Appendix F
Select Bibliography
I. / Dictionaries.II. / Texts.
Ill. / General Works on the Science and Art of Government.
IV. / Political institutions (Foreign).
(i) / General.
(ii) / Ancient Greece.
(iii) / Switzerland.
(iv) / United States of America.
V. / Political Institutions: The United Kingdom.
VI. / Political Institutions: The British Empire.
VII. / Special Topics:
(i) / The Legislature.
(ii) / The Executive (Political and Permanent).
(iii) / The judiciary.
(iv) / Local Government.
(v) / Federalism.
(vi) / The Party System.
1 - Dictionaries and Books of Reference
Conrad (&c.) / : Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaft, 6 vols., 1890-4, and supplements.Holtzendorff, F. von / : Encyklopadie der Rechiswissenschaft, 4 vols., 1880-1904.
Lee, Sir Sidney (ed.) / : Dictionary of National Biography, 69 vols., 1885-1912.
Low, Sir S., and Pulling, F.S. / : Dictionary of English History (1884).
Ockerby, H. / : The Book of Dignities, 1890.
Palgrave, R.H. / : Dictionary of Political Economy, 3 vols. 1894-5. New ed., vol. i, ed. Higgs. 1925.
Vincent, B. / : Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, 1910.
: Encyclopaedia Britannica (various editions, latest 1926).
: Statesman's Year Book, 1864 - (annual).
: Whitaker's Almanac (annual).
2 - Texts
Dareste, F.R. / : Les Constitutions Modernes, 2 vols. New ed., 1910.Demombynes, F. / : Les Constitutions europeennes, 2 Vols. 1881.
Dodd, W. F. / : Modern Constitutions, 2 vols. 1909.
Egerton, H.E., and Grant, W.L. (ed.) / : Evolution of Canadian Government, 1907.
Eybers, G.W. (ed.) / : Select Constitutional Documents illustrating African History, 1795-1910, 1919.
Gardiner, S.R. / : Const. Doc. of the Puritan Revolution (1625-1660), 1889.
Houston, W. / : Documents Illustrative of Canadian Constitutional Development (1713-1875), 1891.
Kennedy, W.P.M. / : Documents of the Canadian Constitution, 1918
Medley, D.J. / : Original Illustrations (11th to 18th c.), 1910.
Muir, R. / : The Making of British India (Documents), 1756-1858, 1910
Mukherji, P. / : Indian Constitutional Documents, 1773-1915, 1916.
Newton, A.P. / : Federal and Unified Constitutions, 1923.
------/ : Select Constitutions of the World (for Post-War States), 1922.
Ogg, F.A. / : Governments of Europe, 1920.
Prothero, G.W. / : Select Statutes and Constitutional Documents, 1559-1625, 1894.
Quick, Sir J., and Garran, R.R. / : Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth, 1901.
Robertson, C.. / : Select Cases and Documents, 1660-1894, 1904.
Stubbs, W. / : Select Charters and Documents, 1870.
3 - General Works on the Science and Art of Government
Acton, Lord / : History of Freedom, 1907.Amos, S. / : Science of Law. 1874.
Aristotle / : Politics, Jowett's Translation (ed. Davis). 1905
Austin, J. / : Lectures on Jurisprudence, 2 vols. 1869.
Barker, E. / : Greek Political Theory, 1918.
------/ : Political Thought in England, 1915.
Bentham, J. / : Works, 11 vols. 1843.
Bluntschli, J.K. / : Theory of the State (Eng. Tr.).
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount / : A Dissertation upon Parties 1775.
------/ : Letters on the Spirit of Patriotism and the Idea of a Patriot King, 1783.
Bosanquet, B. / : Philosophical Theory of the State, 1910.
Boutmy, Emile. / : Studies in Constitutional Law (trs. Dicey), 1891.
Bryce, James (Viscount) / : Modern Democracies, 2 vols. 1921.
------/ : Studies in History and Jurisprudence, 2 vols., 1901.
Burgess, I.W. / : Political Science and Comparative Constitutional Law, 2 vols., 1896.
[begin page 549]
Burke, E. / : Works, 16 vols., 1826-7.
Cecil, Lord Hugh. / : Liberty and Authority, 1910.
Cicero / : De Republica.
Cleveland, F. A. / : Organized Democracy (with Bibliography), 1913.
Cornewall Lewis, Sir G. / : Dialogue on the Best Form of Government, (1863).
------/ : Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Politics, 1852.
------/ : Use and Abuse of Political Terms (ed. Raleigh), 1898.
Duguit, L. / : Traité de Droit constitutionnel, 1911.
Dunning, W. A. / : Hist. of Theories of Political Science, 1902.
Esmein, A. / : Ëléments de Droit constitutionnel, 1909.
Flandin, E. / : Institutions politiques, 4 vols. (1909).
Freeman, E.A. / : Comparative Politics, 1873.
Godkin, E.L. / : Problems of Modern Democracy, 1896.
Green, T.H. / : Principles of Political Obligation, 1895.
Greenidge, A.H.J. / : Roman Public Life, 1901.
Hammond, B.E. / : Bodies Politic and Their Governments, 1915
------/ : Outline of Comparative Politics, 1903.
Harington, J. / : Oceana, 1771.
Hasbach, W. / : Mod. Demokratie, 1912.
Hearnshaw, F.J.C. / : Democracy at the Cross Roads, 1918.
Hill, D.J. / : People's Government, 1915.
Hobbes, Thos. / : Leviathan (1651) (vol. iii of Works), 1839-45.
Hobhouse, L.T. / : Metaphysical Theory of the State, 1918.
Hume, D. / : Essays (1758), 2 vols. 1875.
Huxley, T.H. / : Collected Essays, 1893.
Inge, W.R. / : The State (Outspoken Essays, 2nd Series), 1922.
Janet, P. / : Hist. de la Science politique, 2 vols. 19 13.
Jenks, E. / : Hist. of Politics, 1900
------/ : The State and the Nation, 1919.
Laband, P. (&c.) / : Handbuch der Polilik, 2 Vols. (1912-13).
Lecky, W.E.H. / : Democracy and Liberty, 1896.
Lippmann, W. / : Preface to Politics, 1913.
Locke, J. / : Two Treatises of Government (1691) (vol. v of Works). 1823.
Lowell, A.L. / : Public Opinion and Popular Government, 1913.
Machiavelli / : Il Principe (ed. Bard). 1891.
Maelver, R.M. / : The Modern State, 1926.
McKechnie, W.S. / : State and Individual, 1896.
Maine, Sir H.S. / : Popular Government, 1885.
Mallock, W.H. / : Limits of Pure Democracy, 1918.
Mill J.S. / : Liberty, 1859.
------/ : Representative Government, 1861.
Montague, F.C. / : The Limits of Individual Liberty, 1885.
Montesquieu, Baron de / : L'Esprit des Lois, 1749.
Paine, T. / : Works, 3 vols. Ed. 1894-5.
Plato / : Republic (trs. Jowett), Third ed. 1888.
Pollock, F. / : Introd. to Hist. of Sci. of Politics, 1902.
Root, Elihu / : Government and Citizenship, 1916.
Rousseau, J.J. / : Du Contrat social (trs. Tozer), 1895.
Seeley, J.R. / : Introduction to the Science of Politics, 1896.
Sidgwick, H. / : Elements of Politics, 1891.
------/ : Devel. of European Polity, 1903.
Spencer, H. / : Principles of Political Institutions, 1882.
------/ : Essays, 1858, 1868, 1891.
------/ : Man v. State, 1884.
Wallas, G. / : Human Nature in Politics, 1908.
Wilson, Woodrow / : The State, 1919.
------/ : New Freedom, 1916.
Wyndham, George / : The Development of the State, 1904.
Zimmern, A. E. / : Nationality and Government, 1918.
4 - Political Institutions (Foreign)
(i) General.Borgeaud, C. / : Establissement et revision des Constitutions, 1893
Lowell, A.L. / : Governments and Parties in Continental Europe, 1896.
------/ : Greater European Governments, 1925.
Munro, W.B. / : Governments of Europe, 1926.
Wilson, Woodrow / : The State, New ed., 1899.
(See also III.)
(ii) Ancient Greece.
Abbot, E. (ed.) / : Hellenica, 1880.
Aristotle / : Athenian Constitution (trns. Kenyon), 1895
Barker, E. / : Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle, 1906
Becker and Marquardt / : Handbuch d. íõm. Alterthûmer, 1844.
Butcher, S.H. / : Aspects of Greek Genius, 3rd ed. 1904.
Coulanges, F. de / : La Cité antique, 1870.
Dickinson, G.L. / : Greek View, of Life, 1869.
Fowler, W. W. / : The City State, 1893.
Gilbert, G. / : Constitutional Antiquities of Greek Constitutional History, 1896
Greenidge, A.H.J. / : Handbook of Greek Constitutional history, 1896
------/ : Roman Public Life, 1901.
Hammond, B.E. / : Political Institutions of Ancient Greece, 1895.
Livingstone, R.W. / : The Greek Genius, 1912.
Marquardt, J. / : Rõm Staatsverwaltung, 3 vol.,1878-81.
Mommsen, T. / : Grundriss d. võm Staatsrechts, 1893.
Oncken, W. / : Staatslehre des Aristoteles, 1870-5.
Zimmern, A.E. / : The Greek Commonwealth, 3rd ed., 1922.
(iii) Switzerland.
Adams, Sir F.0., and Cunningham, C.D. / : The Swiss Confederation, 1889
Bonjour, E. / : La Democratie suisse. 1919, (Eng. trans.)
------/ : Real Democracy in Operation, 1920.
Brooks, R. / : Government and Politics in Switzerland, 1918.
Burckhardt, W. / : Une nouvelle forme de l’initiative Constitionnelle féderale.
Curti, Th. / : Le Referendum, 1905.
Daguet, E. / : Hist. de la Confed. Suisse, 1865.
Deploige, S. / : The Referendum in Switzerland, 1898.
Dierauer, J. / : Hist. de la Confed. Suisse, 4 vols. New ed., 1922.
Fleiner, F. / : Schweizerisches Bundesstaatsrecht, 1923.
Grote, George / : Seven Letters on the Recent Politics of Switzerland, 1876.
Hilty, C. / : Les Constitutions federales dela Confed. Suisse, 1891.
Klaus, E. / : Volksinitiative in der Bundesgesetzgebung, 1906.
Lloyd, H.D., and Hobson, J.A. / : A Sovereign People, 1908.
MacCracken, W. D. / : The Rise of the Swiss Republic, 1892.
Oeschli, W. / : Hist. of Switzerland, 1499-1914, 1922.
Schindler, D. / : Bildung des Staatswillens in der schweizerischen Demokratie.
Stoddart, J. T. / : Against the Referendum, 1910.
Waldkirch, E. von / : Die Mitwirkung des Volkes bei der Rechtsetzung nach dem Staatsrecht der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft und ihrer Kantone, 1918.
Zur Einfuhrung der / Gesetzgebungsinitiative im Bund, (Polisches Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, 1912).
Botschaft des / Bundesrates betreffend Einfuhrung der Volksinitiative fur die Bundesgesetzgebung vom 6. Marz 19066. (Ueberblick uber Volksinitiative im staatsrecht der schweizerischen Kantone.)
(iv) United States of America.
Beck, J. M. / : The Constitution of the United States, 1922.
Bryce, James (Viscount) / : American Commonwealth, 3 vols. 1888 and subsequent editions.
Burton, T.E. / : The Constitution of the United States, 1924.
Choate, J.H. / : Abraham Lincoln, 1901.
Corwin, E.S. / : The President's Control of Foreign Relations.
Fisher, S.G. / : Evolution of the American Constitution, 1897.
Fiske, J. / : Civil Government in the United States, 1890.
------/ : Critical Period of American History, 1898.
Hart, A. B. / : Actual Government as applied under American Conditions, 1903.
------/ : Federal Government, 1891.
Hamilton, A, Jay, J., Madison, J. / : The Federalist (1788).
Haskin, F. J. / : The American Government, 1912.
Holcombe, A.N. / : State Government in the United States.
Honey, S.R. / : The Referendum among the English, 1912.
James, H.G. / : Local Government in the United States, 1921.
Kimball, E. / : State and Municipal Government in the United States.
------/ : The National Government of the United States, 1920.
Mathews, J.M. / : American State Government, 1924.
Newton, T.J. / : The Constitution of the United States, 1923.
Oberholzer, E.P. / : The Referendum in America, 1900.
Root, Elihu / : Experiments in Government and the Essentials of the Constitution, 1913.
Schouler, J. / : The United States under the Constitution, 6 vols. 1899.
Schuyler, R.L. / : The Constitution of the United States, 1924.
Stimson, F.J. / : The Law of the Federal and State Constitutions, 1908.
Story, J. / : Commentaries on the American Constitution, 3 vols. 1833.
Thorpe, F.N. / : American Charters, Constitutions, and Organic Laws, 7 vols. 1909.
------/ : The Essentials of American Constitutional Law, 1918.
Tocqueville, A. de / : De la Democratie en Amerique, 1891.
Warren, C. / : The Supreme Court in the United States, 3 vols. 1923.
Willoughby, W.W. and W.F. (ed.) / : The American Constitutional System, 1904.
Wilson, Woodrow / : Congressional Government.
V Political Institutions (United Kingdom)
Anson, Sir W.R. / : Law and Custom of the Constitution, 2 vols., 1907-13Bacon, Nathaniel / : Government of England (from Selden's Notes), (1760)
Bagehot, W. / : The English Constitution, 1867, new ed. 1913.
Belloc, H. / : House of Commons and Monarchy, 1920.
Blackstone, Sir William / : Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1765-9.
Boutmy, E. / : Development of the English Constitution, Trs. 1891.
------/ : Studies in Constitutional Law, Trs. 1891.
Bowyer, George / : Commentaries on the Constitutional Law, (1846)
Broom, H. / : Constitutional Law, 1866.
Brougham, Henry (Lord) / : The British Constitution, (1858).
Bussell, F.W. / : New Government for the British Empire, 1912.
Coke, Sir Edward / : Institutes of the Laws of England, 1817-32.
Courtney, L. (afterwards Lord) / : The Working Constitution of the United Kingdom, 1901.
Cox, Homersham / : The British Commonwealth (1854).
Creasy, Sir E.S. / : Rise and Progress of the English Constitution (1835).
De Lolme, J. L. / : The Constitution of England, ed. 1775.
Dicey, A.V. / : Law of the Constitution, 1885.
------/ : Law and Public Opinion in England, 1914.
Dickinson, G.L. / : The Development of Century, 1895.
Disraeli, B. / : Vindication of the English Constitution, (1835)
Erskine May, Sir T. / : Constitutional History, 1760-1860, 2 vols., 1861-3.
------/ : Vol 3., 1860-1911, by F. Holland, 1912.
------/ : Parliamentary Practice, 13th ed., Sir Lonsdale Webster (Ed.), 1924.
Fonblanque, A. de / : How We are Governed, (1858).
Fortescue, Sir John / : De Laudibus Legum Angliae, written circ. 1470, published 1537.
------/ : The Governance of the Kingdom of England, 1471, circ.
Franqueville, Le Cte de / : Institutions politiques, 1863.
------/ : Gouvernement et Parlement, 3 vols. 1887.
------/ : Systéme judiciaire, 2 vols., 1893
Freeman, E.A. / : Growth of the English Constitution, 1872.
Gneist, R. von / : History of the English Parliament, 3rd ed. 1889.
------/ : History of the English Constitution, 2 vols. 1886.
Hallam, H. / : Constitutional History, 1485-1760. 1827.
Halsbury, Lord (ed.) / : The Laws of England, 1907-24.
Harington, J. / : Discourse of Parliament (1659).
Hearn, W. E. / : Government of England, 1867.
Holdsworth, W.S. / : History of English Law, 3rd ed, 1922-3.
Jenks, E. / : Parliamentary England, 1903.
Low, Sir Sidney / : The Governance of England, New ed, 1914.
Lowell, A.L. / : The Government of England, 2 vols. New ed., 1912
Maitland, F.W. / : Constitutional History, 1908.
Medley, D. J. / : Student's Manual, New ed., 1913.
Muir, R. / : National Self Government, 1918.
Pollard, A. F. / : Evolution of Parliament, 1920.
Pollock, Sir F., and Maitland, F. W. / : History of English Law, 2nd ed, 1899.
Ridges, E.W. / : Constitutional Law, 1905..
Rowland, David / : The English Constitution (1859).
Russell, Lord John / : The English Government and Constitution, 1st ed., 1821 (2nd ed. enlarged, 1823).
Smith, Sir Thomas / : De Republica Anglorum (1583). New ed., 1906.
Stubbs, W. / : Constitutional History of England, 2nd ed., 1875-8.
Taswell-Langmead, T. P. / : English Constitutional History, New ed., 1919.
Todd, Alpheus / : On Parliamentary Government in England, 2 Vols. 1867-9.
VI Political Institutions (The British Empire)
(i) General.Bentham, J. / : Emancipate Your Colonies (p). 1793.
Berard, V. / : British Imperialism, 1906.
Bodelsen, C. A. / : Mid-Victorian Imperialism, 1924.
Bowen, G.F. / : The Federation of the British Empire, 1886.
------/ : Thirty Years of Colonial Government, 1889.
Buller, C. / : Responsible Government for the Colonies, 1840.
Cramb, J. A. / : The Origin and Destiny of Imperial Britain, 1900.
Currey, G. H. / : British Colonial Policy, 1783-1915, 1916.
Curtis, L. / : Problem of the Commonwealth, 1916.
------/ : Framework of Union, 1908.
Dilke, Sir C. W / : Greater Britain, 1868.
------/ : Problems of Greater Britain, 1890.
------/ : The British Empire, 1899.
Durham, Lord / : Report on Canada, 1839 (ed. Lucas), 1912.
Egerton, H. E. / : Origin and Growth of English Colonies, 1903.
------/ : British Colonial Policy, 1897.
------/ : Federations and Unions in the British Empire, 1911.
------/ : British Colonial Policy in the XXth Cent, 1922.
Forster, W.E. / : Our Colonial Empire (p). 1875.
Froude, J. A. / : Oceana, 1886.
George, H. B. / : Historical Geography of the British Empire, 1904.
Grey, Earl / : The Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration, 1853.
Hall, Duncan / : The British Commonwealth of Nations, 1920.
Hearnshaw, F.J.C. (ed.) / : King's College Lectures on Colonial Problems, 1913.
Hertz, G. B. / : The Old Colonial System, 1905.
Holland, Bernard / : Imperium et Libertas, 1901.
Jebb, R. / : Colonial Nationalism, 1905.
------/ : The Imperial Conference, 2 vols., 1911.
Jenkyns, H. / : British Rule and jurisdiction Beyond the Seas, 1902.
Keith, A.B. / : Responsible Government in the Dominions, 3 vols. 1912.
------/ : Imperial Unity and the Dominions, 1916.
------/ : Dominion Home Rule in Practice, 1921.
------/ : The Constitution, Administration, and Laws of the Empire, 1925.
Labilliére, F.P. de / : The Future Relations of England and Her Colonies, 1869.
------/ : Federal Britain, 1894.
Lewis, Sir G.C. / : The Government of Dependencies, 1841 (ed. Lucas), 1891.
Little, J. Stanley / : A World Empire, 1879.
------/ : The United States of Britain, 1887.
Lorne, Marquis of / : Imperial Federation, 1885.
Lucas, Sir C.P. / : Empire at War, 1921.
------/ : Greater Rome and Greater Britain, 1912.
------/ : Analysis of the System of Government throughout the British Empire, 1912.
McCulloch, J.R. / : A Statistical Account of the British Empire, 1837.
Merivale, H. / : Colonization and Colonies, 1841.
Mills, A. / : Colonial Constitutions, 1856.
Parkin, Sir G.R. / : Imperial Federation, 1892.
Payne, E. / : Colonies and Colonial Federations, 1905.
Seeley, Sir J.R. / : The Expansion of England, 1883.
Smith, Adam / : The Wealth of Nations, 1776.
Smith, Goldwin / : The Empire, 1863.
Smuts, J.D. / : British Commonwealth of Nations (p.), 1917.
Todd, Alpheus / : Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies, 1880.
Tucker, J. / : The True Interests of Britain (p.), 1776.
Wakefield, E.G. / : View of the Art of Colonization, 1849 (new ed., 1914).
Worsfold, B. / : The Empire on the Anvil, 1916.
Young, F. / : Imperial Federation, 1876.
Colonial Office List (Annual).
Proceedings of the Royal Colonial Institute, 1869: (Quarterly).
The Round Table.
(ii) Canada.
Borden, Sir R.L. / : The Way and the Future, 1917.
------/ : Canadian Constitutional Studies, 1922.
Bourinot, Sir J.G. / : Canada, 1922.
------/ : Federal Government, 1889.
Bryce, J. (Viscount) / : Canada: An Actual Democracy, 1921.
Carnarvon, Earl of / : Speeches on Canadian Affairs, 1902.
Coupland, R. / : The Quebec Act, 1925.
Egerton, H.E. / : Historical Geography of Canada, 1923.
Egerton, H.E., and Grant, W.L. (ed.) / : Evolution of Canadian Self Government, 1907.
Houston, W. (ed.) / : Documents Illustrative of Constitution (1713-1878), 1891.
Kennedy, W.P.M. / : Documents of the Canadian Constitution, 1759-1915. 1918.
------/ : The Nature of Canadian Federalism, 1921.
------/ : The Constitution of Canada, 1923.
Mackay, R.A. / : The Unreformed Senate of Canada.
Morison, J.L. / : British Supremacy and Canadian Self Government, 1919.
Munro, J.E.C. / : Constitution of Canada, 1889.
Pope, J. / : Memoirs of Sir John Macdonald, 1894.
Reid, S. / : Life and Letters of the First Earl of Durham, 1906.
Skelton, O.D. / : Life and Times of Sir Alexander Galt, 1920.
------/ : Life and Letters of Sir W. Laurier, 1921.
Smith, Goldwin / : Canada and the Canadian Question, 1891.
Wrong, E.M. / : Charles Buller and Responsible Government, 1926.
Wrong, G.M. (and others) / : The Federation of Canada. 1917.
The Canada Year Book (Official). (Annual.)
(iii) Australasia.
Atkinson, M. (ed.) / : Australia, 1920.
Jose, A.W. / : Hist. of Australasia, 1921.
Lewin, E. / : The Commonwealth of Australia, 1917.
Moore, W.H. / : The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1910.
Quick, Sir J. / : The Legislative Powers of the Commonwealth and the States of Australia, 1919.
Quick, Sir J., and Garran, R.R. / : Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth, 1901.
Reeves, W. Pember / : State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand, 1902.
Smith, A. Bruce / : Our Commonwealth. (Official Handbook of the Constitution.), 1904.
Wade, Sir C.G. / : Australia, 1918.
Watson, F. (ed.) / : Historical Records of Australia, 1914-24.
Wise, B.R. / : Commonwealth of Australia, 1913.
------/ : The Making of the Australian Commonwealth, 1913.
Douglas, A.P. / : The Dominion of New Zealand, 1909.
Hight, J., and Bamford, J.D. / : The Constitutional History and Law of New Zealand, 1914.
Stout, Sir R. and J.L. / : New Zealand, 1911.
Australian Commonwealth Year Book. (Annual.)
New Zealand Official Year Book. (Annual.)
(iv) South Africa.
Brand, R.H. / : The Union of South Africa, 1909.
Buxton, Earl / : General Botha, 1924.
Carron, F.R. / : South Africa from the Great Trek to the Union, 1909.
Curtis, L. / : The Framework of Union, 1908.
Eybers, G.W. / : Select Constitutional Documents, 1795-1910, 1919.
Fairbridge, D. / : A History of South Africa, 1918.
Lucas, Sir C.P. / : Historical Geography of the British Colonies: South Africa, 1906-18.
Nathan, M. / : The South African Commonwealth, 1919.
Selborne, Earl of / : Memorandum on a Federation of the South African Colonies (Cmd. 3564), 1907.
Theal, G. McCall / : South Africa, 1917.
Williams, B. / : Life of Cecil Rhodes, 1921.
Worsfold, W.B. / : The Union of South Africa, 1912.
------/ : Lord Milner's Work in South Africa, 1917.
H.C. Paper 216 of 1860.
Official Year-Book of the Union of South Africa, &c. (Annual.)
The Government of South Africa, 1908.
(v) India.
Aga Khan, H.H. / : India in Transition, 1918.
Chirol, Sir V. / : India Old and New, 1922.
Cross, M.P. / : Development of Self Government in India, 1922.
Curtis, L. / : Dyarchy, 1921.
Uorne, E.A. / : The Political Systems of India, 1922.
Ilbert, Sir C.P. / : The Government of India, being a digest of the Law relating thereto, Third ed., 1915.
------/ : The Government of India. A brief Historical Survey of Parliamentary Legislation relating to India, 1922.
Ilbert, Sir C. P., and Meston, Lord / : The New Constitution of India, 1923.
Loyett, Sir V. / : A History of the Indian Nationalist Movement, 1920.
------/ : India, 1923.
Macdonald, J.R. / : The Government of India, 1919.
Muir,R. / : The Making of British India (1756-1858), 1915.
Mulcherji, P. / : Indian Constitutional Documents, 1773-1915.
Smith, V.A. / : The Oxford History of India, 1919.
India Office List. (Annual.)
Much of the information relative to the Constitutional position of the Oversea Empire and its Constituent Dominions, Colonies, Dependencies, &c., must be sought in Parliamentary Papers. I append a list of a few of the most important of these:
1828. / vii. 569. Report of Select Committee on the state of the Civil Government of Canada.1837. / vii. P516. Report of Select Committee on Colonial revenue and expenditure.
1870. / xlix (Cc. 24, 51). Correspondence as to proposed conference of Colonial representatives in London (notable for the cold douche administered by Earl Granville).
1887. / Ivi. (Cc. 5091, 5091-I). Proceedings of Colonial Conference.
1889. / lv. 70. Constitution of Colonies (return).
1894. / lvi (C.7553). Report by the Earl of Jersey, 21 Aug. 1804, on the Colonial Conference at Ottawa.
1896. / Iviii (C. 8143). Loyal Messages from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (re Transvaal and Venezuela troubles).
1897. / lix (C. 8596). Proceedings of the Colonial Conference.
1897. / lx (C. 8449). Empire Trade.
1903. / xliv (Cdd, 1597, 1723). Colonial Conference of 1902.
1906. / lxxvii (Cd. 2785). Future Organization of Colonial Conferences.
1907. / liv (Cdd. 3337, 3340). Colonial Conference of 1907.
1907. / Iv (Cdd. 3404, 3406, 3523, 3524). Colonial Conference of 1907.
1910 / lxvi. 81. Second Chambers in the Self Governing Dominions.
1910. / Ixvi. 129. Treaty making Power of Dominions.
1910. / lxv (Cd. 5273). Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference of 1911.
1911. / liv (Cd. 5513). Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference of 1911.
1911. / liv (Cdd. 5741, 5745, 5746). Imperial Conference of 1911.
1912. / lx (Cd. 6560). Committee of Imperial Defence.
1914. / lx (Cd. 7347). Committee of Imperial Defence.
1917-18. / xxiii (Cd. 8482). Imperial Preference.
1917-18 / xxiii (Cd . 8566). Imperial War Conference (1917).
1918. / xvi (Cd. 9177). Imperial War Conference (1918).
1921 / x (Cmd. 1231). Imperial Customs Conference (1921).
1921. / xiv (Cmd. 1474). Conference of Prime Ministers, &c., of the Empire. 1921.
1923. / xii (Cmd. 1987, 1088). Imperial Conference (1923).
1923. / xii (Cmd. 1990). Imperial Economic Conference (1923).
1923. / xii (1872). Imperial Shipping Committee (1920-22).
1924. / x (Cmd. 2009, 2084, 2115). Imperial Economic Conference.
1925. / Cmd. 2493, 4499. Reports of Imperial Economic Committee.
1926. / Cmd. 2768. Imperial Conference. Summary of Proceedings.
VII Special Topics
(i) The Legislature.Bacon, A. / : L'Influence du Fédéralisme sur l’instilution des Chambres Hautes, 1899.
Bastable, C. F. / : Public Finance, 1892.
Buxton, S. / : Finance and Politics, 2 cols., 1888.
Clifford, F. / : Private Bill Legislation, 2 vols., 1885.
Dasent, A. I. / : The Speakers of the House of Commons, 1911.
Desplaces, H. / Sénats et Chambres Hautes. 1893.
Dickinson, G.L. / : The Development of Parliament in the Nineteenth Century, 1895.
Dickinson, R. / : Rules and Procedure of Foreign Parliaments, 2 vols. 1882.
Durell, A.J.V. / : Parliamentary Grants, 1917.
Elsynge, H. / : Manner of Holding Parliament, 1660.
Eversley, Lord. / : Proportional Representation, 1867-1917. New ed., 1917.
Firth, Sir C.H. / : History of House of Lords during the Civil War, 1910.
Grey, Earl / : Parliamentary Government, 1858.
Grice, J.W. / : National and Local Finance, 1910.
Hare,T. / : The Machinery of Representation, 1859.
Higgs, H. / : The Financial System of the United Kingdom, 1914.
Hinds, A.C. / : Rules and Practice of the House of Representatives (U.S.A.). 1903.
Humphreys, J.H. / : Proportional Representation, 1911.
Ilbert, Sir C.P. / : Parliament, 1911.
------/ : Legislative Methods and Forms, 190i.
------/ : Manual of Procedure, 1912.
Landers,T. / : Private Bills in Parliament, 1919.
Lees-Smith, H.B. / : Second Chambers in Theory and Practice, 1923.
Macdonald, J.R. / : Parliament and Revolution, 1919.
------/ : Parliament and Democracy, 1920.
Macpherson, W.C. / : The Baronage and the Senate, 1893.
Mallet, Sir B. / : British Budgets, 1913.
Marriott, J.A.R. / : Second Chambers, 1910.
May, Sir T.E. / : Parliament, 1844.
------/ : Parliamentary Procedure (13th ed., Webster), 1924.
MeIlwain, C.H. / : High Court of Parliament, 1910.
McKeelmic, W.S. / : The Reform of the House of Lords, 1909.
Mill, J.S. / : Representative Government, 1861.
Morgan, J.H. / : House of Lords and Constitution, 1910.
Muir, R. / : Peers and Bureaucrats, 1910.
Northcote, Sir Stafford / : Twenty Years of Financial Policy, 1862.
Pike, L.O. / : Constitutional History of the House of Lords, 1894.
Pollard, A.F. / : The Evolution of Parliament, 1920.
Porritt, F. / : The Unreformed House of Commons, 2 vols., 1903.
(Rainbow Circle) / : Second Chambers in Practice, 1911.
Redlich, J., and Ilbert, Sir C.P. / : The Procedure of the House of Commons, 3 vols., 1908.
Shirras, G.F. / : The Science of Public Finance, 1924.
Temperley, H.W.V. / : Senates and Upper Chambers, 1910.
Todd, A. / : Parliamentary Government, 2 vols., 1867-92.
Wheeler, G.J. / : The Practice of Private Bills, 1900.
Williams, Sir J.F. / : Proportional Representation and British Politics, 1914.
Willoughby, W.R, &c. / : Financial Administration of Great Britain, 1917.
Young, E. Hilton / : The System of National Finance, New ed., 1924.
Parliamentary Papers, &c.
Lords Report on Dignity of the Peerage, 5 vols. 1829.