
How-well-to-you-know-this-stuff Test #3

Each correct answer is worth 6 points. By correctly filling in your name, you get 4 points. This is a Pass/Fail Test. You need 90 points to pass.

1. When do you use the Ben Franklin method of closing? (Multiple choice.)

  1. Right after the prospect says no
  2. When the prospect wants to speak to his/her sales staff
  3. When the prospect wants to speak to his/her partner
  4. Every time
  1. When do you use the first letter of evidence? (Multiple choice.)
  1. After you ask “How effective do you think this would be?’
  2. After you hand the prospect the baseball bat
  3. After the prospect decides to purchase tickets

3. The cost to have a ______-______new business effort is really nominal. (Multiple choice.)

a. planned-controlled

b. really-great

c. educated-comprehensive

d. controlled-planned

  1. You have determined that the prospect will increase their revenue by $500,000 and 80% of their business is renewable. What is the increase in new business over the next 18 months? (Multiple choice.)
  1. $400,000
  2. $600,000
  3. $900,000
  1. The prospect doesn’t have any local sales people, so you establish that these tickets are for employees. You should still talk about Return on Investment because of employee retention.

(True or False.) True False

  1. Why is it important for the salesperson to attend the game with the prospect? (Multiple choice.)
  1. Provides the opportunity for real out of the office bonding.
  2. A night out away from the wives.
  3. Let’s the salesperson sell like crazy for 2 ½ hours.
  4. All of the above.

7. The purpose of the pitch is to show our product as a luxury item vs. a necessary marketing tool for someone’s business. (True or False.) True False

6. If a company has 3 salespeople you should recommend 3 full season tickets. (True or False.) True False

7. If the company has 5 salespeople, how many tickets and what type of plan would you suggest?  (Multiple choice, choose one.)

  1. 4 tickets for 18 games
  2. 4 tickets for 36 games
  3. 4 tickets for 72 games

8. If Company XYZ has 5 salespeople and their average annual account is $20,000, how many prospects would each person have to close to reach $100,000 in new business? (Fill in the blank.) ______.

9. If the prospect makes warheads for nuclear weapons and has three salespeople in Washington D.C. with an average sale of $1 billion, how many season tickets should the prospect buy for these salespeople? (Fill in the blank.) ______

  1. If the prospect has to consult with his dog, what is your first question? (Fill in the blank.) ______.

11. What’s the first step that the prospect needs his/her salespeople to do to make silly putty tickets work for them? (Fill in the blank.) ______

12. What are the first four words you say when the prospect says that he/she would like to check with their partner? (Fill in the blanks.) 1.______2.______3.______.4______.

  1. If the decision maker has to consult with his/her salespeople before making the final decision, you should: (Multiple choice.)
  1. Ask to speak to the salespeople.
  2. Say “OK” and follow up later.
  3. Ask the prospect if he/she really wants them to vote on that amount of new business?
  4. Ask what he’ll recommend to his/her salespeople.
  5. “a” and “d”
  1. If the decision maker says that his company does not have any local salespeople, what is your next question? (Fill in the blanks.) ______.
  2. Will you use a letter of evidence? (Two parts.) Yes  No If yes, how many different letters of evidence will you use?_____
  3. After you ask the prospect how important new business is to them, what comes next? (Multiple choice.)
  1. Ask them how many local salespeople do they have.
  2. Ask them what the average size account for these salespeople.
  3. Ask them how they’re doing in the bad economy.
  4. Ask them if they have a strict plan to getting new business every month.
  5. All of the above.