January 21, 2017
These are the minutes of the governing council meeting of Albuquerque School of Excellence. This meeting was held at 10:00 AM on January 21, 2017 at 13201 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112.
I. Attendance
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Osman Anderoglu. The following members of the Governing Council were present; Dr. Osman Anderoglu, Dr. Eric Coontz, Dr. Sayavur Bakhtiyarov, Dr. Sakoglu and Mr. Vigil. Following members were absent; Dr. Mustafa Cetin, Mrs. Beverly Reno
II. Call to order, establishment of quorum
These persons listed above are named the governing council of the Albuquerque School of Excellence in the articles of incorporation and their attendance constituted a quorum.
III. Public Comments
Ludella Awwad, ASE senior, made comments on AP courses and Dual credits and shared her article about that published on ABQ Journal.
IV. (Action) Approval of Current Agenda Items
a. Mr. Vigil made a motion to move discussion item IX to be discussed before item V. Dr. Anderoglu seconded. It passed 5-0-0
b. No new item added.
Dr. Anderoglu made a motion to approve the agenda items. Dr. Coontz seconded. It passed 5-0-0.
IX. (Discussion)Short Cycle Assessments & Placement of Students Based on Their Scores
Mr. Aykac provided brief information about students current level on Reading and Math based on Star Math and Star Reading Assessments. Also he said that students are placed in tutorials based on their scores. Mr. Vigil mentioned that ASE needs to review the AP policy and the requirements for taking AP classes. He also mentioned that Dual Credits might be a good alternative for AP courses.
V.Approval of Previous GC Meeting Minutes
Dr. Coontz moved to approve the previous GC minutes and Dr. Anderoglu seconded the motion. Mr. Vigil abstained. It passed 4-0-0.
VI. Reports
a. Our Business Manager, Sean Fry, provided brief information about budget and current state cuts.
b. Mr. Aykac reported that enrollment and re-enrollment season started for next year. And mentioned school is adding one more sections in 3rd, 6th,and 7th grade next year. He mentioned that tutoring is provided to students who need extra need.
VII. (Action) Approval of Financial Report for November and December
The financial committee had reviewed the report for November and December in detail prior to our meeting. We considered the report on the budget status, including the approved operating budget for revenues and expenses compared with year-to-date actual revenue and expenses, cash reports, and voucher reports. Dr. Anderoglu moved that we approved the reports. Mr. Vigil seconded the motion. It passed 5-0-0.
VIII. ( Action) Approval of BARs
The finance committee recommended a budget adjustment. Dr. Anderoglu motioned that we approve the BARs 516-000-1617-0006-I, 516-000-1617-0007-D, 516-000-1617-0008-I. Mr. Vigil seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0-0.
IX. ( Discussion) Building Issues and Construction
Mr. Aykac stated that construction is done by the end of the December. School has a temporary certificate of occupancy and will be getting final next week. As of now school has more than 55K sqft including new gym, cafeteria, 12 classrooms, offices, restrooms and storage rooms. Mr. Aykac mentioned that we need to find fund to finish outside projects including a new elementary playground, multi-sport court and a small-sized soccer field.
XII. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Dr. Anderoglu made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Dr. Coontz seconded.
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Dr. Osman Anderoglu Date
ASE Governing Council President