Julius Caesar Newspaper Project
Objective: To create a newspaper with at least three different sections, all relating to Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire.
• Everyone must do number one, but may choose two others from numbers 2-10 to also complete.
1. Write a main, headline article reporting the death of Caesar. This must be a persuasive article and must cover the 5 W’s – who, what, when, where and why. Be specific when mentioning the conspirators - list their names. Quote and make reference to the public speeches of Brutus and Antony. This needs to be a persuasive article so you need to play the role or a reporter who sides with Brutus and the conspirators or Marc Antony when reporting Caesar’s death. Also remember to use the following in your article:
- Use one example each of ethos, pathos and logos in your article and highlight them in yellow in your finalcopy.
- Use one concession in your article and highlight it in pink in your final copy.
- Use three other rhetorical devices from your list and highlight them in blue in your final copy.
2. Interview with Brutus after the death or funeral speech
3. Interview with Antony after the death or funeral speech
4. Interview with another character of your choice from the play
5. Cartoon(s) depicting a scene from the play
6. Crossword Puzzle using key works from the play
7. Sports Page /Sports Even (research the most popular Roman sports)
8. Cooking/Recipe (research Italian food or the Mediterranean diet)
9. Festivities (research Roman festivities or entertainment of the time)
10. Fashion (research Roman fashion)
• If you choose a “research” option, make sure to cite where you got your information that you include in your article at the bottom of each article.
• Your main article must be at least one page, set up in two columns. The two remaining articles can each be a half page, one column each. In total you should turn in at least two pages plus a cover page.
• On your cover page, give your news paper a name that relates to the time period. Your name should appear as editor on the front cover page along with the date and class period.
• If you have Microsoft Office, Publisher is an easy program to help format yournewspaper. If you do not have Publisher, the columns can be created in Microsoft Word.
• Each article must have a title. Look at articles in a newspaper for help with titles.
DUE: ______