bar / 0.52 bar /ES 1457: 2005
/ Air Dead Weight TesterPlatform S.N 5679
Piston Cylinder Unit, S.N 5819
Mass Set, S.N 3370
Calibration of Pressure HydraulicGauge / 10 – 1000 bar / 1.5 bar /
ES 1457: 2005
/ Oil Dead Weight TesterPlatform , S.N 6197
Piston Cylinder Unit , S.N 6198
Mass Set , S.N 3464
Measured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*
(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
(For one Mark Glasswares) / 0.1 ml -5 ml / 0.0007ml /
Comparison Method with Standard Weights
5 ml -50 ml / 0.015 ml /ES 3471:2008
/ Electronic BalanceS.N 21309215
Electronic Balance
S.N 2140193
50 ml - 500 ml / 0. 11 ml
500 ml - 2000 ml / 0.45 ml
(For Graduated Glass wares) / 0.1 ml - 2 ml / 0.006 ml
2 ml - 50 ml / 0.064 ml
50 ml - 250 ml / 1.2 ml
250 ml - 2000 ml / 13 ml
V: nominal volume of glasswares
Measured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability* (±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment UsedDimension
Calibration of External Micrometers / up to 150 mm / 2µm / ES 163:2001 / Gauge Block Set, Grade 1
Model RC10MAA , S.N 61801.1
Gauge Block Set , Grade 1
S.N 32463
Optical Flat
Code No. MML-074 & MML-075
Parallelism Glass Set
Code No. MML – 076 & MML-077
Calibration of Vernier, Dial and Digital Calipers / up to 1000 mm / 14 µm / ES 313:2008 / Gauge Block Set , Grade 1
S.N 32463
Gauge Blocks
S.Ns 0203492, 972210, 021998
Individual Gauge Block
S.N.: 103744
Setting Rings
S.N 970111 , 970105
Measured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment UsedDimension
Gauge Block / up to 25 mm
25 - 50mm
50 - 75mm
75 - 100mm / 0.15 µm
0.21 µm
0.35µm / ES 1178/2007 / Gauge Block
S.N:. 972210, 32463
Federal comparator
S.N: 228E84
Dial Gauge / up to 25 mm / 2.6µm / ES 617/2008 / Dial guage tester
Measured Quantity / Range / Calibration& Measurement Capability*
(±) / Brief Description of Measurement and Equipment Used
Calibration of Photo-Type Tachometer / 500 - 5000 rpm / 0.89 rpm /
In house Method
/ Digital Tachometer TesterS.N : 23005
30 - 800 rpm
800 - 10000 rpm
1000 - 50000 rpm / 0.2 rpm /
In house Method
/ Digital Tachometer TesterS.N: 2581386
0.5 rpm
2.4 rpm
Calibration of Rotational Speed Devices / 30 - 200 rpm
200 - 2000 rpm
2000 - 50000 rpm / 0.1 rpm /
In house Method
/ Laser Digital TachometerS.N : 0634596
0.94 rpm
1.4 rpm
(*)Calibration & Measurement Capabilities are to be expressed as expanded uncertainty (k=2) i.e. providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%.
كورنيش المعادى – برج رياض المعادى1- القاهرة – مصر Kornish El-Maadi, Riad El-Maadi Tower 1 - Cairo - Egypt تليفون : 5275227/ 5275225 /5275224 /5275220 (202) Tel.: (202) 5275220/5275224/5275225/5275227 فاكس : 5275226 (202)Fax: (202) 5275226