“Looking to the West” Newspapers/Pamphlets

Chapter 7


  1. What conditions lured people to migrate to the West?
  2. Where did the western settlers come from? What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled the west? Describe the contrasting cultural influences they brought to the region.
  3. Why was the Homestead Act such a significant factor in the westward migration?

Section 2:

  1. Describe early changes in the lifestyle of the Plains Indians.
  2. How did government policies and battlefield challenges affect the Indian wars? Why were Indian treaties often unsuccessful?
  3. What is assimilation? Describe at least two major federal assimilation policies.

Section 3:

  1. How did mining spread to the west?
  2. What caused the western cattle boom?
  3. What hardships did homesteaders face?
  4. Why did cattle ranching become so successful after the Civil War?
  5. What kinds of stereotypes were created about the Old West?

For full credit, your group must answer ALL of the assigned questions within your newspaper/pamphlet. You must include AT LEAST 6 pictures (with captions) throughout your newspaper/pamphlet. ALL group members must contribute to the completion of your group project. See grading rubric below for point breakdown.


“Looking West” Newspaper/Pamphlet

Grading Rubric S=strong A=average W=weak

Content and Information in InfomercialS A W

  1. Group members’ names are visible on project52 0
  2. All section 1 questions are clearly answered158 0
  3. All section 2 questions are clearly answered158 0
  4. All section 3 questions are cleared answered158 0
  5. Provided at least 6 pictures throughout project52 0
  6. Newspaper/Pamphlet was bound together in some way52 0
  7. All students were actively involved in the preparation

of the newspaper/pamphlet52 0

  1. Used class time and lab time efficiently
  2. Thursday (9/15)105 0
  3. Friday (9/16)105 0
  4. Monday (9/19)52 0

Final Score: /100


“Looking to the West” Newspapers/Pamphlets

Chapter 7


  1. What conditions lured people to migrate to the West?
  2. Where did the western settlers come from? What main groups of Americans and immigrants settled the west? Describe the contrasting cultural influences they brought to the region.
  3. Why was the Homestead Act such a significant factor in the westward migration?

Section 2:

  1. Describe early changes in the lifestyle of the Plains Indians.
  2. How did government policies and battlefield challenges affect the Indian wars? Why were Indian treaties often unsuccessful?
  3. What is assimilation? Describe at least two major federal assimilation policies.

Section 3:

  1. How did mining spread to the west?
  2. What caused the western cattle boom?
  3. What hardships did homesteaders face?
  4. Why did cattle ranching become so successful after the Civil War?
  5. What kinds of stereotypes were created about the Old West?

For full credit, your group must answer ALL of the assigned questions within your newspaper/pamphlet. You must include AT LEAST 6 pictures (with captions) throughout your newspaper/pamphlet. ALL group members must contribute to the completion of your group project. See grading rubric below for point breakdown.


“Looking West” Newspaper/Pamphlet

Grading Rubric S=strong A=average W=weak

Content and Information in InfomercialS A W

  1. Group members’ names are visible on project52 0
  2. All section 1 questions are clearly answered158 0
  3. All section 2 questions are clearly answered158 0
  4. All section 3 questions are cleared answered158 0
  5. Provided at least 6 pictures throughout project52 0
  6. Newspaper/Pamphlet was bound together in some way52 0
  7. All students were actively involved in the preparation
  8. of the newspaper/pamphlet52 0
  9. Used class time and lab time efficiently
  10. Thursday (9/15)105 0
  11. Friday (9/16)105 0
  12. Monday (9/19)52 0

Final Score: /100
