“Looking to the West” Newspapers/Pamphlets
Chapter 7
- What conditions lured people to migrate to the West?
- Where did the western settlers come from? What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled the west? Describe the contrasting cultural influences they brought to the region.
- Why was the Homestead Act such a significant factor in the westward migration?
Section 2:
- Describe early changes in the lifestyle of the Plains Indians.
- How did government policies and battlefield challenges affect the Indian wars? Why were Indian treaties often unsuccessful?
- What is assimilation? Describe at least two major federal assimilation policies.
Section 3:
- How did mining spread to the west?
- What caused the western cattle boom?
- What hardships did homesteaders face?
- Why did cattle ranching become so successful after the Civil War?
- What kinds of stereotypes were created about the Old West?
For full credit, your group must answer ALL of the assigned questions within your newspaper/pamphlet. You must include AT LEAST 6 pictures (with captions) throughout your newspaper/pamphlet. ALL group members must contribute to the completion of your group project. See grading rubric below for point breakdown.
“Looking West” Newspaper/Pamphlet
Grading Rubric S=strong A=average W=weak
Content and Information in InfomercialS A W
- Group members’ names are visible on project52 0
- All section 1 questions are clearly answered158 0
- All section 2 questions are clearly answered158 0
- All section 3 questions are cleared answered158 0
- Provided at least 6 pictures throughout project52 0
- Newspaper/Pamphlet was bound together in some way52 0
- All students were actively involved in the preparation
of the newspaper/pamphlet52 0
- Used class time and lab time efficiently
- Thursday (9/15)105 0
- Friday (9/16)105 0
- Monday (9/19)52 0
Final Score: /100
“Looking to the West” Newspapers/Pamphlets
Chapter 7
- What conditions lured people to migrate to the West?
- Where did the western settlers come from? What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled the west? Describe the contrasting cultural influences they brought to the region.
- Why was the Homestead Act such a significant factor in the westward migration?
Section 2:
- Describe early changes in the lifestyle of the Plains Indians.
- How did government policies and battlefield challenges affect the Indian wars? Why were Indian treaties often unsuccessful?
- What is assimilation? Describe at least two major federal assimilation policies.
Section 3:
- How did mining spread to the west?
- What caused the western cattle boom?
- What hardships did homesteaders face?
- Why did cattle ranching become so successful after the Civil War?
- What kinds of stereotypes were created about the Old West?
For full credit, your group must answer ALL of the assigned questions within your newspaper/pamphlet. You must include AT LEAST 6 pictures (with captions) throughout your newspaper/pamphlet. ALL group members must contribute to the completion of your group project. See grading rubric below for point breakdown.
“Looking West” Newspaper/Pamphlet
Grading Rubric S=strong A=average W=weak
Content and Information in InfomercialS A W
- Group members’ names are visible on project52 0
- All section 1 questions are clearly answered158 0
- All section 2 questions are clearly answered158 0
- All section 3 questions are cleared answered158 0
- Provided at least 6 pictures throughout project52 0
- Newspaper/Pamphlet was bound together in some way52 0
- All students were actively involved in the preparation
- of the newspaper/pamphlet52 0
- Used class time and lab time efficiently
- Thursday (9/15)105 0
- Friday (9/16)105 0
- Monday (9/19)52 0
Final Score: /100