19th September 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,
King’s Ski Trip to Alpenparks Hotel, Matrei 15th- 23rd February 2019
Following the success of the 2017 ski trip to Italy, I am pleased to announce the opportunity for students to take part in a recreational skiing visit to Austria in February 2019.
The visit will take place over the February half term, and will cost between £930 and £950. Costs include transport and full board, as well as ski instruction and other activities, including bowling and karaoke. Additional activities and resources may be available at further cost. For further information about the trip, please see the recent ski trip presentation available via the ‘News’ section of the school website.
There are a maximum of 70 spaces available, and parents/carers who wish for their son/daughter to take part should complete and return the application form overleaf to the front officeby 4pm on Friday 29th September. No forms will be accepted after this date. Names will be drawn out of a hat to determine those students who are invited to take part, and if we receive more than 70 applications a waiting list for places will be established. Parents/carers will be advised as to whether their son/daughter has been successful in gaining a place on the trip on or soon after Monday 2nd October.
Families who are successful in gaining a place will be asked to provide a £300 non-refundable deposit to secure their place on the trip. Further detail on the payment structure for the trip will be provided once an indicative name list has been established. With regret, we are unable to provide subsidy towards this trip for families in receipt of free school meals. We would, however, be able to offer amended payment schedules for the trip to these families. Please contact the finance office, in confidence, to discuss this further.
Please also note the following:
Students will require a passport and EHIC for this trip.
Students with poor attendance or a poor behavior record may not be entered for the draw. If this is the case we will notify parents/carers their child was not being entered. An allocated place can be withdrawn if a student’s attendance or behaviour declines in between being offered a place and the trip departing. Monies received will be non-refundable.
Parents/carers have the option of applying together on one form for siblings or separately according to preference. If you apply separately and only one member of the family is selected, sibling(s) will be placed on the waiting list as with other students. Please note that siblings on the waiting list are not given priorty over other students.
All payments towards the trip will be non-refundable. If a student no longer wishes to take part after signing up for the trip, we will try to fill their place and refund parents/carers, but the school cannot guarantee that payments can be refunded.
Yours sincerely,
Mr R Cornell
Ski Trip Leader
King’s School Ski Trip 2019 ApplicationReturn to the school office no later than 4pm 29th September 2017
I would like to take part in the 2019 school ski trip. I understand that my behaviour and attendance will impact on whether I am allowed to take part.
Tutor group:
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
- I understand that my child will need a valid passport (and visa if appropriate) to take part in this trip.
- I understand that all payments towards this trip are deemed non-refundable.
- I agree to pay £300 non-refundable deposit to secure my child’s place on this trip when invited, and understand that not providing this deposit may result in my child losing their place on the trip.
- I agree that I will pay the full cost of my child’s place on this trip. I understand that in the event of my child withdrawing from the trip or being withdrawn due to poor attendance/behaviour I may be liable for the cost of their place if it is unfilled.
- I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
- I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the commencement of the visit/trip.
Parental Signature: