Choose the letter of the condition from the right column that is best represented by the description in the left column. Some letters may be used twice.

_______ a fetal structure that allows blood to flow between the atrias A Transposition

_______an opening between the left and right ventricles B PDA

_______an acquired heart disease whose greatest risk is cardiac aneurysm C AV Canal

_______those acyanotic cardiac defects caused by a stricture that causes pressure and D Indomethacin

hypertrophy in the closest ventricle. E Rheumatic Fever

_______accompanied by hypoxic spells that require a knee-to-chest position F SVT

to decrease venous return. G SBE prophyllaxis

_______a medication used to keep the PDA open H ASD

_______a medication used to close the PDA I Prostaglandin

_______those acyanotic cardiac defects manifested by an opening J Tetrology of Fallot

_______a cardiac defect which involves complete or partial ASD and VSD K VSD

_______a cardiac defect in which the Aorta and Pulmonary arteries switch positions L Kawasaki Synd.

_______an aquired heart disease which is an inflammatory connective tissue disorder M Pulm Stenosis

that follows a strept infection. N Coarc of the Aorta

_______an abrupt onset of rapid heart rate that exceeds 200 bpm O Aortic Stenosis

_______prophyllactic treatment with penicillin to prevent bacterial vegetation on P Foramen Ovale

irregular cardiac surfaces. Q. Long QT synd.

_______an inherited genetic disorder that puts the child at risk for sudden death from R. Lasix

ventricular fibrillation. S. Digoxin

_______a medication used for congestive heart failure to improve contractility of the heart

_______a medication used in congestive heart failure and hypertension that decreases

fluid overload

_______those defects that require SBE prophylaxis