Saturday Morning Program Volunteer Registration Form

Registration Date:

First,Last Name:

Birth Date:

Phone Number:



(City/ state/ zip):

Reason for Volunteering:

Languages other than English:

Please list any special professional training, skills, hobbies, or current certifications:

Please provide your hours of availability for service on Saturday Mornings:

8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M. / 
9:00 A.M-10:00 A.M. / 
10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. / 
11:00 A.M-12:00 P.M / 

Do you have friends or family in the program?



How did you hear about us?

Will you need documentation of our volunteer hours?


Please rank top three positions you are interested in (mark 1 as most preferred):

Phone in Security Office / Answer phone in security office. Have list of classes to describe. Tell programming is on and give information.
Front Desk Sign In / Be at front table of building encourage guests to sign in before entering.
Registration/ Card Hand Out / In Charge of Handing out Registration Cards and Session T Shirts. Have parents sign upon receiving.
Around the World in Games / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Art Works / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Chess Mates / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Coding and Graphic Design / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Discovery U.S.A / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Engineering 101 with K'nex / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Introduction to Guitar / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
NAUC Play grow and Learn / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Dance to the Beat of the Street and More / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
CoNa Basketball / Work with youth directly to assist instructor run class.
Snack / Retrieve snack from back closet in Library. Begin opening for easy dispersal @ 9:30 A.M. Begin dispersing at 10:05 A.M. on two karts. Team one goes to Soccer Field and Larkin Center and dance room. Team 2 goes to Literacy Center, basement class rooms, and upstairs class rooms.

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