Instructions to Agencies for Appropriating Federal Stimulus Funds under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

Department of Planning and Budget

April, 2009

Instructions for Submitting Appropriation Requests


Overview and Purpose...... 3

Step 1: FATS...... 3

Step 2: Aid-to-Localities Spreadsheet...... 4

Electronic submission...... 4

Appendix A - 2009 Appropriation Act, Item 475.50...... 6

Overview and Purpose

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) was signed into law on February 17, 2009, allocating approximately $4.8 billion in direct appropriation to Virginia to span state fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011. These instructions allow agencies to submit relevant information to request appropriation authority from the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) for funds received through a competitive or formula grant. Formula grants include but are not limited to those listed in Item 475.50 of the 2009 Appropriation Act (Appendix A). All information requested is necessary to properly account for distributed funds and to meet federal reporting requirements.

Please be aware that the way in which agencies request appropriation for federal stimulus funding may change as federal guidelines are finalized.

Step 1: FATS

Agencies must complete requests for funding through submission of FATS transactions type “H.” A separate FATS transaction is required for each federal grant. The request(s) must be made at the appropriate subobject level, without the use of convenience codes, and must use fund detail(s) assigned by the Department of Accounts that is unique to the ARRA funds. Requested amounts should reflect only the amounts expected to be expended in the state fiscal year in which the request is made.

Requirements for FATS Transaction Brief:

  • Description of use of funds (e.g. service expansion, new service, one-time cost, recurring cost)
  • Description of state matching and/or maintenance or effort requirements
  • Description of any state supported commitments that will continue after grant funding ends
  • Description of additional positions required as a condition of receiving the grant
  • Identify key measures or agency measures impacted by the federal grant funding (if none, describe how the program will be measured)
  • Any estimated economic impacts, including jobs created or saved (include number, types, and duration of jobs)
  • Revenue Source Code(s)
  • Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number(s) (note: Please verify accuracy of CFDA number(s). New and updated numbers are being created.)
  • If applicable, identify formula grant name under Item 475.50, Paragraph B.1 in the 2009 Appropriation Act

Please note that your DPB budget analyst may ask for additional information about the grant or the use of the funds.

Step 2: Aid-to-Localities (ATL) Spreadsheet

Agencies must complete a spreadsheet detailing the distribution of federal stimulus funding to regions or localities. This form must be submitted with the FATS request(s) and can be downloaded at the Department of Planning and Budget’s Website ( click on “Documents and Forms” link, in blue column at left, type in “stimulus” in search window).

Important reminders –

  • A separate spreadsheet must be completed for each federal grant.
  • For subsequent FATS requests, this spreadsheet must be updated and resubmitted only if distributions by locality change.
  • Refer to the “Instructions” tab for definitions of column headings.

Requirements for ATL Spreadsheets:

  • Estimated amount, by year, for the entire grant and not just the amount requested in the initial FATS request.
  • Locality distributions by FIPS code; each locality (county, city, town) must be listed on a separate row.
  • For region-based distributions in which distributions by locality are unknown, enter the region name in column F and the associated dollar amounts in columns G through I. Then, on the tab labeled “RegionDefinitions,” enter each region name in column B and then on a separate row, all localities in that region and their associated FIPS codes. Localities may be included in different regions depending on the grant, so be sure to include all localities falling under each region.
  • Forms must be saved in the following format: Three-digit agency code followed by StimulusATL (e.g. 122StimulusATL).

Electronic Submission

Agencies must submit their stimulus requests to the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) at , with copies sent to their respective DPB budget analyst.

Make sure to include:

1)FATS transaction numbers in body of email

2)Associated ATL spreadsheet(s)

Helpful Links

Virginia Stimulus Website

Virginia Department of Accounts (DOA) Stimulus Accounting and Reporting Information

VirginiaDepartment of Planning and Budget

Federal Stimulus

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

Appendix A

Table, Item 475.50, Paragraph B.1 of the 2009 Appropriation Act

B. Apportionment

1. The following table represents the estimated potential revenues to be received from the federal distributions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act:

Medicaid - Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage / $1,284,768,015
Medicaid - Disproportionate Share Hospitals / $4,344,643
Foster Care and Adoption / $13,360,349
Immunization / $5,621,650
Fiscal Stabilization - Education / $983,865,903
Fiscal Stabilization - General / $218,904,149
Title 1 - Grants to Local Education Authorities / $165,311,666
Title 1 - School Improvement / $47,913,000
Part B of the IDEA - Special Education / $281,415,033
Part B of the IDEA - Preschool Special Education / $9,470,492
Part C of the IDEA - Early Intervention Services / $10,265,580
Educational Technology / $10,801,292
Education for Homeless / $1,009,000
Work Study / $3,743,333
Vocational Rehabilitation / $11,601,624
Independent Living / $342,443
Highways and Bridges / $694,461,000
Transit Capital Grants - Urban / $93,340,956
Transit Capital Grants - Rural / $18,555,163
Rail Modernization - Fixed Guideway / $4,209,386
Drinking WaterState Revolving Fund / $20,761,000
Clean WaterState Revolving Fund / $80,826,900
Weatherization / $96,931,634
State Energy Program / $69,266,744
Emergency Food and Shelter / $1,247,314
The Emergency Food Assistance Program / $1,704,161
Food Stamp Administration / $5,300,000
School Lunch Equipment / $2,194,703
Elderly Nutrition / $3,029,000
CCDF Childcare / $37,892,000
Head Start / $11,179,767
Community Services Block Grant / $16,009,000
Public Housing Capital Fund / $51,212,000
Community Development Block Grant - Entitlement / $11,311,643
Community Development Block Grant - Non-Entitlement / $5,331,340
HOME Investment Partnerships Program / $44,189,767
Homelessness Prevention / $24,934,000
Crime Victims Assistance Grants / $1,013,000
Crime Victims Compensation / $345,687
Internet Crimes Against Children / $1,901,510
Violence Against Women / $5,516,971
Byrne Justice Assistance Grant / $39,369,013
Unemployment Insurance Administration / $13,737,000
Employment Service / $8,596,000
Community Service for Older Americans / $2,570,474
Workforce Investment Act - Adult / $5,280,438
Workforce Investment Act - Youth / $13,113,750
Dislocated Workers / $13,564,389
Food Stamp Benefits / $355,000,000
Child Support Enforcement / $40,400,000
TOTAL / $4,847,033,882