Department of Computing and Technology

Spring, 2016


Course Title:CS 4233Capstone Project 22756
Credit Hours:3



Course Description

This course provides students the opportunity to complete a comprehensive software project. The project will be done through team effort, and may involve the use of multiple programming languages. Emphasis will be on professional communication, team work, and comprehensive utilization of computing knowledge obtained in previous courses.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Students will:

1.Understand basic concepts and techniques related to team work.

2.Be familiar with communication skills and methods.

3. Be able to implement a comprehensive software application that may involve multiple languages through team effort.

4.Be able to work with peers cooperatively.

5.Be able to communicate efficiently with others.

Intended Course Topical Outline

Overview of Software Development

Software Management Methods

Software Design Methods

Interface Design and Implementation

Integration of software Components

Testing and Debugging

Selected Topics on Programming Languages

Required Tasks and Grading:

  1. All students must take the Programming Skills Test which will cover arrays, pointers, stacks, queues, and linked lists. The result of test will be counted toward to final student grade (5%).
  1. All students must complete an individual programming project and demonstrate it in the class (10%)
  1. Each team must successfully complete the assigned term project in terms of documentation, design, implementation, and performance (85%).
  1. Grading Scales:

90-100% ------A




Below 60%------F

Course Materials

Textbook: Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering, Either Edition, Stephen R. Schach ISBN: 9780-707-337618-9 (Not required)


See Milestone ListBelow the following table! Project leads; the Milestone List also has initial tasks for CS, MM, and Tech Writers / Editors to help in tracking project.

1 / Intro – Lecture 1
Chapters 1, 2 / Syllabus review, Software Intro, Intro to Case,
Interview Prep / Priorto second class, all students will turn in a resume, cover letter, and skills inventory. Project leaders will be assigned by the instructor at the beginning of the second class. Project leaders will then choose (through blind review) their team members.
Integration with Mr. Smith’s CS Capstone Teams / Resumes, etc. due 11 Jan NLT 8am
Groups assigned 12. Jan
Interview Prep 14 Jan.
2 / PREP
Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, & Data Modeling
Chapters 3, 6 / Interview w/ customer:
MS 2: / MS1. Joint class with Dr. Johari’s MM and Mr. Smith’s CS Capstone Classes. Project Design (conceptual design and information flow)
3 / Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, & Data Modeling
Chapter 4 / MS3 - 5 / Programming Skills Review
4 / Scope Definition, Problem Analysis, & Data Modeling
Lecture 2
Chapter 5 / MS3 - 5 / Programming Skills Test
MS2-3 / (2 Feb – 6 Feb)
5 / Logical Data Modeling, Process Modeling, Systems Proposal
Chapters 9, 10 / MS 3 - 5
IPR Prep & Rehearsals / Software Engineering basics.
Project design and implementation
6 / Individual Project Demo / IPR 1, Interview 2 w/ Client
MS 6 - 7 / IPR
Joint class with Dr Johari’s MM and Mr. Smith’s MIS Capstone Classes / IPR (Tentative: 17 Feb)
7 / PHP / MS 6 - 7 / Project Design and partial implementation and testing
8 / PHP
Middleware Development & Integration & Testing / MS 6 - 7 / Individual Project Presentation
9 / Middleware Development & Integration & Testing / Start of MM/ MIS/CS Capstone Integration
10 / Middleware Development & Integration & Testing / Project Design, implementation, and partial testing
MFT test
SPRING BREAK / Have a Happy Week off! / Be safe!!!! / 16 – 22 Mar
11 / Middleware Development & Integration & Testing / MS5
Project design, implementation, and testing
12 / Middleware Development & Integration & Testing. First version will be completed. / Project design, implementation, and testing
13 - 16 / Middleware Development & Integration & Testing / Recommendations prep’d as to server, etc. / IPR #2
Project implementation, integration, and product acceptance testing
CAAP test
TBD / FINAL / FINAL PRESENTATION TO CLIENT / SAD Books, CD, All Deliverables, Project Presentations / May 3, 2016
2:45 – 4:45


Milestone 1: With MM develop GUI mock up.

Milestone 2: Analysis and Deliverables

Receive Database and HTML/CSS from IT/MM

Link basic design and link with thumbnails

Milestone 3: Middleware Design

Basic PHP design

Merge Database

Complete Final Design

Ensure Comments in Code!

Assist IAS students in developing Testing Protocol.

Milestone 4:Middleware Implementation

IPR #2 Design and Implementation Demo

Milestone 5: Verification and Validation

Milestone 6: Final Qualification and Testing

Milestone 7: Proof of Product Presentation to Client

IPR #3 Software Deliverable Presentation

MS = Milestone. The Reading Assignments for each MS are listed in the Topic. I HIGHLY recommend you read each chapter listed prior to the start of the scheduled milestone!!! If I perceive that you are not reading the assignments, I reserve the right to quiz!

NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to adjust the schedule to account for unforeseen circumstances. In class announcements supersede this outline.

Instructor Information

Instructor:Chao Zhao

Office:Howell Hall 104D

Phone:(580)-581-2907 (O)


Classroom:HOW 103


Office Hours:

3:30-4:30 pm MW

8:30-10:30 am and 3:30-5:00 pm TR

1:30-3:00 pm F

Other times may be arranged by appointment