September 15, 2016



Mr. Ragusa

Tina Collins

Tod Dahlke

Liza Wells

Patty Huff

Candi Hendrickson

Sindy CiFuentes

Elizabeth Deleon

Vicky Wells

Anna Yacono

Review of Minutes – August minutes reviewed and received by acclamation and so moved. Amendment to be made to Sept. minutes- to change spelling of Mr. Dahlke’s first name to Tod as it was incorrectly spelled Todd. Mr. Dahlke also noted that a change be made to the minutes related to a discussion that occurred during the open agenda. It is to read “Mr. Dahlke also spoke about a scholarship for graduating seniors to participate in a Master Naturalist program at the University of Florida Extension Office. This scholarship would be a Master Naturalist Scholarship for two graduating seniors.” Another correction was requested by Mr. Dahlke to read as: “Mr. Dahlke spoke about the SWFL Player Development Program in Naples for all sports that deals with training and acquiring college scholarships.”

  1. Treasurer’s Report- August treasurer’s report reviewed and received by acclamation and so moved
  2. After School Program Update- Mr. Ragusa spoke about the United Council Arts program that started Wednesday and 52 students turned out. Also the money that is need to help fund the Marco Y when they join in October for use of facilities will be $700.00 and Mr. Ragusa is asking SAC for the approval of these monies. SAC approved to fund motion to approve by Tina Collins and 2nd. By Elizabeth Deleon
  3. School Mission and Vision Statement Revision- Mr. Ragusa explained that we are working on the SIP and need to reflect where we are and what changes need to be made
  4. AdvanceEd Accreditation- Mr. Ragusa explained the process of AdvancEd and will have additional reports next month to show detail of what they mean
  5. SAC Elections- Mr. Ragusa spoke about the election process and where we are for re-election. Michael Herrin, Jason Mayberry and Joan Sturgill are community members that we are going to reach out to and find out if they are still interested. We will do a dialer, post on social media, mullet rapper and send out ballots between 9/29-10/6/2016- results will be brought to October meeting
  6. Open Discussion- Mr. Dahlke spoke about the beautification project. $1,000.00 has been raised for the project. He would like to get the students, Mr. Tribble and Ms. Walker involved and started on this project. They will set up a meeting within the next 2 weeks. Mr. Dahlke also spoke about a program for graduating seniors at the U of F called master naturalist program and the cost for both students would be $1500.00 and he would speak to the U of F about reducing that cost. Mr. Dahlke spoke about a program in Naples for all sports that deals with strengthening and training. Mr. Reedy will put together a proposal and submit back to Mr. Ragusa.
  7. Adjourn- Meeting adjourned at 7:03 PM

*Next Meeting October 20, 2016 at 6PM