Jim Shepherd, President
Roger Leeson,
President Elect
Tom Hughes,
Past President
Steve Taynton, Treasurer
Caroline McCormick
Jim Wineberger, District 1
Eric Allen,
District 2
District 3
District 4
Wesley Curtis,
District 5
Katherine Horne,
District 6
District 7
John Cort,
District 8
State Director
Andrew LaRowe
Janell Weihs
Region Services
Call for Nominations – NC CHAPTER CEFPIPlanner of the Year
February 2, 2010
Dear Colleague,
The Board of Directors of the North Carolina Chapter of the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International (NC Chapter CEFPI) hereby calls for nominations for the 2010 North Carolina Planner of the Year. The successful nominee will be announced at the annual NC Chapter CEFPI conference to be held June 21-June 22, 2010, at the Broyhill Conference Center, Boone, NC. The Board will submit the name of the North Carolina Planner of the Year to the Council of Educational Facility Planners, International’s Southeast Region (CEFPI-SE) as North Carolina’s nominee for the Thomas Morgan SE Planner of the Year award, if the recipient is also an active member of CEFPI.
Nominations may be made by a NC Chapter CEFPI member or other educational-related professional who is actively involved in the design, planning, or management of educational facilities in North Carolina. The Board of Directors appoints a committee composed from the general membership of NC Chapter CEFPI to review and select the winner from the nominees.
NC Chapter CEFPI established the “North Carolina Planner of the Year” award to be given annually and the NC Chapter CEFPI Board has established the same criteria that CEFPI-SE uses in its selection process for the Thomas Morgan SE Planner of the Year award. The nominee shall be an active member of NC Chapter CEFPI. Once a nomination is made, the NC Chapter CEFPI Board will in turn contact the nominee to obtain a professional resume, a description of the nominee’s current role pertaining to the planning or management of educational facilities, and a one-page statement by the nominee outlining his/her philosophy and contributions to educational facilities. Letters of reference from supervisors or clients, attesting to the nominee’s professional status, may also be requested. Please start by identifying someone you think may be deserving of this recognition and providing his/her name and other information on the application you can find on the CEFPI website. If you have questions you may contact me at ith the subject “NC Chapter CEFPI Planner of the Year 2010” or by telephone (828) 251-5100. I look forward to hearing from you about the great talent we have here in North Carolina.
Please email your nominations to John Cort, Committee Chairman for Planner of the Year. Our deadline for accepting nominations is February 22, 2010.
Thank you.
John Cort
Committee Chairman