Pack 91
Committee Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2010
Leadership Enhancement presentation was be omitted to provide more time for budget discussions.
January 19th is the next Pack meeting – We will have the Friends of Scouting presentation, popcorn pies (every Scout that sold $500 in popcorn can throw a pie at a Leader of their choice), scales will be available to check out pinewood derby cars.
· Den 14 is responsible for setup
· Den 6 is doing an opening ceremony or flags as well as a skit song or game
· Dens 4 and 12 will have some type of display. Den 12 is showing their artist work, Den 7 is going to have a display off to the side.
· The Popcorn Kernel said he would purchase the whipped cream, paper plates, drop cloths, duct tape. The Treasurer will let him know how much to get based on the amount last year.
· The Scouts are just throwing pies at leaders, no parents, no kids.
· Same format as before or a large cardboard target around the face? Same format as last year.
· Popcorn prize raffle – The Popcorn Kernel said that he has the material and will be bringing that to the Pack meeting.
Materials and awards that are needed for the Pack meeting were reviewed. We have one Bobcat to award. This month we will try reading off the other awards earned, sort of a “shout-out” to the ones that have completed something.
We are going to buy the 100 year circle patch to be given out at the Blue and Gold. Tigers will get Blue and Gold patches as well.
Pinewood Derby January 23rd.
· Medallions and trophies have been received
· Car kits have been distributed to the Den Leaders
· Girl Scout Troop to use the track after our races.
· Originally thought that the Avon Pack was not going to join us for the races due to a lack of response. But a response was received after the meeting that they would still like to join us. There are only 5 Scouts, we can accommodate them.
· Concessions – do we want to have it again this year, or not. The Den Leader for Den 7 might just organize it. She will purchase items herself. Any profit will be given to the Pack.
· We have a number of volunteers to help, the Den Leader for Den 14 has agreed to be the emcee, for the whole day.
· Several adults will stay late to help with the Girl Scout races.
· The Advancement Chair will pick up donuts and coffee for the volunteers.
Blue and Gold update
· Invitation was sent out
· Need a volunteer from each Den to help set up
· General flow of the event will be start at 1 PM, awards, Native American presentation, then ice cream and cake.
· A check has been sent to the Native American group and they have confirmed the date.
· Each Den can bring additional snacks for themselves if they want. The note on the invite about bringing utensils was for whatever the Den brought if it needed anything. The plates, bowls, spoons, etc. for the ice cream will be provided.
· Each Den is to make their own center pieces – either Native American or 100 years of Scouting theme.
· We’ll ask Troop 73 Scouts (siblings) to help with serving the ice cream.
Libertyville Sports complex outing still needs to be scheduled. After the meeting a note was received that the Popcorn Kernel had scheduled the outing for February 14th from 3 to 5 PM.
March Pack meeting will have the Cake Bake. Den 9 is organizing the cake bake. We will still have the judging, for things like Best Cub Scout Theme, Most Frosting, Best Effort, etc. Everyone will take home their own, no cake auction. We’ll give out patches since we haven’t done this in a couple of year.
We’ve been invited to join another Pack for a family campout, either in April or May. April at Oakarro or May at Crown. Group meals. If no one objects, I think this would be a nice change for the family campout. Everyone appears to like the idea. We will likely go with the May campout.
June – Where No Scout Has Gone Before event and the Pack’s involvement. We need a group of parents to run the Pinewood Derby Track portion of the event. Den Leaders for Den 1 and 7, as well as a couple of other adults are interested in helping out.
We had a budget review and adjustment discussion. The original budget was estimated based on 72 Scouts in the Pack. We only have 58, so that automatically reduces the amount of money needed. The Treasurer also made some adjustments to the numbers based on the number of Scouts anticipated to participate in various events, further reducing some costs. Added to that, some items have come in under budget, therefore there does not appear to be a need to make any cuts. Provided future expenses are in-line with the budget. With no leaders planning to attend Wood Badge training, the $300 budgeted for that line item can be shifted to something else if needed.
The Treasurer has agreed to take over selling the t-shirts. The Leader for Den 7 has said she can also sell the shirts if there are times when the Treasurer is not available.
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