Kom Binnen. Fotografie Evy Raes
Press release
In her new series on Flemish interiors, EvyRaes breathes new life into her grandmother’s house. For five yearsshe photographed interiors from a bygone era. She set out in search of authenticinteriorsand came acrossvintage wallpaper,tincookie jars, crucifixes, and so much more. Then she askedLucDe Vos to work with some of her pictures.His writingsreinforce the home feeling in the images.
Theyoung photographerEvyRaes(Dendermonde, 1981) studied Communication Managementand photography. While working asassistant to thephotographerMarcLagrangeshefell in love withthetechnicalcamera. In 2008she beganher quest forinteriorswhere time had stood still for severaldecades. She wanted to capture theinteriors on film before they were demolished. With the support ofFoMu, the Photo Museum in AntwerpandStichting Roeping, nowVocatio Foundation, she startedthe project.
Thesearch for suitableinteriors proved difficult. The whole projecttookfive years to complete. Armed with tipsfrom friends andacquaintances,Evytravelled all over Flanders looking for locations of times gone bywhere timehad stood still. The atmosphereof the houseofher grandmotherwas herguide.
‘When I walkedaround an interior like thiswith mycameraand sawthe oldburntpotson the stove, I knew Ialsowanted to take a picture of them. Mygrandmother’s potatoes were absolutely delicious. With salt. At home the salt shaker was kept in the cupboard and stayed there. Or the ribbed bedspread which togetherwith the image ofthe AngelGabrielandthebowl of holy water made thebedroom complete.
The smell ofthat bedroomor rather, ofEaude Cologne,returns to mewhen I see a detail like this. Or the steep stairs Iclimbed to take a look at the old, redundant guest room.Orthe manyporcelain figurines andframeswithold photosthat you marvel led at as a child, and which I secretlyadoredeven though Idid not really find themso beautiful.’ (Evy Raes)
The exhibitionKom binnen in therefectoryof St.Peter's, includes aselectionofphotographs from theseries Vlaamse Interieurs. Bothclose-ups and evocations portray interiors in the 1960s, 1970s and1980s.Somephotos wereprintedlarge, so thedetails arevery visible. This givesthe picture many different layers. You discovermoreinthe picture:ahalf-fullglass of port, reading glasses, the newspaper, theladles,thefamily photo onthemantelpiece, theburntpots on the Leuven stove, the bowl of oranges on the table and so on.
The exhibitiontakes you frominterior tointerior, through corridors, dining rooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathroomsand bedrooms. Eventhe smallest room in the house has not escaped the photographer’s attention. There is a strongaha-feeling in thephotos. Everyone is familiar with or recognises the typical interiors of grandparents, great aunts and other members of the family.
Kom Binnen. Fotografie Evy Raesopens on 7th June 2013 in St. Peter’s Abbey in Ghent.
The book of the same name, “Kom Binnen!” (Roularta),with an introduction by Michiel Hendryckx,will be available in book shops and in the bookshop in St Peter’s Abbey from this date onwards.
Evy Raes (b. 1981 in Dendermonde) studied Communication Management and photography. In 2010 she was awarded the title of Laureate by Stichting Roeping (Vocatio Foundation) for the series of photos entitledVlaamse Interieursresulting in an exhibition in various train stations. For the ‘Vocho Verde’ project she photographed the last green Beetle taxis in Mexico City, and bought her own green Volkswagen Beetle, namely Pablo The Beetle, (Pablo De Kever),which developed into an educational project for children.
The book ‘Kom Binnen’ (published by Roularta) will be on sale at the same time as the exhibition.
Format : 21 x 22 cm standing
128 pages
Price : € 24.95 (retail price: € 29.95)
ISBN: 978 90 8679 411 9
The photography exhibitionKom binnen. Fotografie Evy Raeswill be held in St. Peter’s Abbey from Friday 7th June to Sunday1stSeptember 2013.
Guided tours for schools and adults can be booked at BOEKjeBEZOEK (09 267 14 66 - ).
Historische Huizen Gent – Sint-Pietersabdij
Sint-Pietersplein 9
9000 Ghent
T 09 243 97 30
Closed on Monday,
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm
Individual visitor: € 5
Reduced rate: € 3.75
under -26s: € 1
free admission for under-18s
double ticket for the exhibitionTiksi.Fotografie Evgenia Arbugaeva:
Individual visitor € 8 / reduced rate € 6
The World Press Photo exhibition will also be held in St. Peter’s Abbey from 4-28 July:
€ 6 (full price) and € 4.50(reduced price). A combination ticket for the three exhibitions is also available:€ 9 (full price) and € 7(reduced price).
Historische Huizen Gent
Fabienne Gros
Press & communication
Sint-Pietersplein 9
9000 Ghent
T 09 243 97 52
GSM 0476 86 34 53