Key verses:

1:6 I am amazed that you are turning away from God to a different gospel

2:14 How/why do you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?” [ie ‘keep the Law’]

3:1-3 Who [has] bewitched/charmed/seduced you, [so that you are] not persuaded by the truth,

Did you receive the Spirit by works of [the] Law, or by [the] hearing of faith?

Having begun by [the] Spirit, [are you] now being completed by [the] flesh?

4:21 You, who want to be under the Law, do you understand the Law?

5:1 Christ set us free to/for freedom. Therefore, stand firm in that [freedom], and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

5:4 You have become separated from Christ, whoever [are trying to be] justified by [the] Law; you have fallen from grace.

5:7 You were running well. Who hindered you to not be persuaded by the truth?

6:12 As many as are wanting to impress in [the] flesh, these are compelling you to be circumcised, only so that they will not be persecuted for the cross of Christ.

‘The Spirit’ is equated to ‘the promise’, and linked with the inheritance (Gal 4:28-30)

Repeated words/ideas


faith/promise/Spirit/free cf works/Law/slaves


shut up/imprisoned/slaves cf freedom


Contrasts between

Works of the Law/promise


In the flesh/In the Spirit

{Gal 1:1}


an apostle[~2,N-NSM]

[appointed][~0,] not[~3,PRT-N] from[~4,PREP] men[~5,N-GPM] nor[~6,ADV]through[~7,PREP] man[~8,N-GSM]

but[~9,CONJ]through[~10,PREP] Jesus[~11,N-GSM] Christ[~12,N-GSM] and[~13,CONJ] God[~14,N-GSM] [the] Father[~15,N-GSM]

who[~16,T-GSM] raised[~17,V-AAP-] Him[~18,P-ASM] from[~19,PREP] the dead,[~20,A-GPM]

‘apostle’ = one sent to preach the gospel

Paul is appointed as an apostle by God, not by men

{Gal 1:2}

and[~1,CONJ] all[~5,A-NPM] the[~2,T-NPM] brethren[~6,N-NPM] with[~3,PREP] me,[~4,P-1DS]

to the[~7,T-DPF] churches[~8,N-DPF] *[~9,T-GSF] of Galatia:[~10,N-GSF]

{Gal 1:3}

Grace[~1,N-NSF] to you[~2,P-2DP] and[~3,CONJ] peace[~4,N-NSF]

‘Grace’ means everything given to us by God as a gift, freely, even though we don’t deserve it

from[~5,PREP] God[~6,N-GSM] [the] Father[~7,N-GSM] and[~8,CONJ] our[~10,P-1GP] Lord[~9,N-GSM] Jesus[~11,N-GSM] Christ,[~12,N-GSM]

{Gal 1:4}

who[~1,T-GSM] gave[~2,V-2AAP-] Himself[~3,F-3ASM] for[~4,PREP] our[~7,P-1GP] *[~5,T-GPF] sins[~6,N-GPF]

so that[~8,ADV]He might deliver[~9,V-2AMS-] us[~10,P-1AP] from[~11,PREP] the[~12,T-GSM] present[~13,V-RAP-] evil[~15,A-GSM] age,[~14,N-GSM]

according to[~16,PREP] the[~17,T-ASN] will[~18,N-ASN] of our[~23,P-1GP] *[~19,T-GSM] God[~20,N-GSM] and[~21,CONJ] Father,[~22,N-GSM]

‘gave Himself’ implies ‘grace’ (Gal 1:3). Our salvation is a gift from God, given by grace (not by works). (see also Gal 2:20-21 gave/grace)

‘might rescue us from this present evil age’ – subjunctive case, maybe yes, maybe no. The Galatians have a choice as to

whether they stay in slavery to the Judaizers/Law/elementary rules/way of life of this world, or whether they are set free into the freedom of grace of Christ (Gal 4:9)

{Gal 1:5}

to whom [Father][~1,R-DSM] [belongs/be given] the[~2,T-NSF] glory[~3,N-NSF] *[~4,PREP] *[~5,T-APM] forever[~6,N-APM] *[~7,T-GPM][and] forever.[~8,N-GPM] Amen.[~9,HEB]

{Gal 1:6}

I am amazed[~1,V-PAI-1]

that[~2,CONJ]you are turning away[~5,V-PEI-2]

so[~3,ADV] quickly[~4,ADV]

from[~6,PREP]Him [Father] who[~7,T-GSM] called[~8,V-AAP-G] you[~9,P-2AP]

into/by[~10,PREP] [the] grace[~11,N-DSF] of Christ[~12,N-GSM]

to[~13,PREP] a different[~14,A-ASN] gospel,[~15,N-ASN]

‘turned around’ means to transpose two things, one of which is put in place of another

{Gal 1:7}

not[~2,PRT-N] that[~1,R-NSN] there[~7,X-NPM]is[~3,V-PXI-3] a different [gospel],[~4,A-NSN]

*[~5,COND] but[~6,PRT-N] there[~7,X-NPM]are[~8,V-PXI-3] some [men][~7,X-NPM] who[~9,T-NPM] are disturbing/troubling[~10,V-PAP-] you[~11,P-2AP]

and[~12,CONJ] want[~13,V-PAP-] to distort/change[~14,V-AAN]the[~15,T-ASN] [true] gospel[~16,N-ASN] *[~17,T-GSM] of/about Christ.[~18,N-GSM]

{Gal 1:8}


even[~2,CONJ] if[~3,COND] we[~4,P-1NP] or[~5,PRT] an angel[~6,N-NSM] from[~7,PREP] heaven[~8,N-GSM]should preach a gospel[~9,V-PMS-3] to you[~10,P-2DP]beside/different to[~11,PREP] what[~12,R-ASN]we preached[~13,V-AMI-] to you,[~14,P-2DP]

let him be[~16,V-PXM-] accursed![~15,N-NSN]

‘we preached’ repeated in next verse as ‘what you received’

‘accursed’ = something given to a temple/god that cannot be redeemed/bought back, something (eg a temple sacrifice) set aside for destruction

{Gal 1:9}

As[~1,ADV]we have said before,[~2,V-RAI-1]



I say[~6,V-PAI-1] again,[~5,ADV]

if[~7,COND] anyone[~8,X-NSM]preaches a gospel[~10,V-PMI-] to you[~9,P-2AP]beside/different to[~11,PREP] what[~12,R-ASN]you received,[~13,V-2AAI]

let him be[~15,V-PXM-] accursed![~14,N-NSN]

Paul and his ministry team have preached this warning to the Gbels many times before – in their presence and/or by letter.

The gospel ‘we preached’ (1:8) emphatic to ‘what you received’ (1:9)

{Gal 1:10}


[do I] now[~1,ADV]trust[~4,V-PAI-1] men[~3,N-APM] or[~5,PRT] *[~6,T-ASM] God?[~7,N-ASM]

Or[~8,PRT]do I seek[~9,V-PAI-1] to please[~11,V-PAN] men?[~10,N-DPM]


if[~12,COND]*[~14,ADV]I were still trying to please[~16,V-IAI-]men,[~15,N-DPM]

[I] would[~20,PRT] not[~19,PRT-N]be[~21,V-IXI-] a slave[~18,N-NSM] of Christ.[~17,N-GSM]

These men are preaching a false gospel, so Paul does not trust them, obey them, or please them. Instead, he is persecuted by them.

Paul does not seek to please men or to impress men (Gal 1:11, Gal 6:12). To do so is arrogance and selfish ambition. He only seeks to boast in the cross of Christ (Gal 6:14)

Instead of being a slave of men, Paul is a slave of Christ. In later context, we see that these men are preaching that you must keep the Law, be circumcised, etc. This is slavery to the Law (Gal 2:4, Gal 4:3, Gal 4:8-9, Gal 4:24, Gal 4:30-5:1) and the ‘traditions of men’.

{Gal 1:11}


I make known[~1,V-PAI-1] to you,[~3,P-2DP] brethren,[~4,N-VPM]that[~11,CONJ]the[~5,T-ASN] gospel,[~6,N-ASN]

which[~7,T-ASN]was preached[~8,V-APP-A] by[~9,PREP] me,[~10,P-1GS]

is[~13,V-PXI-] not[~12,PRT-N] according to[~14,PREP] man.[~15,N-ASM]

{Gal 1:12}


I[~3,P-1NS]neither[~1,ADV]received[~6,V-2AAI-] it[~7,P-ASN]from[~4,PREP] man,[~5,N-GSM] nor[~8,CONJ]was I taught [it by man],[~9,V-API-1]

but[~10,CONJ] through[~11,PREP][the] revelation[~12,N-GSF] from Jesus[~13,N-GSM] Christ.[~14,N-GSM]

‘not from man’ Paul was appointed as an apostle/sent by God to preach the gospel (1:1) His gospel is the true gospel, given by Christ, not by man.

{Gal 1:13}


you have heard about[~1,V-AAI-2] my[~4,S-1ASF] former[~6,PRT] *[~3,T-ASF] way of life[~5,N-ASF] in[~7,PREP] *[~8,T-DSM] Judaism,[~9,N-DSM]

how[~10,CONJ]I was persecuting[~13,V-IAI-] the[~14,T-ASF] church[~15,N-ASF] *[~16,T-GSM] of God[~17,N-GSM]

*[~11,PREP] beyond measure,[~12,N-ASF]

and[~18,CONJ]was destroying/overthrowing[~19,V-IAI-] it,[~20,P-ASF]

This is how ‘the flesh’ manifests itself in keeping the Law (under Judaism) – persecution and destruction (cf ‘love’ and the fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5)

{Gal 1:14}

and[~1,CONJ]was advancing[~2,V-IAI-1] in[~3,PREP] *[~4,T-DSM] Judaism[~5,N-DSM] more than[~6,PREP] many[~7,A-APM] men of my age[~8,N-APM] in[~9,PREP] my[~12,P-1GS] *[~10,T-DSN] nation,[~11,N-DSN]

being[~15,V-PAP-] more[~13,ADV] zealous[~14,N-NSM]for [the] traditions[~19,N-GPF] *[~18,P-1GS] *[~16,T-GPM] handed down by my forefathers.[~17,A-GPM]

‘forefathers’ Emphasis is on traditions interpreted from human perspective, not from God’s perspective in the Law

{Gal 1:15}


when[~1,ADV] *[~4,T-NSM] God,[~5,N-NSM]

who[~6,T-NSM] *[~8,P-1AS] set me apart[~7,V-AAP-N] from[~9,PREP] my[~12,P-1GS] mother’s[~11,N-GSF] womb,[~10,N-GSF]

and[~13,CONJ] called [me][~14,V-AAP-]

through[~15,PREP] His[~18,P-GSM] *[~16,T-GSF] grace,[~17,N-GSF]

was pleased[~3,V-AAI-3]

This possibly points to Gal 4:25-26, where the Law is represented as the slavewoman Hagar, giving birth to children (by-workIsrael) born into slavery; and faith is represented as the freewoman Sarah, giving birth to children (sons of God) who are free. While he was under the Law, Paul was a slave, but was destined to become free (Gal 4:1-3)

{Gal 1:16}

to reveal[~1,V-AAN] His[~4,P-GSM] *[~2,T-ASM] Son[~3,N-ASM]in/to[~5,PREP] me,[~6,P-1DS]

so that[~7,CONJ]I might preach[~8,V-PMS-1] Him[~9,P-ASM] among[~10,PREP] the[~11,T-DPN] Gentiles,[~12,N-DPN]

*[~14,PRT-N]I did not consult[~15,V-2AMI] immediately[~13,ADV] with flesh[~16,N-DSF] and[~17,CONJ] blood,[~18,N-DSN]

When he was saved, Paul did not go to men, to consult with them or be taught by them.

{Gal 1:17}

nor[~1,ADV][did]I go up[~2,V-2AAI-] to[~3,PREP] Jerusalem[~4,N-ASF] to[~5,PREP] those who[~6,T-APM][were] apostles[~9,N-APM] before[~7,PREP] me,[~8,P-1GS]

but[~10,CONJ]I went away[~11,V-2AAI] to[~12,PREP] Arabia[~13,N-ASF]

and[~14,CONJ]returned[~16,V-AAI-] again[~15,ADV] to[~17,PREP] Damascus.[~18,N-ASF]

{Gal 1:18}


after[~2,PREP] three[~4,A-APN] years[~3,N-APN]

I went up[~5,V-2AAI-] to[~6,PREP] Jerusalem[~7,N-ASF]

to find/seek[~8,V-AAN] Peter,[~9,N-ASM]

and[~10,CONJ]I remained[~11,V-AAI-] with[~12,PREP] him[~13,P-ASM] fifteen[~15,A-NUI] days.[~14,N-APF]

NASB has ‘Cephas’

{Gal 1:19}

But[~2,CONJ] *[~5,PRT-N]I did not see[~6,V-2AAI-] any other[~1,A-ASM] of the[~3,T-GPM] apostles[~4,N-GPM] *[~7,COND]

except[~8,PRT-N] James,[~9,N-ASM] the[~10,T-ASM]*[~12,T-GSM] Lord’s[~13,N-GSM]brother.[~11,N-ASM]

{Gal 1:20}


the things which[~1,R-APN]I am writing[~3,V-PAI-1] to you,[~4,P-2DP]

behold,[~5,V-2AAM-] [I testify] before[~6,ADV] *[~7,T-GSM] God[~8,N-GSM] that[~9,CONJ]*[~10,PRT-N]I am not lying.)[~11,V-PNI-]

{Gal 1:21}


I went[~2,V-2AAI-]into[~3,PREP] the[~4,T-APN] regions[~5,N-APN] *[~6,T-GSF] of Syria[~7,N-GSF] and[~8,CONJ] *[~9,T-GSF] Cilicia.[~10,N-GSF]

{Gal 1:22}


I was[~1,V-IXI-1] unknown[~3,V-PPP-N] *[~4,T-DSN] by face/sight[~5,N-DSN] to the[~6,T-DPF] churches[~7,N-DPF] *[~8,T-GSF] of Judea[~9,N-GSF]which[~10,T-DPF] [were]in[~11,PREP] Christ,[~12,N-DSM]

Paul didn’t visit any of the congregations in Jerusalem or Judea, only seeing Peter and James.

{Gal 1:23}


they were[~4,V-IXI-3] only[~1,ADV] hearing[~3,V-PAP-N] that,[~5,CONJ]

“He who[~6,T-NSM]


[was] persecuting[~7,V-PAP-N] us,[~8,P-1AP]


is preaching[~11,V-PMI-] the[~12,T-ASF] faith[~13,N-ASF]

which[~14,R-ASF]once[~15,PRT]he was destroying/overthrowing”.[~16,V-IAI-]

{Gal 1:24}

And[~1,CONJ]they glorified[~2,V-IAI-3] *[~5,T-ASM] God[~6,N-ASM] in/because of[~3,PREP] me.[~4,P-1DS]

{Gal 2:1}


after[~2,PREP] fourteen[~3,A-GPN] years[~4,N-GPN]

I went up[~6,V-2AAI-] again[~5,ADV] to[~7,PREP] Jerusalem[~8,N-ASF]

with[~9,PREP] Barnabas,[~10,N-GSM]

having taken[~11,V-2AAP] Titus[~13,N-ASM] also.[~12,CONJ]

Titus was a Gentile (Greek). He is the focus. Will the leaders in the Jersulem church force him to be circumcised.

This visit to Jerusalem is probably Act 11:30, because this was a private meeting. It is unlikely to be the Jerusalem Council (Act 15), since that was a public meeting, and Paul doesn’t mention the decision in support of his argument (although, he is saying he does rely on men, but on God).

{Gal 2:2}


I went up [to Jerusalem][~1,V-2AAI-]

on the basis of[~3,PREP] a revelation,[~4,N-ASF]

and[~5,CONJ]communicated[~6,V-2AMI-] to them[~7,P-DPM] the[~8,T-ASN] gospel[~9,N-ASN] which[~10,R-ASN]I preach[~11,V-PAI-] among[~12,PREP] the[~13,T-DPN] Gentiles,[~14,N-DPN]

but[~17,CONJ] in[~15,PREP] private[~16,A-ASF] to those[~18,T-DPM]having a reputation [leadersof the church in Jerusalem],[~19,V-PAP-]

lest somehow[~20,CONJ]I might be running,[~23,V-PAS-] or[~24,PRT]had run,[~25,V-2AAI] in[~21,PREP] vain.[~22,A-ASM]

‘run in vain’ The reason that Paul communicated with the leaders in Jerusalem in private was just in case the leaders would not accept his gospel of ‘salvation by grace alone through faith alone’

{Gal 2:3}


not even[~2,ADV] Titus,[~3,N-NSM]

who[~4,T-NSM][was] with[~5,PREP] me,[~6,P-1DS]

being[~8,V-PXP-N] a Greek [Gentile],[~7,N-NSM]

was compelled[~9,V-API-3] to be circumcised [by the leaders].[~10,V-APN]

The leaders in the church did not demand that Titus be circumcised (ie keep the Law) – they agreed with Paul’s message of grace.

{Gal 2:4}


[some argued that Titus should be circumcised],

because of[~1,PREP]*[~3,T-APM] false brethren[~5,N-APM] secretly brought in,[~4,A-APM]

who[~6,R-NPM]snuck in secretly[~7,V-2AAI-] to spy out[~8,V-AAN] our[~11,P-1GP] *[~9,T-ASF] freedom[~10,N-ASF]

which[~12,R-ASF]we have[~13,V-PAI-] in[~14,PREP] Christ[~15,N-DSM] Jesus,[~16,N-DSM]

so that[~17,CONJ]they might enslave[~19,V-AMS-] us,[~18,P-1AP]

It seems these false brethren demanded that Titus be circumcised, even though the leaders had not.

{Gal 2:5}

to whom [false brethren][~1,R-DPM]we did not yield[~5,V-AAI-1] *[~6,T-DSF][in] submission/subjection [to their slavery],[~7,N-DSF]

not even[~2,ADV] for[~3,PREP] an hour[~4,N-ASF]

so that[~8,CONJ] the[~9,T-NSF] truth[~10,N-NSF] of the[~11,T-GSN] gospel[~12,N-GSN]might remain continually[~13,V-AAS-] with[~14,PREP] you,[~15,P-2AP]

{Gal 2:6}


from[~1,PREP] those who[~3,T-GPM] seemed[~4,V-PAP-G] to be[~5,V-PXN] something [leaders of the church],[~6,X-NSN]

(whatever[~7,A-NPM] *[~8,PRT]they were,[~9,V-IXI-3] it makes no[~10,A-NSN]difference[~12,V-PAI-] to me;[~11,P-1DS]

God[~14,N-NSM]receives[~17,V-PAI-] [the] face of [shows partiality to][~13,N-ASN]no[~16,PRT-N] man),[~15,N-GSM]

*[~19,CONJ] those[~20,T-NPM]having a reputation [leaders][~21,V-PAP-]added[~23,V-2AMI]nothing[~22,A-ASN]to me.[~18,P-1DS]

The leaders of the church did not impose any ‘extra’ requirements on the message which Paul preached – they agreed with his message of grace.

{Gal 2:7}



having seen[~3,V-2AAP-] that[~4,CONJ]I had been entrusted[~5,V-RPI-1] with the[~6,T-ASN] gospel[~7,N-ASN] for the[~8,T-GSF] uncircumcision,[~9,N-GSF]

even as[~10,ADV] Peter[~11,N-NSM] *[~12,T-GSF] [had been] for the circumcision,[~13,N-GSF]

{Gal 2:8}

(because[~2,CONJ]He who[~1,T-NSM] worked effectively[~3,V-AAP-N] in Peter[~4,N-DSM] for[~5,PREP] [his] apostleship[~6,N-ASF]for the[~7,T-GSF] circumcision[~8,N-GSF]

also[~10,CONJ]worked effectively[~9,V-AAI-3] in me[~11,P-1DS] for[~12,PREP] the [~13,T-APN] Gentiles),[~14,N-APN]

{Gal 2:9}


having acknowledged[~2,V-2AAP-] the[~3,T-ASF] grace[~4,N-ASF]that[~5,T-ASF]had been given[~6,V-APP-A] to me,[~7,P-1DS]

James[~8,N-NSM] and[~9,CONJ] Cephas[~10,N-NSM] and[~11,CONJ] John,[~12,N-NSM]

having a reputation[~14,V-PAP-] to be[~16,V-PXN] the[~13,T-NPM] pillars [of the church in Jerusalem],[~15,N-NPM]

gave[~18,V-AAI-] to me[~19,P-1DS] and[~20,CONJ] Barnabas[~21,N-DSM] the right hand[~17,A-APF] of fellowship,[~22,N-GSF]

so that[~23,CONJ] we[~24,P-1NP] indeed[~25,PRT] [should go] to[~26,PREP] the[~27,T-APN] Gentiles,[~28,N-APN]

and[~30,CONJ] they[~29,P-NPM] to[~31,PREP] the [~32,T-ASF] circumcision.[~33,N-ASF]

{Gal 2:10}

[They asked] only[~1,ADV] that[~4,CONJ]we should remember[~5,V-PAS-1] the[~2,T-GPM] poor,[~3,A-GPM]

that same thing[~10,D-ASN]which[~6,R-ASN] I[~9,P-ASN] also[~7,CONJ] [was] eager[~8,V-AAI-1] to do.[~11,V-AAN]

{Gal 2:11}


when[~1,ADV] Peter[~4,N-NSM]came[~3,V-2AAI-] to[~5,PREP] Antioch,[~6,N-ASF]

I opposed [him][~10,V-2AAI] to[~7,PREP] his[~9,P-DSM] face,[~8,N-ASN]

because[~11,CONJ]he was[~13,V-IXI-]already condemned,[~12,V-RPP-]

NASB has ‘Cephas’

{Gal 2:12}


before[~1,PREP] *[~2,T-GSM] certain men[~5,X-APM] came[~4,V-2AAN] from[~6,PREP] James,[~7,N-GSM]

he was eating with[~11,V-IAI-] *[~8,PREP] the[~9,T-GPN] Gentiles,[~10,N-GPN]


when[~12,ADV]they came,[~14,V-2AAI]

he was drawing back[~15,V-IAI-] and[~16,CONJ]was separating[~17,V-IAI-] himself,[~18,F-3ASM]

fearing[~19,V-PNP-] those men[~20,T-APM] of[~21,PREP] [the] circumcision,[~22,N-GSF]

{Gal 2:13}


the[~5,T-NPM]rest[~6,A-NPM][of the] Jews[~7,A-NPM] also[~4,CONJ]joined in hypocrisy[~2,V-API-3] with him,[~3,P-DSM]

so that[~8,CONJ] even[~9,CONJ] Barnabas[~10,N-NSM]was carried away with[~11,V-API-] their[~12,P-GPM] *[~13,T-DSF] hypocrisy.[~14,N-DSF]

{Gal 2:14}


when[~2,ADV]I saw[~3,V-2AAI-] that[~4,CONJ] *[~5,PRT-N]they were not being straightforward[~6,V-PAI-3] with[~7,PREP] the[~8,T-ASF] truth[~9,N-ASF] of the[~10,T-GSN] gospel,[~11,N-GSN]

I said[~12,V-2AAI] *[~13,T-DSM] to Peter[~14,N-DSM] in the presence [of them][~15,PREP] all,[~16,A-GPM]

“If[~17,COND] you,[~18,P-2NS]

being[~20,V-PAP-] a Jew,[~19,A-NSM]

live[~22,V-PAI-] like a Gentile[~21,ADV] and[~23,CONJ] not[~24,PRT-N] like a Jew,[~25,ADV]

how/why[~26,I-ASN]do you compel[~29,V-PAI-] the[~27,T-APN] Gentiles[~28,N-APN] to live like Jews?”[~30,V-PAN]

Peter had been eating with the Gentiles – living like a Gentile. Yet, when the Jews came, he separated himself from the Gentiles, telling them they must keep the Law (to live like Jews). He was a hypocrite, because he wasn’t keeping the Law himself.

Where does Paul stop talking - here, or end 2:17 or end 2:21? (see 2:15 “We…” is talking to Jews/Peter, not to the Galatian Gentiles). This seems to be part of Paul’s address.

{Gal 2:15}


Jews[~3,A-NPM] by nature/birth[~2,N-DSF] and[~4,CONJ] not[~5,PRT-N] sinners[~8,A-NPM] from[~6,PREP] [the] Gentiles,[~7,N-GPN]

Even Paul and his friends, being Jews, have believed in Christ Jesus

{Gal 2:16}

knowing[~1,V-RAP-N] that[~2,CONJ] a man[~5,N-NSM]*[~3,PRT-N]is not justified[~4,V-PPI-3]

by[~6,PREP][the] works[~7,N-GPN] of [the] Law,[~8,N-GSM]

*[~9,COND] but[~10,PRT-N]through[~11,PREP] faith[~12,N-GSF] in Jesus[~13,N-GSM] Christ,[~14,N-GSM]

even[~15,CONJ] we[~16,P-1NP]have believed[~20,V-AAI-] in[~17,PREP] Christ [Messiah][~18,N-ASM] Jesus,[~19,N-ASM]

so that[~21,CONJ]we may be justified[~22,V-APS-]

by[~23,PREP] faith[~24,N-GSF] in Christ[~25,N-GSM]

and[~26,CONJ] not[~27,PRT-N] by[~28,PREP][the] works[~29,N-GPN] of [the] Law,[~30,N-GSM]


by[~34,PREP] works[~35,N-GPN] of [the] Law[~36,N-GSM]

no[~32,PRT-N] *[~37,A-NSF] flesh [man][~38,N-NSF]will be justified.[~33,V-FPI-]

‘by faith in Jesus’ Alternate translation is ‘by the faithfulness of Jesus’ (NET, Wallace, et al) – ‘Jesus’ is genitive = ‘of Jesus’

‘justified’ means ‘to be declared righteous’, ‘to be acceptable to God’

Even the Jews are justified by faith in Christ.

{Gal 2:17}

In contrast to believing in Christ Jesus to be justified – that is, if we try to keep the works of the Law to be justified



[while we] seek[~3,V-PAP-N] to be justified[~4,V-APN]in[~5,PREP] Christ [Messiah],[~6,N-DSM]

we ourselves[~9,P-NPM] also[~8,CONJ]have been found[~7,V-API-1] [to be] sinners,[~10,A-NPM]


[is] Christ[~12,N-NSM] a servant[~14,N-NSM] of sin?[~13,N-GSF]

*[~15,PRT-N]May it never be![~16,V-2ADO]

If we, as Christians, go back to the Law, we are shown to be continually sinning (because we can't keep the Law). If we try to keep the Law, we make Christ a minister of sin.

God has instituted a ‘natural ethical law’ from creation to the end of time. This was codified in the Mosaic Law, with extra ceremonial laws for the nation Israel. (Other nations, seeing the way Israel lived, were to imitate Israel and desire to follow God.) Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law (which is summed up as ‘love’), and set it aside. But the ‘natural ethical law’ continues, even now. It demands righteousness. If I try to keep it in my own strength (the flesh), I fail. If I submit to the Spirit, He will fulfill it in me.