Whiddon-Rogers Education Center
School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2015 @ 9:30 am
Time meeting was called to order: 9:41
I. Desired Outcomes
a. Monitor School Improvement Plan (SIP)
II. Introductions
III. Welcome – Ms. Grant, Assistant Principal
IV. Review/Approve September Minutes
a. Mr. Roberson moved that we accept the minutes from September 9, 2015. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion.
V. SAC Composition Open Elections
a. SAC is formed by employees and nonemployees; Principal, teachers, BTU, students, parents, ESOL representative, ESE student, Gifted representative, non-instructional, community business representative, SGA, SHA
VI. 9/22/15 SIP Training
a. Advance ED Accreditation Executive Summary
b. This training took place on September 22, 2015
i. Ms. Gardner and Ms. Mendoza attended the meeting.
ii. AdvancEd Accreditation/Executive Summary – Ms. Gardner and Ms. Mendoza will be working on this. Input for the Executive Summary is needed from those attending the SAC meetings. Highlight staff, graduation rates, etc.
iii. Ms. Grant discussed working on our schools accreditation. It gives us a certain standard that we, as a school, have to meet. This process is done every 5 years.
VII. Administrative Report
a. Main Campus (High School and Middle School)
a. Ms. Grant (Main Campus)
i. Testing season will be starting.
ii. Ms. Davis stated that there are 9 different assessments will be taking place.
iii. Middle School students taking Civics EOC if they did not take it in Middle School.
iv. Next week is FTE week. Attendance is very important.
b. DJJ Programs and Workforce Programs
a. Mrs. Bentley
i. There are 231 inmates total and 24 felony students in the main jail. 3 students are graduating and there are currently 61 adult students.
VIII. School Advisory Forum (SAF) Report
a. 9/22/15 Central Area Advisory Meeting
i. Meeting attended by a group of individuals that represent the schools. The group is made up of parents. Latosha Fashaw will be Whiddon Rogers SAF representative.
IX. Old Business/Upcoming Events/Plans
a. Peace Day Event 9/25/15
i. Different activities were promoted during his week, such as school wide announcements. A teacher/student activity took place on our school patio that promoted peace.
b. College/Career Readiness Survival 9/30/15
i. Ms. Medlock, Ms. Humphrey, and Ms. Purnell helped with this event.
ii. Ms. Purnell spoke about the event and how various opportunities were presented to the students.
c. EOC & FSA Testing 10/12–10/30
i. Ms. Davis mentioned that students should be here and on time.
d. Lutheran Services Florida– Sandra Schwartz, Clinical Supervisor
i. Ms. Schwartz discussed absenteeism. She manages 3 different programs that deal with student and parent issues.
ii. CINS/FINS: Deals with absenteeism, truancy, ungovernability, and runaways. Ms. Schwartz briefly went through the history of the program as well as the referral and screening process for the program. Counselors will become involved with the families.
X. Questions and Concerns
a. Ms. Purnell spoke of the various opportunities for students. 11/5/15 we are having a career fair. ASVAB testing will be 11/19/15. Officer Gordon is giving test prep practice during lunch. Every Tuesday Career Prep Development occurs from 1 – 2:30.
b. Ms. Humphreys spoke of giving the students the tools they need for life after high school. College week will occur 10/19/15 – 10/22/15. Degree, financial aid information, and discussions of teacher experience will take place during this week. ACT and SAT exam information dates were also discussed. On 10/20/15 at Nova University between 5:00 – 8:00, there will be a college fair open to the public. Students will be able to find out information about various colleges. FAFSA.gov is the website used for student financial aid applications. Parent tax information is the most important information students will need to complete the application.
c. Ms. Mendoza also spoke of the importance of Free and Reduced Lunch.
d. Ms. Mendoza spotlighted various students selected by the district last year that attended a field trip. This year, on 11/19/15 and 11/20/15, they are invited to continue to build their knowledge at Nova University.
XI. Adjourn
a. Mr. Roberson moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Thompson seconded the motion.
Time meeting was adjourned: 10:34
SAC Meeting Dates:
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 (EOC Testing Day)
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Wednesday, March 16, 2015
Wednesday, April 13, 2015 (EOC/FCAT Testing Day)
Wednesday, May 25, 2015