Bookstore Advisory Council Meeting

October 10, 2011


Auxiliary Services Conference Room (Bld. 8, Room 1106)


Members Present:Tom Van Schoor (Chair), Faith Hall, Hong Chen, Lois Scott, Christy Linster, Courtney Warner, Will Tutwiller

Members Absent:George Candler, Newton Jackson,Kyler Dykes

Others Present: Vincent Smyth (Auxiliary), Suzanne Holder (Director of the Follett), Kimberly Banks (Follett), Lee Cobb (Follett), Agata Dawidowicz (Auxiliary)

The meeting was called to order at 11:05 AM by Tom Van Schoor (Chair).

1. Introduction

Since this was the first meeting of the 2011-2012 Bookstore Advisory CouncilTom Van Schoor introduced himself and asked everyone in the room to do the same.

2. Approval to Audio Record Meeting

Tom Van Schoor notified members that meeting was being recorded to assist in taking the minutes.

3. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as circulated.

4. Objective of the Bookstore Council

Vince Smythreviewed the objective of the Council to provide feedback, insight and suggestions to the President. Vince mentioned that Council members do not have to wait until the meeting, but can send any questions or comments to him or his office (Auxiliary Services) or to the bookstore.

5. Approval of Minutes of January 24th, 2011.

Moved by Lois Scott and seconded by Faith Hall to approve the minutes of January 24, 2011. The motion passed unanimously.

6. Review Bylaws

Tom Van Schoor briefly reviewed the bylaws and they were approved.

7. Vice Chair for 2011-2012

Tom Van Schoor asked if anyone would like to take the position of the Vice Chair. Vince Smyth reminded that Bylaws state that Vice Chair typically succeeds the Chair next year. The only nomination was Faith Hall. The Council was in agreement that Faith be the Vice Chair. The nomination will be submitted to the President for ratification.

8. Facilities Report

Vince Smyth briefly went over his affiliation with the Bookstore Council and Follett and his responsibility as the Director of Auxiliary Services. On a day to day basis he acts as theUniversity’s liaison with Follett.

The contract with Follett was extended to October 2016. There are no contractual issues or plans for any changes to the Student Union. Vince mentioned that Follett also runs a second shop on-campus at the University Center called the Cop Shop.

9. Operational Report

Suzanne Holder reported that sales are lower than last year. Follett had a slow summer term andstudents didn’t get as much of the Financial Aid for the Fall. Additionally, students buy more rental than new or used books. Bookstore tries to supplement lower sales with new items in the store like: gifts, candles, Kindle, and by having a bigger computer selection.

Lee Cobb talked about shifting from paper textbooks to eBooks. Students will be able to see 4 different prices on tags: new, used, rental, and digital version. There has been growth in rental books of 2,493 units and $143,000 compared to last year. Digital book revenues have grown from $840 last year to $8,950 this year. Students are becomingmore interested in buying digital books since they can access it everywhere with the internet connection and they are also cheaper by 40%-60%. Starting this year students can buy digital books for the subscription of 180 days or for a long term. Publishers control the product and whether it will be offered as a digital version.

Kimberly Banks talked about promotion of fleeces, sweatshirts, and holiday stuff. Faculty and Staff will have Appreciation Day in December where they can buy stuff for additional 10% less on top of the standard 20%. Follett has book signings which are very successful. Follett also provides demos in the store and they can show how the eBook looks like to students where they sell tablets.

Suzanne noted that the reduction in sales is a combination of students buying the rental/digital version and also that students are buying less. Follett still gets a high volume of students but they are spending less in sales.

Faith Hall asked about the margin the Bookstore gets to different version of books. Lee answered that yes the margin for all versions of the books is the same. Vince added that it is stated in the contract the maximum margin that Follett can use.Suzanne stated the goal of Follett is to be evolving to what the campus and student needs are. Suzanne mentioned that with the change offreshman living on campus Follett will try to offer more dorm stuffstarting next year. The campus Suzanne came from had a site where students could pre-order dorm items and have Student Government deliver the items to their residence room.

10. Emerging / Other Issues.

No other business items were raised by Council members.

11. Future Meeting(s)

Tom Van Schoor announced that unless an issue arises requiring an additional meeting, the next meeting for the Bookstore Advisory Council will be early in Spring Term.

Meeting adjourned at 11:37AM.