duPont Manual High School
Subject: Mathematics
Instructor: Ms Kathleen Geary
Text: varies based on course

Required materials:

·  Pencils/Pens, Erasers, post-it notes, index cards, and coloured pencils

·  A scientific calculator. (I strongly recommend a TI-83 plus or better. They will need one eventually)

·  Binder Paper and Graph Paper and a notebook or folder to keep material organized.


duPont Manual High School’s Phone number: 502.485.8241, Ms Geary is in room 339

E-mail: (Preferred method of communication)
Web Site:

Available after school on Tuesdays or by prior arrangement

Homework Policies:

Homework is assigned on a daily basis (including weekends and holidays.) Homework assignments are worth up to 10 points and are due at the beginning of class period on the following school day.

Late homework will be accepted but will only receive a max score of 5 points. Excused absences will be given 1 day additional day for each day the student is absent. For example: If you are absent 3 days, you will have 4 days to turn in all missing assignments.

Quizzes and Tests:

Doing daily HW will help you to prepare for quizzes and tests. Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Giving correct answers on tests and quizzes without supporting work will not always be awarded full credit. Quizzes and tests missed due to excused absences must be made up outside of class by appointment only.

A “0” will be recorded until the student has made up the test or quiz. Quizzes and tests not made up by the end of a grading period will remain a zero. Quizzes and Tests missed due to unexcused absences or school suspension cannot be made up at all. It is your responsibility to make up missing tests and quizzes.

Tardy Policy:

You must be in your seat before the bell rings to avoid being marked tardy.


All students are expected to answer questions during class and to occasionally show their work. All students are expected to take notes and to work on their assignments during class when given time to do so. Taking notes is strongly encouraged as students are allowed the use of hand-written notes on quizzes.

Rules and Expectations:

Students are expected to know and adhere to all school and district policies and behavior standards outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook of Jefferson County Public Schools and the duPont Manual High School Agenda.


Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Copying another student’s work is considered cheating. Allowing students to copy your work is also considered cheating so be sure to protect your answers during homework, quizzes and tests. Both the person who copied and the person who was copied from will earn a ZERO. Cheating on any quiz, test, and project or homework assignment will earn a grade of ZERO.

I encourage you to work with other students on homework assignments. However, be sure that the work you turn in is completely unique.

Students who cheat will be reported and acquire a Cheating File; they will not be eligible for a college recommendation from this math teacher.

Cellular phones and Electronic Devices:

Cellular phones must be turned off and inside your purse or backpack at all times. Cellular phones that are being used in any way during class will be confiscated. This is a school rule, and policy. Cell phones are a distraction, and keep you from learning.

Any electronics that are visible and/or heard anywhere on campus are eligible for confiscation. This includes but is not limited to: iPods, cameras, pagers, cellular phones, devices with games, including calculators. Students may not listen to iPods at any time in the classroom.

General Class Rules:

·  If you borrow an item, please return it to its original location.

·  Do pick up after yourself, spills are minimized if you only drink bottled water.

·  No grooming or applying make-up in the classroom.

·  No profanity, rude, loud, or disrespectful behavior.

·  No walking around the room or social conversations during class.

·  Please remain in/near your seat until the bell rings; do not crowd the door area.


Homework/Classwork – 10% of overall grade

Quizzes – 35% of overall grade

Tests – 40% of overall grade

Performance Assessments* – 15% of overall grade

* Note: Performance Assessments includes portfolio piece, ORQ’s, any District-driven assessments that may occur to obtain mastery data, and items to measure growth within the specific coursework being studied.

Grading Scale:

A / 93-100
B / 86-92.99
C / 79-85.99
D / 70-78.99
U / 0-69.99

Grading System:

Grades will be uploaded to Infinite Campus at least once a week. I try to update twice a week, but no less than once a week.

Requests for current grades will not be addressed during class. If you are not able to access your online grades, letting the teacher know that you would like a current grade prior to the beginning of class will provide the time required to access the program and retrieve the requested data.

Intervention Plan:

If you are struggling, please contact me via email ASAP. I offer tutorial assistance always on Tuesdays, and am willing to help after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but it is nice to know who is coming and when. I can meet prior to the beginning of the school day if that is your only availability due to work, clubs, or sports.

I have read and understand the expectations contained within this course information sheet. This page is your first homework assignment. Please sign this page and have your parent(s) sign this page and provide their contact information.


(Student’s name--please print) (Student’s email address)


(Student’s signature)



(Parent’s name--please print) (Parent’s email address)


(Parent’s signature)


(Parent’s contact phone number) (Any other contact information)

Additional parent/guardian (if a second residence):


(Parent’s name--please print) (Parent’s email address)


(Parent’s signature)


(Parent’s contact phone number) (Any other contact information)

Please list any special needs and or information that is important for Ms Geary to know.
