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Our Savior Lutheran Church – March 2015 Newsletter

1010 – 8th St. South - Brookings, SD 57006

Church Office (605) 692-6989; Church e-mail –

Pastor Ken Brokmeier - Home - (605) 692-9249; e-mail –

Vicar Mark Swanson - Home – 605-692-2201; e-mail –

“This then is how . . . we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything..” 1 John 3:19,20

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No, I am not the parent on the nightly news, the mother arrested for badly mistreating her children. But sometimes I am irritated when my baby wakes me up four times in one night – when my toddler throws a tantrum in the grocery store – when my teen defiantly shatters the curfew.

No, I am not the high-profile executive under investigation for embezzling millions from his company’s pension fund. But I am also not the philanthropist donating millions to a children’s hospital. I am easily irritated by co-workers constantly begging me to buy candy bars to support their children’s soccer team. I admit I envy the latest lottery winner from our state.

What is wrong with me? I could scan the latest “self-help” books in the library and read “self-esteem” articles in magazines, but I still do not feel like the “good” person I want to be.

Friend, is your conscience kicking you? We often try to silence that voice of “right” and “wrong” because it condemns us for not living up to God’s expectations. We are supposed to be as good as God! But we are not good … not good enough for God.

The truth is that all people fail to live perfect lives. Unfortunately, everyone else’s failures will not excuse me for becoming angry, for being greedy, for failing to keep all of God’s commands. Fortunately, God has loved all people so much that he sent his Son, Jesus, to save us from the punishment we deserve for all our failures.

How did Jesus save us? Throughout his life, Jesus perfectly obeyed every one of his Father’s commands. Despite his absolutely innocent life, Jesus was put to death on a cross where God punished his Son for our sins. Jesus suffered the death we deserved for our disobedience. Amazingly, God now considers us “perfect” because Jesus lived perfectly as our substitute. Mercifully, because Jesus died as our substitute, God declares us “forgiven.”

The Bible tells us, “When our hearts condemn us” – if we sense that we are not as good as we should be – “God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” God knows “Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.” God knows he traded Jesus’ goodness for our not being good enough. God knows he put Jesus to death to give us life … life that will last forever. Now, whenever our mistakes get us down, we can turn to God who assures us that through Jesus we are forgiven and perfect.

We see quickly see why Lent is such a treasured part of the church year for us as God’s children and we look forward to hearing his Word.


New Friends is a program in which our college students, together with a few of our members, prepare and serve a meal following the second service to other college students and members of our congregation. ALSO INVITED are about seven group homes containing residents with disabilities.

The remaining date for New Friends for the 2014-2015 school year is April 12. We invite members of our congregation and students from our campus ministry to help with this rewarding event. If nothing else, stay for lunch and watch the first time!


The following groups are serving refreshments following the Midweek Lenten Services- 3/4 Group IX (Susan Holida); 3/11 – Group 1 (Darlene Wilson); 3/18 – Group 2 (Gerri Kramer); 3/25 – Group 3 (Susan Behnken ; 4/2 – Group 4 (Keri Longhenry).


Please remember in prayer our homebound. We also include the following who are living with cancer in various forms or continue to recover from surgery or other ailments: Lloyd Elliot, Richard Landsman, Lee Wimmer, Jean Green, Lew Rabenberg, Wayne and Caroline Doop, Mavis Peterson, Judy Rennich, Crystal Blum, Sandy Lujan and Bill Everding.

We have received the following addresses for our members who are in the military:

Lcpl Trent Krogman

4196 Williams Ct.

Tarawa Terrace, NC 28543

Jordan Zmuda

PO Box 3394

Fort Polk, La. 71459

Please get Newsletter prayer requests to Linda by the 20th of the month.


1.  Sunday Morning - We will be continuing to study the ChristLight Stories using the same ones as the SS classes.

2.  Teens – On February 1 we began a study on the Book of Revelation and the History of the Christian Church. The class is not a thorough verse by verse explanation of Revelation but it gives a good overview of this often misinterpreted book.

3.  Thursday morning Breakfast Bible Study – Meets on Thurs. mornings from 7:00-7:45AM. The 7AM class is about over ½ through the book of Hebrews. Anyone is welcome to join us for some soul-food!

4.  Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 – This group just began Hebrews.

5.  REVIEW 100 Bible Stories. The group decided not to meet during the month of March but watch for a date on the April calendar. We will be looking at stories 93-97. See Pastor for details to join this group.

6.  Bible Information Class – Pastor and Vicar have several different BIC classes going right now and would welcome the chance to start another. If you or someone you know is interested in BIC, please speak with Vicar or Pastor to get started!

7.  Collegians – We will resume with collegian Bible study after Easter. College students are invited to attend any Bible study at Our Savior.

8.  Bible Study at Sun Chase apartment building will meet on March 2 and 16, 2015 at 1PM in the community Room as we study OT stories. Anyone is invited to come.


March Ushers: 3/1, 8:30 –Chris Artz/Terry Borns; 11:00 AM - Cole Kratovil/Darryl Ganter; 3/8, 8:30 – Ron/Adam Seeklander; 11:00 – Corbin Kravotil/Mike Kramer; 3/15, 8:30 – Steve McCarthy/Russ Lokken; 11:00 – Gary/Braxton Carlson; 3/22, 8:30 – Matt/Ben Diersen; 11:00 Dane Slater/Matt Miller; 2/29, 8:30 – Seth Brokmeier/Gaylord Haroldson; 11:00 – Al Minor/Brian Wellberg.


The Sunday morning services can be viewed online. Go to –


Midweek Lenten Services began on Wednesday, February 18, with an Ash Wednesday communion service at 7:00 PM. All the Midweek services are at 7 PM. Each of the Wednesday night services will be followed by a time of fellowship with some food to enjoy. The overall theme for our services this year will be I Tell You the Truth . . .

V  March 4 – Fruits of Faith Will Be Remembered

V  March 11 – One of You Will Betray Me

V  March 18 – You Will Disown Me

V  March 25 – If One Dies, It Produces Life for Many

V  April 2 & 3 – Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Worship

V  April 5 – Easter – Your Grief Will Turn to Joy

Please note the following schedule for Easter Sunday:

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service at 7:15 AM

Easter Breakfast served between services

Easter Festival Service at 9:30 AM

Please check the back cabinet in the middle of March for the Easter Breakfast sign-up sheet.


There is a signup sheet on the back counter for taking care of set/clean up for the Lord’s Supper for 2015. If you have questions, please see Linda Berkland. We are still looking for one or more people to sign up for months of April, May and June.

Not sure if you can handle it? Before you say, “no,” stop by and look at the simple duties/instructions that are printed out and placed on the refrigerator door in the kitchen. They basically walk you through the whole process. You can then think about it. Thanks for considering this.


SS students began Set 2 of Old Testament Stories. We invite parents to use those 3-ring binders for devotional materials at home during the week and to help you child with memory work.

The SS mission project for this year is “Christians Forward in Southeast Asia,” a medical mission that is totally dependent on volunteer support to minister to the bodies and minds of the Hmong and Laos so they, too, may hear the Gospel message. Thanks for your generous support!


If you have attended church recently you see fruits of the labor from the AV-committee. The Committee is looking for volunteers to help run the software during the services on Sunday Monday. Training is available.

About $10,000 has been invested in to the projectors and some necessary equipment. We invite you to consider giving a special gift for the AV fund to help offset some of the costs. If you would like to contribute towards this project, gifts can be placed into the offering plate with instructions that they are designated for the AV-Fund.

The committee will look into AV- needs in the other parts of the church once we have the system in church fully functioning. The committee welcomes feedback and suggestions so please fee free to make them.


The Minnekota Circuit of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society will be holding their Spring Rally on April 11, 2015. Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Watertown, SD will host the rally at Great Plains Lutheran High School in Watertown, SD. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. with the meeting following from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

The speaker will be Mark Vance, CARE Director for Christian Aid & Relief. Christian Aid and Relief provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid to people around the world who have been devastated by natural disasters and other tragedies. The committee also helps individuals with catastrophic medical and personal needs.

The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. with devotions, Bible Study, Mark Vance’s presentation, election of officers, a short business meeting, and door prizes.

Plan now to attend and learn more about the work our synod is doing to help those in need through Christian Aid & Relief. Galatians 6:10 "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.


Greetings from GSI Thrift. Did you ever wonder what makes a store? It has to have product, a place for people to come and buy what you have and it has to have people willing to help the customers. We have all of the above and that has kept us going for the last eighteen years. It is a bit more complicated than that, in that you have to have your merchandise be desirable, which might mean having it “up to date” in style, or freshly cleaned and ironed, or tested to make sure it works with batteries or electrical. We strive to have our merchandise clean and fresh, and we thank you for bringing in your donations that way. It saves our employees and volunteers a lot of time. We are successful because of your donations!

We couldn’t be a store without customers! It makes our day seeing their friendly faces, and we strive to make their day too! We enjoy seeing regular weekly customers come through our front door. Some have a certain department in the store that they like to browse. We have one gentleman that stops daily, sometimes two times a day, to see what’s new in the “men’s mall” area, while another heads over to the “men’s suits” rack to see what is new there. Some go straight to the “books and magazines” while others can spend a good deal of time in the clothing aisles or the crafts department looking at material, yarn and more. In the upcoming weeks we will have students shopping in the costume room for apparel to emphasize homecoming week.

Never underestimate what you might find in a thrift store. Some items we currently have are yellow depression glass dishes, lots of glass luncheon sets, vintage blue canning jars with zinc lids, real horse hair braids, table with six chairs, a table with four roller chairs, a vintage sofa, chest of drawers, shower chairs, microwave, bikes, linens, a youth bed, quilts and comforters, fall and Halloween items and more...... Fall items are filling the racks, from sweatshirts and hunting clothing, to winter vests, coats and snowpants. Shop for a sweater as the temperatures change. We have a good selection!! Check out our book sections as we have reading material for all ages.

Items we could use at GSI include: Bed frames, box spring and mattresses, chest of drawers, small refrigerators, antiques, jewelry, bedding and linens, boots and snow pants, halloween costumes, old hats, canes, walkers and shower chairs. We have had requests for a keyboard, dehumidifier, AM-FM CD player, washer and dryer and small electrical appliances. We also accept new items – anything from perfumes and lotions to unopened toys.

Donations to GSI Thrift can be considered a charitable deduction. Let us know if you need a charity receipt when dropping off your donations.


Bell Choir practice is on Wednesdays immediately following choir practice. New Members are welcome.


The Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society will meet March 9, 2015 7:00 PM. We invite all the ladies of the congregation to attend and learn more about the many ways we serve and encourage mission support as well as behind the scenes support of various church activities here at our congregation.