September 15, 2016
Mr. Ragusa
Tina Collins
Tod Dahlke
Liza Wells
Patty Huff
Candi Hendrickson
Sindy CiFuentes
Elizabeth Deleon
Vicky Wells
Anna Yacono
Review of Minutes – August minutes reviewed and received by acclamation and so moved. Amendment to be made to Sept. minutes- to change spelling of Mr. Dahlke’s first name to Tod as it was incorrectly spelled Todd. Mr. Dahlke also noted that a change be made to the minutes related to a discussion that occurred during the open agenda. It is to read “Mr. Dahlke also spoke about a scholarship for graduating seniors to participate in a Master Naturalist program at the University of Florida Extension Office. This scholarship would be a Master Naturalist Scholarship for two graduating seniors.” Another correction was requested by Mr. Dahlke to read as: “Mr. Dahlke spoke about the SWFL Player Development Program in Naples for all sports that deals with training and acquiring college scholarships.”
- Treasurer’s Report- August treasurer’s report reviewed and received by acclamation and so moved
- After School Program Update- Mr. Ragusa spoke about the United Council Arts program that started Wednesday and 52 students turned out. Also the money that is need to help fund the Marco Y when they join in October for use of facilities will be $700.00 and Mr. Ragusa is asking SAC for the approval of these monies. SAC approved to fund motion to approve by Tina Collins and 2nd. By Elizabeth Deleon
- School Mission and Vision Statement Revision- Mr. Ragusa explained that we are working on the SIP and need to reflect where we are and what changes need to be made
- AdvanceEd Accreditation- Mr. Ragusa explained the process of AdvancEd and will have additional reports next month to show detail of what they mean
- SAC Elections- Mr. Ragusa spoke about the election process and where we are for re-election. Michael Herrin, Jason Mayberry and Joan Sturgill are community members that we are going to reach out to and find out if they are still interested. We will do a dialer, post on social media, mullet rapper and send out ballots between 9/29-10/6/2016- results will be brought to October meeting
- Open Discussion- Mr. Dahlke spoke about the beautification project. $1,000.00 has been raised for the project. He would like to get the students, Mr. Tribble and Ms. Walker involved and started on this project. They will set up a meeting within the next 2 weeks. Mr. Dahlke also spoke about a program for graduating seniors at the U of F called master naturalist program and the cost for both students would be $1500.00 and he would speak to the U of F about reducing that cost. Mr. Dahlke spoke about a program in Naples for all sports that deals with strengthening and training. Mr. Reedy will put together a proposal and submit back to Mr. Ragusa.
- Adjourn- Meeting adjourned at 7:03 PM
*Next Meeting October 20, 2016 at 6PM