St. John Neumann’s Proposal Narrative

Part A – Program Rationale and Design

A1: This renewal program for Father Richard Degagne will give him time to reflect on the past 28 years of his ministry and to look forward to the future for himself and our parish. It is nearly impossible to find time for quiet introspection, personal prayer and study while serving the needs of an extremely active parish. The purpose of the program is to gain renewed insight, achieve ongoing human formation, receive theological updating and find spiritual refreshment. We believe these characteristics will produce an even more effective leader. When our pastor returns to us, he will be a happier, healthier and holier priest.

A2: The parishioners of St. John Neumann Catholic Church strongly feel that a happy, healthy and holy pastor shapes a happy, healthy and holy parish. The Clergy Renewal Program provides a wonderful opportunity for FatherDegagne to augment his diocesan-sponsored sabbatical of theological study and spiritual retreat. It willgive him the means to explore and understand the Holy Land, enrich his talents in cooking and music and relax, renew and revel in travel to historic spiritual centers. He will have some time to enjoy the company of his family, who will visit him, as he travels in Italy. Our parish recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of its founding and our pastor the 28th anniversary of his ordination. Now is the optimum time to renew the divine spark that gave birth to this parish and drew Father Degagne to the priesthood. Circumstances up to this time have prevented our pastor from taking his sabbatical. The first half of 2011 is idealbecause coverage for pastoral and administrative functions currently exists and is endorsed by the congregation. The chosen Parochial Administrator will likely become pastor of another church in July 2011. In addition, all ministries are fully staffed and functioning well. The last reason is that,in the near future, diocesan sponsored sabbaticals and long absences like the Clergy Renewal Program may not be possible due to the shortage of priests. We believe that Father Degagne’s participation in the Clergy Renewal Program will be the catalyst for our parish’s spiritual growth. We will journey like him in many planned spiritual activities, paralleling his renewal, in our efforts to become better disciples of Christ.

A3: On January 16th, Father Degagne willbegin a 30 day retreat at the Dominican House at Sainte-Baume, France. He hopes to establish a deeper and more patterned prayer life and gain a greater appreciation of the prayers of the Church. On February 14th, he will begin classes at the Institute for Continuing Theological Education at the North American College in Rome, Italy. Internationally known lecturers and spiritual directors will help him update his theology, and he will have the opportunity for fraternal interaction and prayer. During Lent Father Degagne will participate in Mass at the 40 designated stational churches of Rome. Two weeks into Lent (3/24-4/2), he will make a week long pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Two-thirds of the cost of this pilgrimage would be funded by the Clergy Renewal Program. Prayer and study in the cradle of faith will strongly influence his preaching of Sacred Scripture.From April 3rd to May 4th, Father Degagne will complete his studies in Rome at the Institute. On May 7th, Father Degagne will begin a week long participation in the Ischia Chamber Music Festival. There he will refresh his musical insights and skills. Father Degagne will then meet his brother and sister and their spouses in Rome. They will be travelling to Europe for the first time just to spend time with him. On their departure, he willhead north and unwind by fueling his body and soul for one week at the Scuola di Cucina di Siena cooking school. Joyfully toting new recipes and cooking techniques, Father Degagne will begin the last month of his renewal experience. He will travel throughout France to some of the historic spiritual centers which have impacted the history of the Church. Father Degagne, who is fluent in the French language, will be inspired and reenergized in these locations. This will end with a three-day retreat back at the Dominican House at Sainte-Baume. He will return to our parish on June 30th as a happier, healthier and holier priest.

A4: “Renewal” is at the heart of the Christian message. In Revelation 21:5, John’s vision is of the One seated on the throne who says, “… I will make all things new”. Each day Christians are called to renew their hearts, to daily turn their lives over to the Lord. Pastors and congregations must never allow themselves to take for granted the faith they share and celebrate. During my 28 years as a priest, 16of which have been as pastor, there have been many graced times. The people I have been called to serve have inspired me at the times when I needed inspiration. However, in addition to these sacred moments, there are two areas for which there seems never to be enough time. These are personal prayer and study. The combined diocesan-sponsored sabbatical and the Clergy Renewal Program will offer me an extended time of personal prayer: during the retreat with the Dominican fathers and brothers, through shared prayer with fellow priests and seminarians at the North American College, during the pilgrimage to the Holy Land and as I visit the great shrines of our tradition. The course of study at the NAC will provide the needed update in the theology which contributes to my preaching and teaching ministry. Two of my personal passions are my music and cooking. Participating in programs to enhance both of these interests will be an integral part of the re-creation I believe is important for me at this time in my life.

Before my departure, parishioners and I will plan a series of renewal events which will parallel my own. A parish retreat will be presented for the spiritual benefit of the congregation. Our adult faith formation process will offer study and workshops based on my curriculum at the Institute in Rome. Msgr. John Smith, Rev. Rodney Thibault, along with parishioners Suzanne Medeiros, Director of Religious Education, Karen Howard, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Theology at Boston College and Diane Larkin, catechist, will present courses in Scripture, prayer, systematic theology and church history. Our Youth Ministry will post a large map in the church to chart my itinerary for our young people. “Where in the world is Father Rick?” will be part of the faith formation of our youth. I intend to create and update a page on our parish website with reflections and photos. Inviting the congregation to study and pray along with me will emphasize the importance of ongoing conversion and renewal for all disciples of Jesus.

A5: Development of this renewal program has helped our parish identify and focus on ways we can put aside comfortable complacency and open ourselves to be “renewed”. Father Degagne’s diocesan-sponsored sabbatical studies and retreat will not only update his theology and give him time for prayer but are a framework for planned parish workshops, lectures and retreats. The Clergy Renewal Program’s funding will give our pastor the opportunity to grow in Christian love and understanding as he makes pilgrimages to the Holy Land and some of the European spiritual centers of worship and prayer. Our congregation will become more aware of a “Christian world” as we learn, through lectures and workshops, of the spirit and locations associated with his itinerary. Our pastor truly lives Christ’s commandment to love one another. He has used his love of cooking and food in many ways to gather groups, old and young, around his table, feeding not only their bodies but also their souls. He also prepares gourmet dinners to raise money for the parish and to build fellowship. He says bringing people to table is part of his job description. We want him to take classes at one of the fine cooking schools of Italy for the sheer joy it will give him. Father Degagne’s other love is music. His training has brought us wonderfully enriching liturgies, utilizing the musical talents of many of our parishioners. The opportunity to enjoy and learn from the experience of performing with accomplished musicians at the music festival will be uplifting for him, further enriching the music program in our parish. Father Degagne exhibits a zest for life and alove of others, but he is always busy tending to the needs of the parish. The Clergy Renewal Program will give him time to become more happy, healthy and holy and we hope, as a congregation, to do so with him.

A6: St. John Neumann Parish is in the Diocese of Fall River, MA. Bishop George Coleman has appointed Father Rodney Thibault to be the Parochial Administrator at St. John Neumann from January thru June 2011. Father Thibault is currently the Director of Pastoral Care at the largest hospital in Southeastern Massachusetts. He has been in residence at St. John Neumann for over a year and is well known and liked by the congregation. The church support staff, ministries and organizations are all fully staffed and operate effectively. We have the additional help of retired Monsignor John Smith, who will continue to provide pastoral services to our parish as he has for the past four years. Father Thibault has participated enthusiastically in the planning process for the renewal program. He will foster our theme of “happier, healthier and holier” beginning with a celebratory send-off for Father Degagne. It will be a beautiful Mass on the feast day of St. John Neumann followed by a party in our Parish Hall. The aforementioned lectures, workshops and retreat will be part of the congregation’s renewal plan. Plans for the pastor’s return celebration are currently being developed.

A7: We plan to communicate with Father Degagne in non-intrusive ways during this very special time in his life. Communication begins by giving him a prayer calendar at the send-off celebration. The calendar will show the names of the parishioners who are praying for him each day he is away from St. John Neumann. As the spirit moves him, Father Degagne will post his reflections and photos on our parish website. Likewise, representatives from our lectures, workshops and retreat will post their thoughts and reflections for Father Degagne to read. The Senior Youth Group will maintain a poster board in the church showing “Where in the world is Father Rick?”. The regularly updated poster board will have pictures of the sites visited and a printed copy of Father Degagne’s reflections and notes from the parish website. This will especially benefit our parishioners without computer access. At various times our parish bulletin will contain discussion questions related to Father Degagne’s travels. The questions will also be used in the religious education classes to broaden the students’ knowledge and deepen their faith.

A8: The process of submitting this proposal began with the pastor discussing his diocesan approved plans for a sabbatical with ten members of the congregation. The ten people represented various age groups and ministries within the parish. In his discussions Father Degagne alerted each person to the Lilly Endowment’s website and the 2010 National Clergy Renewal Program. Each of the ten enthusiastically endorsed the possibility of submitting a proposal for a grant. The general concept was to augment the pastor’s study and retreat sabbatical with an opportunity to engage in his special interests of music, cooking and travel. The committee met as a group with the pastor and Father Thibault (who will be the temporary administrator during the pastor’s absence) several times to work out a complete renewal plan for the pastor and the entire congregation. After the plan was formulated and agreed upon, a weekend was chosen to alert the congregation and seek their endorsement. At each of the four masses on that weekend the pastor explained that the first half of 2011 was the optimum time for his needed renewal experience. He outlined the plan for study, pilgrimage, retreat, music, cooking and religious centered travel. The chairman of the renewal committee then presented the idea of submitting a grant proposal to cover the costs (not covered by the diocese) for the pastor’s and congregation’s renewal. At each Mass the congregation gave its blessing for the renewal plan with an enthusiastic ovation. Long lines of parishioners waited patiently after Masses to voice joyful response to the announcements and best wishes for obtaining the Clergy Renewal Grant.

Part B - Congregational Information

B1: St. John Neumann Parish was founded on March 7, 1984. Very significant in our short history is the building of our beautiful church which was dedicated only 5 years after our founding. Our parish community is distinctive in its warmth and inviting spirit. We have developed a reputation in our region as a parish that is hospitable and especially family and child friendly.

B2: To date, there are 3360 registered members with an active attendance of approximately 1100.

B3: FORMER PASTORS: Rev. George Harrison, 1984 to 1993; Rev. William Boffa, 1993–1995; Rev. Msgr. John Perry, 1995–2000; Rev. Msgr. Stephen Avila, 2000-2006.


Pastoral Teams: Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Festival Steering Committee.

Traditional Liturgical Ministries (approximately 350 people): altar servers; eucharistic ministers, lectors; ushers; music ministry with adult choir, youth praise choir, children’s choir, cantors and instrumentalists; sacristans; liturgy planning committee; and teams who maintain the church.

Faith Formation: 60 catechists; ongoing adult formation in scripture and theology; Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults; Eucharistic adoration; parish retreats; teams for baptism, confirmation, and marriage preparation; healing ministry.

Youth Ministry: weekly drop-ins for junior and senior youth; young adults ministry; youth retreats; peer leadership; outreach to the elderly and home-bound; Advent Giving Tree.Community Outreach: St. Vincent de Paul Society, contributions and participation in regional food pantries, clothing drives, support for Missionary Cooperative and Food for the Poor, ongoing ecumenical retreats and common prayer with our neighboring Christian communities.

Other Groups: Women’s Guild, Couple’s Club, C.Y.O basketball league.

The Annual Lakeside Family Festival: The festival involves hundreds of church volunteers and provides a wholesome holiday weekend of entertainment for the region. It is also a very important fundraiser for the parish.

B5: Congregation’s Current Annual Budget



Weekly Collections:$400,000

Parish and Diocesan

Annual Lakeside Family Festival$90,000




Salaries / Benefits$160,000

Diocesan Charges: (pass through)$60,000

Church / Rectory / Parish Center operations$240,000

Religious Education$80,000


PART C – PASTORAL INFORMATION: for Rev. Richard E. Degagne

C1: Education: 1975 – B. Music Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell

1982 – M. Divinity, St. John’s Seminary, Boston, MA.

C2: Ordination: June 5, 1982 – Ordained for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River. Assignments as parochial vicar: 1982-1986, Holy Name, Fall River, MA; 1986-1991, St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford, MA; 1991-1994, Notre Dame, Fall River, MA.

Assignments as Pastor: 1994-2000, Sacred Heart, N. Attleboro, MA; 2000-2006, Immaculate Conception, Taunton; MA 2006-present, St. John Neumann, East Freetown, MA.

C3: Diocesan Appointments: Director of Campus Ministry at U. Mass.Dartmouth; Diocesan Director of R.C.I.A.; Board of Directors: Emmaus Retreats, Engaged Encounter.

Lilly Endowment’s 2010 National Clergy Renewal Program Page 1 of 9