Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Guidelines for August Cycle of Review

STEPS / What to do?
1 / CCI Summer Planning / 1.  Download and save Dashboard template from REA website
2.  Complete historical (pre-CST) dashboard elements
3.  Make copies of Analysis/Review handouts for August Cycle of Review
4.  School leadership identifies 3-5 major action plan emphases in ELA, Math, and in School Culture and Safety
5.  School leadership conducts implementation analysis from leadership perspective prior to having staff conduct analysis at Cycle of Review meeting (questions from 2009-10 SPSA tool)
2 / Planning for Cycle of Review Workshop / 1.  Review the CST Charts as they are posted in AiS!!!
2.  Complete school dashboard with 2008-09 CST results
3.  Download Powerpoint (from REA website) Principals Institute Module 2 School Version for presenting at Cycle of Review meeting
4.  Edit Powerpoint
a.  replace slides 21-22 with your School CST Results pages from CST Proficiency, Trend and Performance Level Change charts-
b.  replace slides 26-28 with your school dashboard (or delete these slides and use a handout of the dashboard)
5.  Make copies (use 2008-09 end of year roster) of AiS classroom cluster and multi-year summary pages (for the appropriate subjects) for staff members to use … staff may also make own copies or use AiS “live” but the system may be slow on these days
Cycle of Review Workshop with Staff
3 / Building Context / Present the Powerpoint Principals Institute Module 2 School Version slides 1-20 in order to build context for the workshop for your staff. Modify any of these slides as needed to fit staff needs (slides 13-15 are an example of an elementary dashboard, and you may want to delete these because you will hand out the school dashboard later on). Projected time for this portion: 20 minutes
4 / Implementation Analysis / Review actions that were implemented in 2008-09… 15 minutes individually; 15 minutes grade/course level.
1.  Individual Classroom teachers analyze using “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation” page
2.  Grade/Course level groups analyze collaboratively using “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation” page
5 / Outcome Data Analysis / Review CST results from 2008-09. 60 minutes
1.  Use the school level graphs from the Powerpoint (slides 21-22).
2.  Conduct individual & grade/course analysis (activities in slides 23-24). using “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes” and “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes”
6 / Planning / Assign teachers to complete the “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes and Planning” and grade/course groups the “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes and Planning” pages for completion. Conduct this in the meeting if time permits. (60 minutes)
7 / Dashboard / If time permits, review/establish Dashboard and add Dashboard targets for 09-10.

Additional Detailed Guidelines

Step 1 – CCI Summer Planning

STEPS / What to do?
1 / CCI Summer Planning / 1.  Download and save Dashboard template from REA website
2.  Complete historical (pre-CST) dashboard elements
3.  Make copies of Analysis/Review handouts for August Cycle of Review
4.  School leadership identifies 3-5 major action plan emphases in ELA, Math, and in School Culture and Safety
5.  School leadership conducts implementation analysis from leadership perspective prior to having staff conduct analysis at Cycle of Review meeting (questions from 2009-10 SPSA tool)

1.  Download and save Dashboard template from REA website

Go to; the password in the Cycle of Continuous Improvement link is: 3REA2SPSA1

2.  Complete historical (pre-CST) dashboard elements

Use the links in the Dashboard section on the REA webpage to find the data from the appropriate report.

3.  Make copies of handouts of Classroom and grade level guiding questions

·  Classroom Level Pages

o  Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation

o  Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes

o  Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Planning

·  Grade/Course Level Pages

o  Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation

o  Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes

o  Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Planning

These pages are for use by staff to capture classroom and grade/course level analysis, reflection and planning. The responses on these forms can be collected and synthesized into the SPSA tool by the School Leadership, along with the School Leadership’s prior analysis.

These pages can be used by all teachers, regardless of subject, and regardless of whether there was a CST in that subject. While the SPSA tool data entry will focus on ELA and Math as subject areas, the analysis by teachers can cover any subjects/courses/grades you choose.

4.  School leadership selects 3-5 major actions in ELA, Math, and School Culture/Safety for review: For each subject, identify the implementation actions that were a focus for your school.

  1. School leadership conducts implementation analysis prior to staff (from SPSA tool): The school leadership will have some ideas/evidence about how well the 3-5 major focus actions were implemented (based on walk-throughs, observations, etc.). Use this time to capture an analysis (the questions are in the SPSA tool for 2009-10). The analysis can be saved on your computer, or be written it right into the SPSA tool. The staff can turn in their analysis on the Classroom and Grade level pages, which can then be synthesized with School Leadership’s analysis, to create the final product in the SPSA tool by August 31.

Step 2 – Planning for Cycle of Review Workshop

STEPS / What to do?
2 / Planning for Cycle of Review Workshop / 1.  Review the CST Charts as they are posted in AiS!!!
2.  Complete school dashboard with 2008-09 CST results
3.  Download Powerpoint (from REA website) Principals Institute Module 2 School Version for presenting at Cycle of Review meeting
4.  Edit Powerpoint
a.  replace slides 21-22 with your School CST Results pages from CST Proficiency, Trend and Performance Level Change charts- use as many slides as needed)
b.  replace slides 26-28 with your school dashboard (or delete these slides and use a handout of the dashboard)
5.  Make copies (use 2008-09 end of year roster) of AiS classroom cluster and multi-year summary pages (for the appropriate subjects) for staff members to use … staff may also make own copies or use AiS “live” but the system may be slow on these days

1.  Review the CST Charts as they are posted in AiS!!! REA expects the CST Charts to be posted sometime the first week in August on the REA website and in the Static reports section of AiS. For schools that have any of the grade levels 6-8, student scores will arrive without any performance levels for the CMA test. It may take the State several months to provide performance levels for the CMA, so the charts will be posted in August without the benefit of knowing these scores. A note on the initial CST Charts for schools with any grades 6-8th:

  1. The CST charts will be produced with 6th-8th grade CMA students counted initially as “Not proficient.” This will be a fair indicator of proficiency rate trends, because we are counting the CMA students (who already scored FBB or BB on a previous CST) as not proficient in 2009, pending the determination of their performance level.

2.  Complete school dashboard with 2008-09 CST results: REA will add new links to the Dashboard page on the REA website when the CST charts are completed, so the 2008-09 column can be completed on your dashboard for the CST related items.

3.  Download Powerpoint (from REA website) Principals Institute Module 2 School Version for presenting at Cycle of Review meeting

4.  Edit Powerpoint

a.  replace slides 21-22 with your School CST Results pages from CST Proficiency, Trend and Performance Level Change charts- use as many slides as needed)

b.  replace slides 26-28 with your school dashboard (or delete these slides and use a handout of the dashboard)

5.  Make copies (use 2008-09 end of year roster) of AiS classroom cluster and multi-year summary pages. Depending on staff’s proficiency in finding their classroom’s scores in AiS, you may want to approach this differently. If the staff all have laptops and capacity, you may want to have them access AiS “live” and skip this step of printing reports for them. Or you may want to have them print off their own reports. The main point here is,”do whatever works best for them to be able to access their AiS reports at the appropriate time!

Step 3 – Building Context

STEPS / What to do?
3 / Building Context / Present the Powerpoint Principals Institute Module 2 School Version slides 1-17 in order to build context for the workshop for your staff. Modify any of these slides as needed to fit staff needs (slides 13-15 are an example of an elementary dashboard, and you may want to delete these because you will hand out the school dashboard later on)

The school version of the CCI module 2 will be a great tool to build context for the Cycle of Review workshop. The first 17 slides and the talking notes introduce the idea of a Cycle of Review, and how the dashboard and the SPSA tool will fit in to that. Some slides may be eliminated, or can be added to as needed. Generally, spend 15-30 minutes orienting the staff to how the Cycle of Continuous Improvement is going to be a lens for reviewing the school’s work all through the school year.

Step 4 – Implementation Analysis

4 / Implementation Analysis / Review actions that were implemented in 2008-09
1.  Individual Classroom teachers analyze using “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation” page
2.  Grade/Course level groups analyze collaboratively using “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Implementation” page

It is important to review implementation completely and separately before outcomes so that we are grounded in WHAT WE DID before we look at CST results. This can be a 30-45 minute process after Step 3.

Use the same 3-5 key actions implemented school-wide in 2008-09 that were identified over the summer (Choose actions for both ELA and Math; use a different set of Analysis and Reflection forms for each subject—schools may also add school culture and safety, HSS or Science actions for review by teachers).

1.  Utilizing the “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection – Implementation*” tool from the REA website in the SPSA section, have each teacher reflect upon their classroom implementation of each of the identified 3-5 actions. In this process they will include a rating of their implementation (1-4 using the rubric provided at the bottom of the page), thoughts about strengths and weaknesses and a chance to reflect upon their needs to strengthen implementation.

2.  Have the teachers come together as grade/course level to discuss and summarize their reflections on the “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection – Implementation.” Collect this from the grade level upon completion.

A short “report out” activity can be created after the staff reviews.

After the Cycle of Review workshop, the school leadership team should then collect and review staff responses along with the analyses from the school leadership team in July/August (walk-through data, grade level notes, etc.) to complete the implementation section in the SPSA Tool.

Step 5 - Outcome Data Analysis

5 / Outcome Data Analysis / Review CST results from 2008-09.
1.  Use the school level graphs from the Powerpoint (slides 21-22).
2.  Conduct individual & grade/course analysis (activities in slides 23-24). using “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes” and “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes”

1.  Start with a school-wide presentation of the CST Results – consider the following questions to guide your presentation:

·  Overall, how is the school performing in ELA/Mathematics (e.g., AYP)

·  What changes do you observe in % of students at each performance level?

·  How are specific sub-groups performing?

·  How are specific grade/course levels contributing to the overall performance?

·  Which grades showed the largest gaps to proficiency or have experienced declines?

·  Overall, how did the performance of your students change from one year to the next? How did students in particular performance levels perform?

2.  Provide your teachers (either in AiS or printed) with their 2008-09 CST results along with these guiding questions from the “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection – Outcomes” form.

The questions on the form will cover the following areas:

·  How did your students do overall?

·  Did you have any areas of focus (e.g., specific strands or standards)? If so, how did they do there?

·  What was your largest “gap to proficient” in the CST Clusters?

·  If possible, also compare students performance level change from the year before to last year

·  Any other questions you think are appropriate based on your school-wide analysis (e.g., if ELs decreased in % proficient, then you might want to specifically request them to speak to the performance of ELs in their classroom and grade level)

After an individual/classroom review, have them compile, reflect and discuss as a grade level. Have them complete their “general statements about classroom outcomes”. Additionally, now that they have thought about implementation and looked at their outcomes, have them complete the Summary and Reflection Questions:

What needs of last year’s students did not get addressed?

What specific school-wide programs/interventions or leadership or teacher actions do you think MOST positively impacted the school results? Why? How can this program be enhanced/expanded?

What specific school-wide programs/interventions or leadership or teacher actions do you think LEAST positively impacted the school results? Why? Does the program/intervention need to be dropped or revised?

Admin/Leadership team should collect and review these completed tools along with your own information to complete the outcome review section of the SPSA Tool

Step 6 - Planning

6 / Planning / Assign teachers to complete the “Prior Year Classroom Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes and Planning” and grade/course groups the “Prior Year Grade/Course Level Analysis and Reflection—Outcomes and Planning” pages for completion. Conduct this in the meeting if time permits.

If time permits during the Cycle of Review workshop, teachers can complete the planning section of the Classroom Analysis and Reflection—Planning form, and the Grade/Course level version as well. Otherwise, assign the task to teachers to return to you after the next grade/department meeting.