Ms. Ballinger-Gr. 2
Ketterlinus Elementary 67 Orange Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084
PH 904.547.8540
Your child received information about the upcoming gifted screening assessment. If you DO NOT want your child screened, return the bottom portion of the letter, completed and signed, by Oct. 10.Celebrations
Birthday wishes go out this month to Elijah on 10/3, Karly on 10/19, and Cecilia on 10/20. Have a happy, happy day!
Our recent Student of the Week was Sophie. She shows good character each day.
In recognition of Celebrate Freedom Week, Sept. 26-30, Anthony, Karly, Eleanor, and Sophie recited the Declaration of Independence passage (yes, from memory) for Mrs. Tucker, and received recognition on the morning announcements. I am proud of all the students for practicing fluent reading, including Brenton, Elijah, Cecilia, Navi, Addyson, Amy, Gabrielle, Sadie, Alijah, Levi, Adrianna, Sascha, and Reagan.
Accelerated Reader Updates
As of this writing, 8 students have met or exceeded the first grading period goal of 10 points by Oct. 14: Anthony, Amy, Gabrielle, Karly, Brenton, Adrianna, Elijah, and Sascha.
Reagan, Navi, Eleanor, and Levi are s-o-o close! EVERY student has shown determination and perseverance.
Class Dojo: Growth Mindset-Episode 4-The Mysterious World of Neurons
We’re watching a video series in Class Dojo about how students can develop a growth mindset. Watch it at: and ask your child these questions.
1. What part of the brain did you learn about in this episode?
2. What did you do today to make connections between your neurons?
3. What is one big challenge that
has helped grow your brain?
What’s a new challenge you
want to tackle now?
Fire Prevention and Safety Poster Contest
Your child is encouraged to make a poster at home to enter in our school’s Fire Prevention Poster Contest sponsored by the St. Augustine Fire Dept. First and second-gr. students will compete in the Fire Marshal category. Two winners from this category will be selected to represent KES, along with two from grades 3-4.
Rules-1. Poster must be on standard poster paper, 22X28, in order to qualify. 2. Poster must be done by student only. 3. Any student whose parent is a St. Aug firefighter is not eligible to compete. 4. Poster may be drawn, pasted, painted, or colored with markers or crayons.
5. Awards will be given on Oct. 27 at 10:00 a.m. at the fire station at 101 Malaga Street.
Do not include the child’s name on the poster.
A page with this information was sent home on Sept. 30.
PLEASE return the poster to school by Wed., Oct. 19 to allow time to display and for school judging. The winning school posters will be picked up by the fire dept. on Oct. 21.
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