Instructions For MAPI NetSync
WinSales Versions: 3.x, 4.x
Revised: 9/14/98
At the Master Site:
= You should have one machine where you run the NetSync program.
= A user will be set up for running NetSync for the master database.
= Log into the email system and select Deliver Now from the Tools menu. The user running NetSync on the master will see in their Inbox the emails from various remote sites. Each email has an attachment of a WinSales Synchronization file.
= To start NetSync double click on the icon on the desktop.
In most cases a command line is set up to run the program in a predefined fashion. If the Command Line is not in place you can create the Command Line using the documentation available on Command Lines.
= NetSync will import any synchronization files from remote sites that are in the Inbox. Then NetSync will create the synchronization extract files for all the remote sites and they will be in the Outbox.
Synchronization Instructions For MAPI NetSync
Revised: 9/14/98
At the Remote Site:
= You should have one machine where you run the NetSync program.
= A user will be set up for running NetSync.
= Log into the email system and select Deliver Now from the Tools menu.
The user running NetSync on the remote will see in their Inbox the email from the master site. Each email has an attachment of a WinSales Synchronization Extract file. It is ok if there's more then one.
= To start NetSync double click on the icon on the desktop.
In most cases a command line is set up to run the program in a predefined fashion. If the Command Line is not in place you can create the Command Line using the documentation available on Command Lines.
= NetSync will create the synchronization extract file to go to the master site. Then NetSync will import any synchronization files from the master site that are in the Inbox.
Once NetSync has run the emails will be gone from the users Inbox and a new email should be seen in the Sent Mail with an extract file attached and addressed to the master site.
Last printed 10/8/1998 12:27 PM
Last printed 10/8/1998 12:27 PM
Last printed 10/8/1998 12:27 PM