2012 - 2013
Mrs. Ivey Douglas County High School
Room 331 email:
AP Biology is a college course that is taught in high school. It is a very demanding course that is equivalent to two college semesters of a freshman science course. This course is designed to prepare students for the AP Biology Exam in May. Students in AP Biology will only succeed if they appreciate that this course will be taught at the college level and will be challenging. It is recommended that students in AP Biology be prepared to spend hours of study time and homework time.
- 3 ring binder
- Loose leaf notebook paper
- Pen (only blue or black ink)
- Pencils (only number 2 lead, mechanical acceptable)
- Colored Pencils (optional)
- Calculator
Attendance is CRITICAL. Class work grades that require participation cannot be made up. Missing a laboratory with an unexcused absence will result in a zero. Please plan doctor appointments for different times than the AP Biology class days. Some labs will not be possible to make up for one student. Please try to be in class for all lab days.
Grades will be calculated using the following percentages:
Tests and Projects= 50%
Labs and Lab Reports= 25%
Class work, Homework, Quizzes= 25%
A=90%-100% / B=80%-89% / C=74%-79% / D=70%-74% / F=69% and belowMAKE UP WORK
Students must have an excused absence to make up missed work. (Refer to the student handbook for the DCHS policy on make-up work.)
*Exams/tests must be made up within 3 days of return.
*Projects (long and short term assignments) must be turned in on the due date even if the student is absent. Late projects will be severely penalized.
*Student Activity Days do not constitute an absence. Student work must be turned in at the appropriate time.
1. You are required to keep all of your work in a 3 – ring binder notebook.
2. You should bring your notebook to class EVERY DAY !
- Immediately follow the teacher’s directions.
- Follow ALL classroom procedures.
- Keep YOUR hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Unless YOU have permission to speak, talk only about your work.
- Stay on task, complete and turn in assignments in allotted time.
- Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings. Please have your homework turned in, pencil sharpened and be ready to start class. Only use these materials in class: paper, pencil, pen, notebook/binder and textbook.
- Inappropriate behavior (language or acts) will not be tolerated and will result in detention, administrative referral, and a phone call to your parents.
- Laboratories: Any disruption during lab will be taken seriously as it could put the student or other students in a dangerous situation. You will be asked to return to your seat and given a zero on the lab and assigned book work.
- Food, Drink, Candy: No food is allowed in the classroom at any time. You can have a drink in class as long as the drink is in a bottle with a screw-on cap.
- Do not remove anything from the classroom that does not belong to you. Be respectful of others.
- No one will be allowed to leave class until all materials are put in the proper place and the classroom is clean. Also, the bell does not dismiss you….the teacher does.
- You will not be permitted to leave the classroom during lecture, tests or quizzes. You will be allowed to leave the room ONLY in cases of an EMERGENCY. Otherwise, you must wait until a more appropriate time.