Prior to the Completion of the Training

  1. Church Statement, brochure, endowment presentation talking points, acknowledgement form and one-on-one presentation document printed and in the hands of each committee member.
  2. Legacy Ministry brochures printed and placed in cubicles and pews in church.
  3. Legacy Ministry church website pages are complete and online.
  4. PowerPoint Presentation to the Leadership is finalized and presented to the church council.
  5. Planned giving tag line added to all forms of communication.

First 3 Months

Goal: Obtain legacy commitments from 100% of the Legacy Committee, and at least 50% of the Trustees and Church Council to provide encouragement and stories for others to follow.

  1. Legacy Committee members make personal commitments and complete acknowledgement forms.
  2. Train Legacy Committee members as needed to be able to meet individually with church members.
  3. Make a presentation at an Administrative Board/Council meeting to church leaders on giving to the endowment fund. Distribute an endowment brochure. Conduct a written survey:
  • Who has a will?
  • Who has included the church in their will/beneficiary designations?
  • Who will consider adding the church to their final plans?
  • Who would like to talk privately about giving options?
  1. Assign Legacy Committee members to ask each Church Councilmember to make a commitment and complete acknowledgement forms.
  2. PowerPoint Presentation to the Leadership presented to trustees. Distribute an endowment brochure. Conduct a written survey:
  • Who has a will?
  • Who has included the church in their will/beneficiary designations?
  • Who will consider adding the church to their final plans?
  • Who would like to talk privately about giving options?
  1. Assign Legacy Committee members to ask each trusteemember to make a commitment and complete acknowledgement form.
  2. Pastor provides sermon on endowment and planned giving.
  3. Newsletter article announcing endowment program.
  4. Call within 3 days to say thank you and send a personalized thank you to all persons who have completed acknowledgement forms within a week of receipt.

4-6 Months

Goal: Obtain legacy commitments from at least 50% of the Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee, and major donors to provide encouragement and stories for others to follow.

  1. PowerPoint Presentation to the Leadership presented to Finance, Stewardship committees and major donors. Distribute an endowment brochure. Conduct a written survey:
  • Who has a will?
  • Who has included the church in their will/beneficiary designations?
  • Who will consider adding the church to their final plans?
  • Who would like to talk privately about giving options?
  1. Assign Legacy Committee members to ask each Finance, Stewardship, and major donors to make a commitment and complete the acknowledgement form.
  2. Call within 3 days to say thank you and send a personalized thank you to all persons who have completed acknowledgement forms within a week of receipt.
  3. Newsletter article about progress of the Legacy Ministry including an inspirational story from a member who has made a commitment.
  4. Collect a list of planned giving professionals in the congregation.
  5. Develop a Legacy Ministry speaker’s bureau.
  6. Host a wills workshop for church members.

6-12 Months

Goal: Obtain legacy commitments from at least 25% of the adult church members.

  1. Send letter of introduction to congregation with the participation percentages from the leadership and stories.
  2. Newsletter article about progress of the Legacy Ministry including stories from members who have made a commitment.
  3. Distribute the Legacy Ministry brochure in the bulletin.
  4. Conduct targeted group presentations to the UMW, UMM, Sunday school classes and others.
  5. Assign Legacy Committee members to ask a specific number of church members to make a commitment and complete acknowledgement forms.
  6. Pastor provides sermon on endowment and planned giving.
  7. Call within 3 days to say thank you and send a personalized thank you to all persons who have completed acknowledgement forms within a week of receipt.
  8. Evaluate and audit Legacy Ministry program.
  9. Report Legacy Ministry progress to the Church Council, Trustees, and Charge Conference.
  10. Host the first Legacy Ministry recognition event and celebrate the success of the program.
  11. Finalize plans for continued success of the program.


Goal: Set annual goals for continued endowment growth and planned giving commitments.

  1. Ask pastor to commit to an annual planned giving sermon.
  2. Publish quarterly joyful stories in the newsletter and e-newsletter from persons who have made a planned gift.
  3. Call within 3 days and send a personalized thank you to all persons who have completed acknowledgement forms within a week of receipt.
  4. Report annually to Church Council, Trustees, and Charge Conference.
  5. Send a mailing about the advantages of year-end giving.
  6. Host an annual Legacy Ministry recognition event.

Materials for your Legacy Giving Marketing Program

Item Person ResponsibleDate Due

Written plan/timeline for marketing the Legacy Program ______

Legacy brochure______

Comprehensive gift acceptance policy with a provision for named funds______

Legacy Gift Confirmation Form______

Leadership presentation PowerPoint______

Training PowerPoint on how to prayerfully request a gift

One-on-one solicitation presentation (PowerPoint)______

Sample bequest language (in the PP presentation)______

Examples of planned gifts (in the PP presentation)______

Donor recognition information (in PP presentation)______

Frequently asked questions for presentations______

Document of Contact with members for Legacy Giving______

Legacy Giving educational materials on the website ______


Letter to the Leadership______

Final Tithe letter______

Legacy Sermon______

List of resource professionals in the congregation______

Tag lines on emails______

Projection screen messages______

Newsletter inserts and email blasts for:

Announcing the Legacy Ministry Program______

Giving through your IRA______

Leave a Legacy This Christmas______

Ways to Give______

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution______

Written and audio testimonies of givers______

Thank you letter to persons who have made commitments______

Endowment Fund Grant Request Process______

Annual reportto Trustees, Church Council and Charge Conference______

List of Speaker’s Bureau______



